• Roadside Rescue Cover
  • Bike Fittiing Services
  • Puncture Patrol
  • Pilates for Cyclists
  • Kit Library
  • Eco-Business Support
  • Gig Economy Lifestyle

£3.00 PCM

Exclusive to pedal workers ​lets unite and collectivise

£15.00 PCM

Public Support build ​cycling infrastructure

£49.99 ONCE

start a branch ‘GRASSROUTES’ ​in your area with my support!

Colorful Normal Lightning

Try ​BikeFit

Riding through pain?

Core Values


Economic Fairness

Social Justice



People First!

White Circle Vector


members 10% off

Welcome to the Human traffic Workers Union
Where we try to represent and advocate for logistics workers who use a vehicle which is powered by the riders own locomotive effort
People rarely die by cycling but They are regularly killed by motorists
Our case is simple we know we are going to be targeted by motorists who take out their traffic rage on us climate denial hatred of whatever sort is rampant on the roads we cannot seem to rid ourselves of it there s always one as they say however We may as well upset motorists to the maximum anyway and get some decent outcomes to improve matters by doing it more collectively representing all cycle workers everywhere this union could wield the kind of power that would make JSO look like a bumper sticker foot note on protest movement history

unsung heroes

They said it could never be done the nae sayers such as the author of these remarks never bel ieved the cyclist could be become the king of the urban business environment such vision was not lacking in all observers and so we were wrong Cycle delivery is looking strong despite constant talking down of the wider economy If you are making some of your living by bicycle we salute you and thank you You proved us all wrong and have been the first cycling disruptors to the economy in over a hundred years You are pioneers in this sector and it is here to stay You are not celebrated this is wrong taking risks and riding in conditions others would not Hard Graft has got you here Let s stand upon some very very rounded and ear height shoulders now and see what can be achieved with unionisation
Man cycling in the pouring rain
The use of the phrase human traffic in our organisations title is intentional and we wish to associate ourselves with any and all efforts to support those adding value to our national life by coming here to work and provide services we need such as cycle delivery workers solidarity to all ride and work safe Let us unionise and improve our conditions improve our take home and keep us safe and well and being professional and exemplary on the roads


to deprive (someone or something) of human qualities, personality, or dignity: such as; to subject (someone, such as a prisoner) to inhuman or degrading conditions or treatment.

Refugee Barbed Wire Border

one way to improve workers conditions is by those of us recieving goods to be more considerate of how workers can find the address destination easily and quickly and straightforwardly.

help logistics workers in general to find you and complete the transaction mindfully - time is money...if you are hard to find you are hurting the economy and these workers take home pay directly suffers.

Old English Cobblestones Road

We will work with any organisations, or government agencies to share the load of making this a safe working sector. We commit to promoting cycling as a transport solution to the climate crisis.

We are specifically tailoring our services to support those who are delivering goods on their own steam with no combustion engine. We are not for fully electric or combustion engine workers.

We are also supporting working lives which depend on cycling - not recreational, leisure or sport. We hope to obtain industry operator permissions for vehicles with regulations in place satisfying all parties and sufficient due diligence is carried out when policy decisions are being made by leaders in politics and business.

We would consider also members who simply do a school run by cycling. Technically speaking this is economic activity and thus we would welcome school run members.

Thumb down Icon. Green Dislike Symbol. Negative Choice. Outline Bad Icon. Vote Symbol. Thumb down in Red round Circle

we mean; vehicles powered *in the majority by human effort and piloted by human decision making. healthy human jobs without the combustion engine.

Thumbs Up
Kick Scooter
van icon
Cargo bike icon symbol
Double Line
teamwork support

What might we ​achieve if by ​forming a union?

Well lets look at the success of other Unions ​the world over almost without fail comparative ​Unionised workers earn more, have better ​conditions - that includes life expectancies ​and death in service by the way! In addition - ​business is more efficient, productivity is ​higher. Humans work together better.

Meanwhile workforces without representation ​tend to remain very exploited.

This ‘human traffic’ workforce has not only ​been loosened to such an extent that there is ​almost no worker power at all - it is thankful ​in the UK we do have some protections those are ​tentative since brexit of course - but those ​are on the way out thanks to Brexit. De-​regulation is coming to further disempower us.

The game has changed, yes. But not much. Defeat ​Division with Union.

