Sketch Solar System. Hand Drawn Planets Orbits, Planetary and Earth Orbit Vector Illustration Set. Astronomy Themed Coloring Book Drawings Pack. Celestial Bodies Spinning around Sun in Center
mountain silhouette vector
Hand Drawn Stag Head Vector
Muntain silhouette vector illustration. Mountain range silhouette isolated vector illustration. Old style black and white mountain vector illustration.
Muntain silhouette vector illustration. Mountain range silhouette isolated vector illustration. Old style black and white mountain vector illustration.
Horizontal set of coniferous spruce trees silhouettes, elegantly capturing the essence of fir trees on a transparent background
Horizontal set of coniferous spruce trees silhouettes, elegantly capturing the essence of fir trees on a transparent background
Old Knotted Wood Texture
Vintage Banner Ribbon Outline

love thy fate

love thy fate

cat surreal astrology
grass and flowers silhouette
grass and flowers silhouette
grass and flowers silhouette

Love is not what we say;

it is what we do.

The power of Love when ​applied to our labours is ​infinite.

That is the key to waking ​our own sleeping dragons of ​potential.

Ikigai’ is a Japanese word ​for this lifestyle.

In France they say; ‘Raison ​d'être'.

Here let us say ‘HOLISM

Sketchy Monochromatic Black Clouds with Crescent Moon
Mountains Sketch Landscape
Solar Eclipse Map Gold


*vader voice.

do you believe politics ​needs to change? do you ​think our institutions ​are broken and radical ​change is the only ​answer, if you have more ​money than you know ​what to do with - chuck ​a wad in here and support ​historic changes from my ​agenda. THANK YOU...


£3.00-​£49.99 pcm

Bright Energetic Pride Umbrella
Autumn cycle at Leith, Edinburgh, Scotland
Sleek Clean Monoline Decorative Click

Is pain in ​the way?

Give this a ​punt!

Deer Stag Horn Vector Design Template , Deer Horn Icon

Le Menú

de Graphique







BESPOKE LOGO 49 99 30min call 30min preparation POSTCARDS 3 50 49 99 20min call 20min preparation CAMPAIGN POSTERS 8in x 8in 42cm x 60cm 19 99 99 99 30min call 45 60min prep APP HEADERS PROFILES 29 99 49 99 OFF THE SHELF IFD T SHIRTS 5 10 00 Digital DOWNLOAD 35 00 PRINTED DELIVER BESPOKE CAMPAIGN T SHIRTS 49 99 Digital DOWNLOAD 55 00 PRINTED DELIVER BUY OVER 10 x items 10 OFF CAMPAIGN WEBSITES UP TO 3HRS excluding DOMAIN FEES 149 99 DELIVERIES TO EH postcodes INCLUDED
cargo bike
Wood Texture Background

“Find a job you love, ​and you will never ​have to work a day ​in your life.”

-confucius & now ​this dude here.


my ​handles ​are...


Commission ​DISCLOSURE &

Notice OF ​CANDIDACY for ​edinburgh west


Chicken Hen Illustration

Don’t ​Chicken Out

Speak Out!


Hand Finger Touch Gesture.

Political priorities of ​mine, in no particular ​order...*some of them!

  1. AVOID extinction of life on earth
  2. THE public health emergency, EMERGENCY?
  3. disability, mental health crisis
  4. public safety & our failing institutions
  5. white collar crime, legal abuse & fraud
  6. abuse of women & Girls, abolition of rape
  7. the economy & manufacturing
  8. energy, homes, construction
  9. constitutional matters & ROYAL ASSENT
  10. peace & internationalism
  11. judicial reform, Democratised justice
  12. samurai inspired militarism
  13. establish new peace treaties




This campaign for open source politics is a legitimate ​business model for aspiring politicians who hate party ​politics but believe in democracy and free speech and a ​free market and the total separation of the church ​from the state - a centrist with no party affiliation

Without a party candidates like myself are commonly ​also trying to be proper legitimate self-funding ​businesses...strictly open source candidates are ​strictly independent and thus need a constitutional ​funding model... now we all know that i am super ​legitimate of course...and in no way whatsoever making ​things up along...hahaha! nope, no siree bob...

