hospitality management on demand
Scottish thistle flower arrangement at wedding reception
Smoked Salmon Blinis Appetizer
free 20 minute event consultation
Whatever your occasion why not call for a chat and talk about what we could do to add that wee bit scottish flare to your experience
Edinburgh Castle Landscape
Portrait of Scottish poet Robert Burns
Some hae meat and canna eat And some wad eat that want it But we hae meat and we can eat Sae let the Lord be Thank it
Edinburgh Castle stamp
I m sorry what s he saying about his meat
Say a little prayer as Aretha Franklin would say To be exact she said I say a little prayer for you forever and ever you ll stay in my heart this reminds me of the sentiment of Burns work it s a note of despair the way falling in love is despair that hope that is right on the edge of hopelessness like your last ever hope is barely clinging too Yet invoking the Devine here the holy blessing that faith is to those that possess it we are being asked by Burns to be mindful of those less fortunate than ourselves while we indulge It is a quintessential Burns comment before any formal meal for me it s all about finding that uniquely Scottish balance of being able to indulge and enjoy ourselves without being ignorant of those who have not the chance It s a poem about the have s and the have not s and how we reconcile disparity in our society For my tuppence worth I would say we are still having that profound debate now the socialist soul of Scotland can be found in these words while we enjoy the banquet or the meal that we have before us and relieve that to be celebrated human sense for justice fairness in our community
The Balmoral Hotel, a historic building in Edinburgh - Scotland
Like a hobbit version of connery s bond
Tartan Background Detail
Everything from Traditional HOTELS pubS to award winning Nightclubs and michelin starred restaurants Iain has pretty much done it all
Floral Corner Frame
over 20 years serving and catering to a broad spectrum of premium and super premium family couple group and individuals international clients from the world of business politics and the world of showbiz royalty and new media forms of entertainment these skills can be employed and deployed at your whimsical demand by calling the holism desk and choosing
consider it dunn
Quaiche dish - A Celtic Toasting Cup
master of ceremonies
leading your wedding ceremony will be your celebrant of course however it s those spaces between where we often need an extra person juke box person maybe there s CEREMONy where a toastmaster can ensure things are moving along punctually Something as simple taking a bunch of gifts or caked and coordinating with the kitchen and service staff where needed The joy of weddings is tiny bits of managed chaos that make something memorable and beautiful rather than stiff or awkward iain will go above and beyond to help your day go how you want it gracefully smoothing over any bumps on the road those unforeseeable chaos elements
Scotch whisky on tartan
Formal or completely informal whisky tasting events often dependant on the volume of whisky sampled
Cognac and cigar. glass and bottle of elite cognac, whiskey with cigar made from the possible tobacco.
INCLUDES A whisky history talk tasting notes explained additional content can be provided such as poems readings and no limit on whisky spending on whisky is negotiable none of the prices here include food or beverage
Tartan wool
MUCKING IN hands on help
All those years of hospitality have not scarred Iain so much that he won t pick up a glass pour drinks or take food to your guests should the need arise and in whatever way is need be disposable to make sure things go smoothly like a chalet girl but hairy and hobbit like Mucking in is exactly that maybe it s a hospitality emergency and you need some support for a short period agency style booking and you can expect to see Iain chipping in whatever way is needed on the big day or at your venue and thus you have an extra safety net pair of hands
Hand Holding Tray with Champagne Glasses
Iain s first formal employment was aged 15 years dressing up as santa the beard suit etc so that s not weird at all then eh just one example of the many wackadoodle shall we say broad spectrum of experiences he has had

Serious Hospitality Management work began for Iain in the dundee student socialite scene - which is as good as it’s reputation in terms of fun and lively nights out. Iain worked in various hospitality venues & CLUBS in Dundee throughout 2002 -2005, 3 & 4 star level.

notably Iain contributed a lot of time and energy to the renovation of a nightclub into

a now legendary 80's theme bar this was before the 80's revival, ahead of it’s time. Yes he is that old. he thrived with the spontaneous nature of this work. dundee’s students benefitted from iain occasionally getting peoples drinks right and some epic karaoke renditions of non-ironic, fully committed ricky martin and backstreet boys numbers. This discovery that being behind a bar increased his height by about 10% seemed to have produced an uptake in interested romantic leads from females by several hundred %...and so romance became a bigger part of iains life, romance with being slightly more attractive behind a bar.

