THIS idea is to do ​to the field of ​politics what the ​great Jimmy ​Wales did for the ​field of home ​encyclopaedias...

thanks for ​reading! this is the ​platform... ​platform 9&3/4

Black cat
Parental Advisory Explicit Content

Open Source Politics

Open Source Politics






Black cat

thanks for telling people about this in anyway.

Black cat

this brings people here by magic...well not magic...

On Corruption

by ifd,

(not a lobster)

read this before EPOCH NOVA.

Ocean Floor Coral Seaweed Line Illustration
New Word Text
Black cat


A VENTURE INTO POLITICS for those who have considered it but do not want to be involved in controversial side taking? Could we make politics a bit like jury duty? simple, boring not a business of chaos anywhere, in any democracy in the world...I think this principle is applicable in all democracies as there are always candidates & people epoch nova cuts the middle man out... deciding who gets to be punch and judy is not politics is it?

maybe this could make a dent on the establishment enough to reform and rescue. Might be enough to avoid us chucking it all under a bus with a big ole war...

The universal symbol for Open Source Politics is the paper aeroplane, so if you can’t copy the logo just make one with a paper aeroplane in it.

A populist


Black Cat Illustration

Effectively this is POPULISM without all the death and destruction or even really any massive upheaval...

We keep representative politics for matters where there is popular ambivalence however for matters achieving a popular support of 75% must be honoured by voting in the house. all that brexit pish gone. the pandemic shambles gone. no more bullshit politics. suddenly it becomes the candidates job to defer to the people and we have a democratic safety net that can be universalised through any democratic system.

Black cat

Voting for an OPEN SOURCE CANDIDATE is a protest vote?

yeah that’s fair... because it is a treaty among individual politicians against all the parties, institutions and crony laden institutions in general who do not represent them. we have a mono-party in this country, it exists in many other countries and O/SPolitics is a vote to break this current stagnation and so this vote is an expression of dissent. Dissent left unspoken; as in by not voting at all...although understandable this failure to turnout puts our community in danger. Nut cases are insatiable they always turnout and so normal fair minded tend to be ambivalent - fair dos but do not be ambivalent about democracy itself we are losing it at present. Instead of crazy self harm voting - vote instead for a stabilising force rather than not vote at all. Silence of this nature counts nationally as no objections to current outcomes. NOT voting is not protest or rebellion it is capitulation and subordination to power of which we do not approve and so voting for A open source person is the only true act of political protest available around the country and the world.

Cute black cat with big eyes

Anywhere in the world?

the walls and barriers and borders are breaking the xenophobes are right everywhere it is becoming a global world and yes it is a threat to the way of life of many who live in a morally bankrupt fashion where human suffering is currency source politics is antifa, it’s the wokerati we are the woke conspiracy that the cult leaders hate and fear. they should hate and fear open source thinking - this is a book they can never burn.


well this could be you... are you bored of shouting impotently at the telly? fancy getting into politics but not the Punch and Judy silliness? Need a wee boost? - contracted open source politics with positive team work will take place under public record (on the internet live) - ‘big mother’ in terms of our “george orwell act 2026” shall be present... this will help run a demonitised campaign that will grow organically online and so we have a basis for some solidarity to lead and form governments without having whips and donors other than THE PEOPLE. an open source candidate to vote is a person with a voice and choices to make however also wishes to dissolve, deprecate toxic power. We shall probably never fully abolish the power of cults and parties etc - corrupt institutions of all sort will persist we must also persist in finding new ways to fight *peacefully and more effectively.

tell us where the money is mr lebowski?

Black Cat Illustration

DEMONETISED CAMPAIGNS are very hard to corrupt. at least near impossible to scale that corruption up...unlike in current arrangements no effort downstairs overcomes the beasts above... we offer you the masterdebaters t-shirt for your super serious campaign - this alone is a legal id that we are non-violent, peace loving and mainstream compatible.

BUY 2x Large T-shirts

from YUB NUB

£50 - donations go to your candidate of choice. we deliver t-shirts in EDINBURGH.