Hand Drawn Water Bottle
Hand Drawn Arrow


We believe in a healthy happy cycle work force who s health is good and take home is respectable while saving the planet not too shabby get yourself signed up We will advocate for changes that will hopefully be seen as draconian as in from motorists being outraged but this will only restore the rights and status of workers on bikes to being nice humans worthy of the equivalent care workers in every other sectors receive Measures which are needed to root out traffic crimes against human beings going about their business As with most matters

If we don’t regulate ourselves effectively ​we may find ourselves being regulated out ​of business by those loyal to combustion ​economics who would rather we did not ​succeed, or possibly even survive.

this type of work is an environmental financial and wellbeing no brainer With these new vehicles there is a job here now that can never be automated and makes you healthier let s make this a job you ll want to do all the way into retirement

Cycling to retirement

sure mate no worries...

Dead person icon
Crankset cogwheel sprocket crank length with gear for bicycle cassette

CYCLING HAS CHANGED - What used ​to be the eccentric hobby of ​lycra clad middle aged life crisis ​dudes - now it’s big business.

Now it’s the future of life on ​earth!

Yet our infrastructure and ​vehicles lag behind the continent.

A union could be the driver behind ​real improvements in our cycling ​infrastructure unionising the ​workforce that needs to operate ​on the infrastructure have the ​most to gain from it’s ​strengthening and the greatest ​liabilities from it’s hazards - ​representation is needed.

Bike Icon
Loudspeaker Vector Icon
BETTER CONDITIONS Logistics work is gruelling thankless and we are on the clock as in time literally is money delays lazy errors from handlers third parties that interfere with getting the job done this should be history Be Real folks no one looks out for us gig economy folk let s look out for one another We would like to provide a range of services directly to these workers that support them We can become trail blazers on the roads and in the tenements for making lives easier for delivery workers in everyway possible not clapping though
TAKE HOME MORE MONEY We really aspire to getting one over on the fat cats and the gig economy exploitation of workers who are disempowered and we think things can quite easily be replaced with open source collectivism and innovation Time to get serious Time to get more money for doing less and letting the big man take the p ss We can fight back and grab the market for ourselves working as freelancers in a cooperative culture with support from elsewhere in the market to improve matters all round We expect that consumers will want to support a grassroutes member
Loudspeaker Vector Icon
Health and Safety Burgers Pizzas etc should kill you by eating too much not by trying to deliver them on UK roads and infrastructure We campaign locally and nationally for our members right to work safely Going about your business with dignity and safety is the minimum our members really should expect from the UK Somehow cycling has been given a toxic reputation we must challenge this with out CASUAL RIDER campaign or our helmet policies we are being bold and raising eyebrows but at least we are taking matters seriously Tell us what you think

lead the way.

Clenched Strong Protest Fist

Take on ​GrassRoutes in ​your area… ​Inspire change, ​progress, lead ​others ​campaigning - ​maybe sell some ​merchandise, ​get in touch ​ghostriders!

1. Workers safety and quality of life on the job. How their wellness is affected holistically by the work involved. Do they feel treated like a human being?

2. What are the main fears or real hazards that are concerning workers.

3. What improvements to their lives should we prioritise in our campaigning and proposals of legislation and regulations.

4. Understand the gig economy assessing it’s strengths and weaknesses and the impact of this employment model on decarbonisation.

5. The public - surveyed and challenged on the subject of respecting workers carrying out logisitics - general opinions on the sector and perceptions about safety etc

6. Survey Research to be carried out by Leith Bike Taxi Co. via in person survey questions and recorded mobile data.

Proposed Research in YRS 1&2 will investigate the following aspects in Edinburgh:

A Report on the above research will be presented along with recommendations to the Scottish Government Edinburgh City Council before December 2025
The goal is to eliminate all fear or perception of cycling as dangerous by making it super safe for cyclists who are pedalling for their income Campaign Merchandise SHOP COMING SOON GIVE US A ONE OFF DONATION OF 5 10 20 Consider sponsoring us on the regular in a sugar daddy sort of way but not weird we would provide training and support for workers in your organisation converting to cargobike services
GIVE US A HAND EH by hand I mean cash
Blue Pink and White Andromeda Galaxy Way

actual scenes from the future!! #cargobikecandidate

E-mail Message Envelope
Geometric Flower Icon
Phone hand halftone