ANYWAY that’s kind of how i think politics should ​be, lets end corrupt politics by ending it with being ​the king of legitimate business, eco-friendly scaleable ​businesses for politicians... um anyway stop saying ​legitimate - these candidates shall self regulate, with ​accountability to public only in the manner ​demonstrated by my humble self - i am writing an oath ​to swear not unlike the hippocratic type of oath ​against harm medics take - this would be regarding ​corruption and for candidates so that you effectively ​have an untouchable *Elliot Ness style candidates ​who are gonna steer us back to sanity.

Under these new draconian anti-corruption terms ​and conditions, i may only ever take small donations. ​& from humans and above all never a corporation or ​political party... the amount may never be over £50.00, ​and so the candidate can receive unlimited numbers of ​micro-donations and not require any such paperwork ​or investigation from our electoral commission, as ​there would no conflict of interest implied - this ​gives great legitimacy.

Political support ought to fall away when ​superior ideas are presented, in a dignified way.

So we must take that support away ending the idea in ​politics by defunding the candidate democratically. ​Instead of today where the unpopular gets attention ​and support etc for party political reasons... OSP shall ​be the death of this type of political fraud - when one ​becomes unpopular in community, they ought to fall ​on their sword with dignity for trying your best etc ​and not be a re floating immovable brat.

Welcome to ​Renaissance ​Pilates...

With Renaissance Pilates teachers are doing much more ​talking about the ‘core’...yes unavoidably a pun there; i’ve ​gotta get them when i can... y’see as I am not funny...CORE ​concepts, teachers ought to be challenging mainstream ​theories of movement and prevent the co-opting of pilates ​by clinicians. This is a battle of ideas as well as one ​against gravity and describing movement skills rather than ​demo and class work, fundamentally this is about ​recreating my journey out of chronic pain and terrible ​healthcare paradoxes and non-scientific ideas for others ​who are groping around in the dark in pain.

I am selling all my goods and services via patreon from now ​on. I do still teach pilates and pelvic health coaching and ​funding is a choice for my clients; however that is no ​longer a profit making side of my work for moral reasons. I ​am now full time working on holism inc. brands.

After the pandemic i can no longer participate in health ​elitism or exclusively private health care. I will teach ​movement therapy for zero money to my interns, co-op ​members, backers, voters, supporters a right to knowledge ​of human health and anatomy. Charging for this violates ​my political principles. I will gracefully accept and in fact ​politely ask for your vote and any active support for the ​kinds of changes we need shall be received by myself and ​invested in the campaigns or projects herein - gratefully ​to my campaigns specifically should that be your ​preference or just support my activism and other creative ​content is for sale through Patreon as of 2024.

And so whether you are looking to buy Movement Therapy ​content, YUBNUB branding stuff, Quiz Content, My Own ​Creative Content, Poetry Recitals, Event Planning, ​Economics and Political Commentary OR some of my ​awesome campaign MERCH which is ZERO WASTE digital ​merch - graphics etc these will be for sale with a ​download or custom designs these can be bespoke to your ​HOLISM inc business or campaign ...political donations with ​no goods or services exchanged must be below £50.00 it ​saves me a ton of paperwork! haha and also honours my no ​donation commitment made by candidates up against those in ​receipt of multi-million pound campaigns - so all chipping in ​for OSP candidates is money paid into democracy directly - ​thank you for any such activity...if you’d rather give more ​make an Investment via Draco Dormiens or Velonaledi or ​offer a Holism Inc start up Loan in partnership with the ​GRASSROUTES UNION with very high ROI - money is not ​gonna save us from climate breakdown - this might, having ​a bloody good stab at it that’s for sure!

Pilates Icon

traditional ​studio pilates






Dear Mr Musk

Ok so we are not in alignment at ​all Sir. I am on your platform as a ​free speech champion myself I’d ​hate to miss a good debate. ​However you can only have a good ​debate with the facts and the ​truth. If your platform becomes a ​misinformation machine then it is ​not what you claim it to be in ​terms of the town hall where ​discussion and freedom of speech ​are protected above all - I concur ​with that actually apart from ​having young people exposed I ​would protect kids from the ​potential exposure to hatred and ​brainwashed people. So a mixture ​I shall do my best to put content ​on here regularly about current ​affairs.

Hand Push Button Icon or Symbol.


Legal Disclaimer:

HOLISM Inc. operates as a hybrid of partnership and ​cooperative social business models, contracts are distinct ​from traditional incorporation methods. HOLISM Inc., its ​members, or adopters (often referred to as an eco-​freelancer) particularly related to bike taxi services. As ​such there is no liability between open source operators ​of HOLISM Inc. Therefor Holism Inc. can take no ​responsibility for any outcomes whatsoever, we’ve tried ​that doesn’t work. individual responsibility must return ​to business.