iain did a lot of retail too, george street brands such as white stuff - mens formal wear, next menswear, a gadget shop...the generation of gadget shops that enabled one to spend a working day demonstrating remote controlled toys in a large shopping mall. iain was a university student in politics & Philosophy while he was in dundee but this time was spent on the above or some aft gang a glee moderately polite protesting and campaigning against certain wars and poverty etc. after completing scottish history with distinction learning of Charles Rennie MAcintosh in particular became an obsession of his - iain felt like academic achievement was a habit of the very dull and pedestrian and iain seems to love going the path less tread etc and so he did the now cool but wasn’t then thing for bat shit types - drop out. Iain went pro hospitality career at that point age 21 and managing a traditional bar had become something of a quiet ambition of iain’s.

Hotel work was a real highlight of iains career

a little more sedate era followed the studenty madness of dundee and so between

2003 - 2007 iain was in fact often fully sedated...while he did a little night manager shifts - again this is before it was james bond level sexy cool to do this job it was in fact rather unglamorous by the sounds; night shifts; otherwise known as fridge raiding... allowed iain some study...of food, wine and cheese...Iain i am sorry to out here was in fact the balgeddie larder mouse...it was these habits and others that cemented the young man’s night owl tendencies and these became a lovely work life balance of a lifetime.

iain clocked his first award winning service provision around 2006 which was in weddings and would start a long career of many thousands of weddings he has served, planned, setup or ran on the day. so many magical moments that left their mark upon the stoic soul of iain Dunn... and indeed sometimes they literally left an actual mark.., like damage to property and staff etc - these were fife weddings back then mind...

anyway;these weddings warmed the poets heart and stoked the old romantic DNA within iain. Literally, dna was meh not being dished out quite as much as you’d think around this time, career focus was a thing - but we digress. it is around here that iain rediscovered a connection to his burns ancestry, through The songs and music of his forefather; which were bringing so much joy and tradition and love to others jigging around those epic halls.and yet here is this secret descendant of burns penguin suited tray carrier; was neglecting to celebrate fully that heritage himself in anyway at all.

the practice of Reciting burns out loud wouldn’t become a hobby of iain’s until many years later when he turned 30 and got spooked about time passing etc and he got that longing for his roots, some hills and rain and his culture and his heritage. That longing remains unsatisfied, insatiable need to understand how those works could have influence today.

bar and service Management roles were enjoyed at Balgeddie house hotel & later Balbirnie house hotel famously one of scotland’s finest wedding venues, both have a special place within iains memory - these are golf course adjacent but not too heavy on the BMW wankers, so, one shouldn’t hold that against fife in general there is more than just golf paradise for tank topped wankers etc. the garden at balbirnie is truly, memorably gorgeous in the summertime and the winter and the autumn...spring is also a great time there.

iain would Work briefly for Macdonald hotels and resorts, based in the trossachs forrest hills hotel; one of the most stunning garden bar locations and a wee bit off the beaten track there.

gaining great whisky appreciation here was a good thing for iain and sometimes learning the consequences of failure is extremely valuable.

Iain really started to enjoy running weddings from start to finish and again iain is around romance spending the day getting to know a family and catering to them throughout a special day, potentially a perfect day for many, iain will have been a part of the best day of their life. this is an immense honour and great fun. This time working in the north of scotland also allowed iain access to the highlands, distilleries, the smoke houses and just the locations and scenery of scotland all having a special place in his heart.

highland games & equestrian events

providing contracted hospitality at five Star level experience and premium hospitality in outdoor spaces and temporary setups taught iain that he did not want to do too much of this sort of work. “not for all the gold in fort knox” he says would he consider working with horses and alcohol again. think that comment tells us all we need to know.

Cocktail barman Edinburgh 2006/7 Iain claims to have invented the VODKA red bull by accident - however unless he has a time machine he is talking ‘shite’. he went from pulling pints to making mojitos and long island iced tea... which should only be had on long island, where those american measures happen. Anyway Cocktails, again iain found a female attention upgrade and it is hard to argue that this was not the main thing keeping iain’s adhd brain in this work also a lack of ability to imagine himself doing anything else.

then came the Balmoral Hotel who risked iain as a lead bar man back in wedding heaven - now at the absolute top of the scottish wedding food chain - he was working with the award winning finest here. he excelled well and was quickly promoted to the lofty sounding ‘headwaiter’ which meant iain was providing a full service. that sounds a bit wrong. We could talk all day about the balmoral he says - glad to visit some of his earlier career - stay tuned for tales of BAlmoral hotel;

Banquets, Weddings & Events Headwaiter took iain up to his health crisis and the loss of his mother lead to his great career shift to running his own business - iain is adamant about never returning to employment but loves great hospitality!