At no point shall Holism Inc. Materials carry the weight ​of as they say ‘proper’ legal advice and do not offer ​legal, accounting, or business advice. They *adopters of ​Holism Inc business or projects are not liable for Open ​Source Endeavours—it's a risk taken without guarantees. ​They do not claim credit for others' hard work; instead, ​they encourage individuals to take initiative and ​ownership via holistic productivity.

Always perform your own diligence, experimentation ​and self checking of your work etc it is likely you will ​find some unique solutions yourself to your obstacles ​and then find yourself implementing superior versions ​or interpretations of these methods of being holistically ​productive in your life. Doing so with your immediate ​reality in mind rather than following instructions - you ​will find ideas of your own to scale up within the wider ​Holism

Inc. business. Great ideas can offer us great power to ​change our world, we all know what comes with great ​power...

Taking responsibility for one’s own actions dodging ​liability taking no responsibility is such a core aspect of ​white collar crime, bad business. Bad business is ​outsourced business in many ways externalities have ​become a way of life for some... “he did it” ...“they didn’t ​warn me” ...“it’s someone else’s job”.

This is the culture we have inherited as capitalists of ​the 2020's Trussonomics... Truss says don’t blame me - ​well I think we all know Uncle Ben would never approve. ​Let’s have business become a universally good, fair, ​truthful and not a trade off with Satan. Satan if you ​are reading this bugger off eh! Bad Satan; Go away!

This economic model promotes an open-source economy ​where prosperity is accessible to all, not restricted to the ​elite. HOLISM Inc. shall pursue this goal of a truly free ​market with free and happy people please support ​these efforts “Building Better Worlds” related materials ​are not legal advice, and participation does not ​establish a contractual relationship. Individuals are ​responsible for their actions in this market. A paradox ​of incorporation coming with zero liability; contracted ​by having strictly no contract. Ideas ought to be easily ​shared for economic experimentations such as Holism ​Inc.

Open source projects operate under licenses that clarify ​projects are provided ‘as-is’ without warranty, and ​disclaim liability for damages. HOLISM Inc. materials ​fall under these guidelines, encouraging collaboration ​and success without challenges regarding project or ​business names.

Misuse of visual graphics or trademarks other then ​‘universal’ or ‘open source identified may lead to ​challenges, ensuring fair competition. HOLISM Inc. ​promotes innovation and does not seek legal action ​against those working with their ideas or using our ​terms for these business models for the good of society ​and in good faith.

Running an open-source project involves uncertainties ​and trade-offs. Seek expert advice, do thorough ​research, and consult legal counsel before proceeding.

Content copyright belongs to Open Source Guides ​authors, released under CC-BY-4.0. Permission is ​granted to use the content for various purposes, with ​proper licensing acknowledgment by prospective users ​of the assets. Write in for permissions.

Occult Crescent Moon
Space Black Hole
cat surreal astrology

‘Hybrid Incorporation & open sourcing cooperatives’

hybrid ownership goes on all the time and is common place in most economies we are just modernising and renaming it for sole traders to do more cognitive sharing assets ‘open sourced assets’ create a free market commons marriage which can bring into creation immense wealth and happiness in society to do collectivised holistic productivity, wealth creation and developing zero waste solutions around the holism inc model for living in the new economy.

And so in 2024 it was decided and proclaimed officially by the managing director chief executive officer chairman totally legitimate business man in charge of this thing... statement reads, and i quote

“this is not a thing right now”

dear leader is diverted from the act of limiting his liability and so the products holism inc. & Holism Ltd and all stamped and associated assets are the private and sole exclusive intellectual property of candidate Iain F. Dunn up until such a point as the ownership model of the business shall change. The ownership of all these assets shall be inherited by the children of iain f. dunn in the case of his expiration, death, or disablement beyond reasonable capacity to run the holism inc. assets.

Hand Drawn of Giraffe Head

The following bumf below is a bit of legal bum covering. Operation cover bum. Bum covering could also be known as a disclaimer - look I am not responsible for anyone else’s actions or feelings about what i write. I am just a communicator. Those not reading this purely seeking out possible litigation opportunities... tiny windows in my communications into which one could slip a slippery defamation lawyer...there’s is zero intent to harm or defame others here simply political debate and political rhetoric rather than any statements of facts of which i could not possibly know for certain - nor is this campaign incitement to do violence towards anyone or harass anyone - do not do this, we lose when we become our enemies, only then do we lose.

COVERBUM this site and all work by mr dunn is his opinion not any intended harm or attack upon anyone

The words herein are all ​that of Mr Iain F. Dunn ​and no one else. Any ​unforeseen and unintended ​reputation or public image ​or any damages at all ​resulting from comments of ​Mr Iain F. Dunn... OR any ​unintended and totally ​accidental copyright ​violations herein are ​exactly that accidental ​and in no way with ​malicious intent towards ​any individuals or groups ​mentioned herein.

There can be no doubt that ​Mr Iain F. Dunn is a non-​violent political campaign. ​No one is being victimised ​by this campaign. Any ​connection between Mr Iain ​F. Dunn’s writings and any ​violence and uprisings or ​claims that Iain F. Dunn ​maybe a terrorist or ​seditionist is likely to be ​coming from detractors ​and is to be expected. And ​so the movement of any ​contraband that may occur ​associated with Mr Dunn’s ​idea which might be ​against current laws - ​cannot be attributed to Mr ​Iain F. Dunn. Iain F. Dunn ​is in no way advising ​breaking the law - simply ​peaceful changes being ​made democratically.

Also; there is a strict non-​violent and non-aggression ​manner of campaigning in ​politics and living with ​oppositional ideas to the ​status quo and managing a ​peaceful society with social ​justice and safety for all is ​the fundamental goal of ​Mr Iain F. Dunn.

When Mr Dunn is quoting ​others paraphrasing and ​offering his interpretations ​of what others have said - ​Mr IFD cannot be held ​responsible for the full and ​complete accuracy of these ​not are the outcomes of ​others comments being ​reiterated in anyway the ​responsibility of Mr Iain F. ​Dunn. For any third party ​referenced herein; should ​these remarks or quotes be ​inaccurate or factually ​needing correcting - Mr ​Dunn id very happy to ​correct the record and ​instead ensure that only ​truthful and fair ​references and quotes are ​made; should they be ​libellous then Mr Iain F. ​Dunn can provide legal ​details and amendments ​can be made immediately ​to correct the record on ​any accidental ​misrepresentations or ​misquoting found to be ​inaccurate regards these ​issues...FREE SPEECH...dies ​in the court of libel law ​and defamation law. Let us ​demonstrate that free ​speech is the cure to any ​restrictions on free speech.

AND SO here - in the ​course of political ‘theatre’ ​it is a long established ​principle in libel and ​defamation to allow for ​“political electoral debates’ ​as a tolerant space where ​communications with the ​public are in a sense fair ​game for some ‘reasonable’ ​character attacks or ​professional conduct and ​competence attacks on ​performance levels in ​government etc cannot ever ​be defamation or libel in ​written or verbal terms as ​without the space for this, ​there would be no political ​discourse. Also often Mr ​IFD will speculate on the ​true attitudes of those who ​are in political, economic ​life or are public figures ​and monarchs etc. Again ​all comments that Mr Iain ​F. Dunn makes on these ​matters are a statement of ​his opinion only and could ​never be claimed as ​concrete knowledge with ​evidence in Mr Iain F. ​Dunn’s possession.

THIS CANDIDATE AND THE ​OPEN SOURCE PLATFORM ​ARE as serious as a heart ​attack... let’s not joke about ​those though as ambulances ​are a bit stretched these ​days dunno if you’ve heard ​but you might have army ​dudes coming here. we had ​to have a humanitarian aid ​situation here in scotland.

MR DUNN is NOT advocating, advising or even suggesting anyone should break the law - I Mr Dunn am in fact calling for Laws to be changed with the goal of maximum harm prevention in society and the world. These changes must happen after political debate and with a democratic mandate. I, Mr Dunn suggest strongly that any and all individuals aware of harm taking place in our institutions please contact the Police or Local Journalists and get fighting. There is no capitulation or enabling or trying to cope alone that is possible or effective. If Mr Dunn is made aware of actionable information which if passed to authorities could reduce or prevent harm and those details are provided that will obligate Mr Dunn to act within the Law and communicate those matters when there is a safeguarding concern in a live situation.