Lead Barman, Headwaiter

2007- 2012

Assistant Studio manager & lead instructor at

pilates works, balanced & Pilates Hub

Volunteering roles in the talking therapy fields




Scottish highland
Iain has cycled the length of the country literally lands end to john o groats and knows edinburgh to be quite possibly the best place in the world to live visiting is Sadly limited by having to go home eventually but coming to edinburgh offers so much of scotland to the visitor
Sheep in Nature
Iain remains unable to identify the shiny thing he is standing next to in this photo Poor Iain is afflicted with what we call in scotland Big daft jessie syndrome iain only survived the scottish school system by being fat enough for rugby and a reliable human shield in dodgeball indeed most scottish kids do not survive diabetes heart disease etc anyway so what s the point getting them to run about as surely this is just delaying the inevitable this was the accepted culture and approach to kids fitness in the 90 s it is said in scottish legend that in ancient times when a clan found a male like iain to be so deeply unfit and uncoordinated like a new born baby horse when playing football described perhaps as cannae kick a baw to save his life in the days of the highland clans certain punishment of death by exile would await such woeful scottish children the shame would often take the lives of parents of jessies as they would be called fortunately things are a little better today iain sends his solidarity to others out there and hopes his story of always being crap at football but not really being called out for it too much over the years as an example to others Iain has consistently refused events which one might describe as a weinerfest or a sausage party in english in old scots one might describe the classic sportsmans dinner as a parcel o cunts so anything centring around golf football motor racing etc please don t contact Mr Dunn for this anything where the majority is male and there are almost no females or alternatives there it will be a terrible event genuinely many other forms of Torture would be preferable to sports centred events for the biggest of big jessie s Iain f DunN
Robert Burns as depicted on a Scottish Banknote.
I used to harp on about my direct relation to burns heart of a poet and all that but i realised given his notoriety as a romantic randy bugger but hopefully not creepy way it is possible that half the central belt of scotland is unknowingly related to him as well
Печать Flower Decoration Illustration
Scottish tartan pattern
Continental global types are fun to observe at haggis they are amazed by it yes this is considered food here this country has been through a lot ok
Haggis festivities need not demand eating this stuff ok it is the vegan era and there are great alternatives out there iain has a recipe for a fully vegan haggis supper which has had rave reviews and this can be shared but not copied and passed on as it is intellectual property of Iain F Dunn if you or any of your guests order haggis but decide that they do not like it iain will dispose of theirs for no extra charge aslo the disposal of any excess whisky is complimentary with all bookings Why not book a haggis course only and it doesn t have to be a full Chieftain haggis on display with it being the bulk of the meal for your guests simply by making it an after dinner buffet item or even a canapé is lovely novelty now and gives the excuse to theme an evening without landing us all with nuclear heartburn and needing a nap and a lie down halfway through your event
Scottish Haggis
Bunch of red roses on white background
Robert Burns (1759-1796) title page and portrait from THE WORKS OF ROBERT BURNS, 1850. Includes image of Burns birthplace.
Ripped Paper Line Texture
Burns embodies the concept of Romantic primitivism his poetry exemplifies the glorification of the common man the individual educated by life and nature
After Dinner speaking
iain doesn t do full on stand up not intentionally anyway but can talk for scotland when needed to lift the mood a bit and sometimes a somber occasion can benefit from a distraction such as a poem or a reading from scottish or world literature Funny stories and anecdotes are retold by iain with a manner suitable to the formality level of your event expect audience interactions for sure but it s not old fashioned sports dinner stuff inclusive and non offensive banter suitable for age group as specified hobby level dance and performing arts experience has given this wee man the gift o the gab as they say iain can loosen up the stiffest of rooms the ultimate ice breaker services inspired by the famous scottish art of the banter or patter
beautiful european night club interior
Male pole dancer silhouette 01
Devil horn silhouette
Pole Dancing Woman Silhouette
Great male flamenco dancer silhouette
Pole Dancing Woman Silhouette
stripadvisor adults only events
21 and Above Sign
Heart LGBTQ Illustration
Red Devil Tail Vector
well not at the start of the night Adult only events are awesome I am totally happy to make arrangements for some naughty fun for mixed groups where there is a positive inclusive culture it is laddish culture that one cannot abide nor shall i the culture a group has will govern this but please ask if this is a curiosity
I Do not offer stag or hen planning as such however a sexy rainbow do is a new option on the menu where anyone is welcome and actually no one is needing to even get married for one of these parties finally we have come up with an excuse to drag everyone along haha
speaking of naughty fornicators hedonism is pretty much on tap in edinburgh
Old tunnel in Edinburgh.
Story telling for young and old Do you like scary stories Edinburgh and Scotland is full of them and Iain has experienced a few weird goings on also you could arrange a pure story telling session with Iain for the little ones or sort of little but mainly adult kid mix scenarios that are in need of little non technology entertainments whatever age and audience historic and artistic and spooky Scotland has the perfect story for any rainy day Appropriate material can be recommended from experience or Iain will take requests from any of Burns work good old internet means renditions don t depend on the quality of anyines memory these days and so Scottish Songs and Poems are all there at our finger tips to explore and interpret and elaborate on for enthusiasts of Scottish History Culture her comedy
ghost stories old Folks tales
horror gore murder mysteries unsolved from the leith and edinburgh folklore book a bike or walking tour for groups 2 up to 8
Close-Up Shot of a Wand beside Potions
Lightning Flash Overlay
wands on the ready
Burns can be a tad stiff luckily we have many other cultural icons to enjoy here in edinburgh and so iain s love of the potterverse safe to use that phrase i think can be shared celebrated and enjoyed by those here to see the city and would like to connect the reality of the city with the magic and fantasy of the book edinburgh literary pop culture tours available which are a light hearted approach to getting
Stylized Medieval Character Wizard
Attention Loch Ness Monster. Caution Nessie. Yellow Triangle Roa
supernatural scotland tours
you cannot think of scotland without thinking of her greatest mulder and scully level mystery our ufo s our bigfoot we have ufo s also but it s the beastie in the loch that s most commercially viable oops i mean scientifically viable totally legit and not at all the worlds oldest monster hoax
Loch Ness Monster
do you believe paranormal investigation tours around edinburgh s most haunted locations
Billing for CID events broadcasts
master of ceremonies full day rates comprehensive packages for weddings available
BURNS NIGHTS BESPOKE EVENTS numbers 4 up to 10 30pp Numbers 10 up to 100 15pp
whisky tastings 30pp minimum 4 guests
Storytelling up to 1hr on location groups 4 10 30pp NUmbers 10
burns talks on location with classical readings from 10 PP min of 6
Mucking In 25ph 4hr minimum 100
third wheel 20ph up to 3hr call out minimum 60
chaperone day rates are available on request for those most epic of scottish adventures once in a lifetime experiences for the super premium travel enthusiast who s done it all NESSIE HUNTING OR HUMAN BUFFET WHATEVER IT IS HE knows AND that local banter is a bankable asset and needs a wingman TRY THIS hobbit wingman
Heart LGBTQ Illustration
21 and Above Sign
BILLING PROCESS general procedures everyone over 21 for alcohol SERVING events if kids ARE IN GROUPS they must have an adult with them 16 21yr olds as long as they have an adult with them all good no worries if it we have a large group of kids under 16 each kid must have an adult with them as in 1 1 ratio of kids Parents please if we agree on a scenario slightly deviating from these general rules all good we will hammer that out in our contract Holism other suppliers can be included in your CID booking for example do you need any conzierge goods dropped off any transport needs could be handled by bike that is music to our ears Bookings and payments are handled by HOLISM inc After your free consultation in person or phone lasting max of 20mins You ll receive a proposed contract an invoice for whole job excluding any consumables ie food and beverages sourced or delivered a quotes over 5 000 50 downpayment is accepted with account closure upon service completion For all Quotes below 1 000 full payment before the date of service is required or cancellation shall be initiated American express is not accepted although most other credit cards are fine payment in advance will require bacs transfer account details will be included
Light blue and grey textured textile wool material background with diagonal stripes
thanks for visiting my site if you are an old friend or colleague I would love to hear from you there is a great deal of demand plenty opportunities for good people and if you d be interested in some short term solutions with great venues or clients do not hesitate to get in touch Also if you are in the Sh te as they say for a pair of hands such as mine i love an adventure as you know and so Pretty much any and all needs catered to if i can best wishes BURNS enthusiasts who would like to talk about him and a that find me at the shore o leith for a whisky and a discussion anytime really haha love thanks
Iain F Dunn