Dear operation cover bum - legal predator person. There can be no doubt about Mr Iain F. Dunn’s Intent in his writings regarding; Holism Inc. IFD4mp2024 campaign and all adjacent campaigning is aimed to reduce harm in the world which Mr Dunn is aware of. Any attempt to take what is written here and identify a wish of harm or to be targeting the actions of others this cannot be interpreted in any such a way due to the fundamental non-violent in fact anti-violence samurai peaceful liberal democratic coexistence there is no need for war or fighting and Mr Dunn is not calling for any violent acts. Casual use of language that is hyperbolic around campaigning such as ‘fight’ ‘war’ are referring to the non-violent struggle of activism and a cast iron defence of our democratic peaceful country. The Police and the Crown shall find Mr Dunn compliant and obedient and indeed open to any and all meetings with any current government departments. Whistleblowers shall Find Mr Dunn sympathetic, supportive and in total and complete confidentiality.

Illustration of a Giraffe

Feeling inspired to take some of these challenges on? do you find yourself wishing your job just didn’t even exist? Are you Feeling a Sense of imminent doom and despair surrounding all your normal economic activities? you are not wrong to be feeling this way my friend - this planet’s dying, the economy sucks - holism inc is a new thing. we are “open source sole traders” - han solO traders... - always tell us the odds. We want a lovely hippy dippy utopian society with cool businesses and cool stuff but no one’s suffering injustice and climate collapse or class war effecting your kids future. HOLISM is a Holistic approach to imbalances let us move things forward ourselves and devise grassroots*wink wink new fancy pants business models that will reverse the dynamics of the gig economy and unite workers with their individual desires opening up the sleeping dragon of personal potential we have when we do what we love and not something we resent hate or have ambivalence about - this is our productivity magic in holism inc. It’s capitalism jim but not as we know it - (KIRK VOICE) my god spock...but...a... new,better, kind,of........capitalism..what do you think dr? (Bones) god dam it jim i’m a dr not an economy person, besides i’m on strike - why can’t you captain’s get your job done properly before going around reforming capitalism...(SpoCK) **SiLENT EYE BROW RAISE...

Holism goes BOLDLY beyond business of course HOLISM IS ABOUT how I want to emancipate working people up out of the misery of this post modern, french revolution level, dystopian, pre-mad max hell of outsourced, deregulated economic misery, extinction level event live as we speak - this is the mental health crisis; for example is your boss an imbecile who takes credit for your work? is your LAndlord a dishonest wormlike parasite holding you back in life? does your doctor ridicule you or ignore you and say this is all in your head? are your family working you to death for their reputations and pampering while you go through corporate slavery and live in unimaginative, uninspiring imprisonments that are akin to slavery conditions. lets be clear with the climate situation - we don’t have time. read on dear survivor of this monopoly game from hell.try holism inc, we get it, we have a plan. leave all this madness behind. humans and the planet are the economy; you are a legend for reading all this wow - don‘t forget to take time for your self and value every minute we all have here on this earth - get intouch & thank you!!


assets are the private property of

Mr Iain F Dunn

Business Owner, Eco-Freelancer, Activist, Political Commentator, Fan of Cats and Dogs.

Based at offices of;

3F1 No2 Commercial Street

Leith EH6 6JA

0773 946 1893

E-mail Message Envelope
Geometric Flower Icon
Phone hand halftone

A dissident is a person who actively challenges an established political or religious system, doctrine, belief, policy, or institution.[1] In a religious context, the word has been used since the 18th century, and in the political sense since the 20th century, coinciding with the rise of authoritarian governments in countries such as Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, Francoist Spain, the Soviet Union (and later Russia), Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Turkey, Iran, China, and Turkmenistan.[2] In the Western world, there are historical examples of people who have been considered and have considered themselves dissidents, such as the Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza.[3] In totalitarian countries, dissidents are often incarcerated or executed without explicit political accusations, or due to infringements of the very same laws they are opposing, or because they are supporting civil liberties such as freedom of speech.

The term dissident has become the primary term to describe Irish republicans who politically continue to oppose Good Friday Agreement of 1998 and reject the outcome of the referendums on it. These political parties also have paramilitary wings which espouse violent methods to achieve a United Ireland.

Irish republican dissident groups include the Irish Republican Socialist Party (founded in 1974 – its currently-inactive paramilitary wing is the Irish National Liberation Army), Republican Sinn Féin (founded in 1986 – its paramilitary wing is the Continuity IRA), and the 32 County Sovereignty Movement (founded in 1997 – its paramilitary wing is the Real IRA). In 2006 the Óglaigh na hÉireann emerged, which is a splinter group of the Continuity IRA.[17]