Hand Drawn Buddha Head

is it true?

is it necessary?

is it kind?

is it gluten free?

*ok not that last one.

Fictional Character Spock

Vulcans decided that telling lies is just illogical - certainly looks like a good start to me? abolish lying in politics...then a new age is possible. we are the political fraud squad...

Enterprise Ncc 1701

“Without followers evil cannot spread”

MR Spock

epoch nova the new vow

Black Cat Illustration

The nu-vow, part one of Epoch Nova, is spelled this way so we don’t have to spell nouveau novoue neuvou? ok look is a NEW VOW ok - like an Oath but also a contract for candidates to sign up to in order to be considered an OPEN SOURCE CANDIDATE, they must be willing to agree to legally adhereing to the contract and be liable for their conduct there after. This will effectively become a constitution governing one - the candidate. Lack of accountability for problems is reduced by this - make politics and economics something resembling a normal job with consequences for failure and stuff.

With this vow the candidate sacrifices their right to assemble...not like the avengers assemble but like the evil party system assembles, behind closed doors on golf courses or on private jets outside territories...we can eliminate this corruption be banning all private contact with ANY other politicians without it being in full public view - as in physically taking place in debating chambers or public outside spaces - a culture of public debates will replace the culture of ‘a party’ one must follow for politics. When Open Source Candidates have meetings - it will be under full public scutiny as part of government. There is no legitimate reason to conduct government business without scrutiny.

DONATIONS SHALL NEVER EXCEED THE £50 registered limit for uk electoral commissions and thus there is no need for an ‘agent’ as the candidate has full personal responsibility.

Telling lies to the community must be stamped out, we don’t let businesses commit fraud, politics must become like this - it will be a crime of the highest kind one can commit to claim millions of pounds to needy causes with no basis or claim immigration is a cause of problems - these must be identified as white collar hate crimes, social terrorism otherwise known as; class war. NO MORE LIES.

Black Cat Illustration



must be addressed by Politics as there is no other way. We have stagnation and Stuckness leading to inevitable rise of fascism as squalor and ignorance give over to militarism and religiosity. people are rightly angry about the state of affairs just not righteous to be hateful of scapegoats.

Black Cat
Illustration of a Cucumber

The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is a California public benefit corporation, with 501(c)3 tax-exempt status, founded in 1998. Don’t do the cucumber thing to cats its mean - this is a little version of what we want to do to those trashing our country right now! don’t fuck with cats.

don’t fck with c*Ts

our politics should revolve around us no the other way.

copernicus realised we were looking at the universe the wrong way... i think politics is like this.

Black Cat Illustration

Open Source Politics is an aspiring ‘Copernican Shift’ in the field of politics.

At the moment we have a system where our lives revolve around the psychodramas of the elite, the chaos of economic incompetence from the executive and political level. Few can argue that our problems are not coming mainly from the top down. Solutions therefor ought to ideally be grassroots. Open Source Politics is not a party, it is the

Globally our democracies have been bent and at times broken by corporate power, economic privilege and society seem to be disintegrating before our eyes at times. Let us unite around ideas of peace and stability. OSPolitics are co-opting the idea of OPEN SOURCE somewhat here help to create a universally cut through attractive system for a new centre which can redeem democracy. Like Copernicus we are seeking instead remind us that politics should revolve around us. OSPolitics to create a ‘safe’ space for politics where all are welcome - principles of universal love and liberty revolves around the will of the people. we’ll still have problems but we will have democracy at last and then liberty is ours along with the responsibility with it.

Black Cat’s Paw Illustration

signed contractual accountability & liability in politics? why not? badness.

because badness.

unidentified politics object...

No Religion

No Homophobia

NO Moustaches

No Suits

No PP Tapes

Normal Hair.

Black Cat Illustration


The Beastie Boys can fight all they want. there’s no party here, when we sign ‘epoch nova’ we are abandoning all previous affiliations

No parties ever, not after signing that deepest of promises - to violate this most sacred duty to protect and represent the people - politicians at present face no consequences for their actions - with a binding contract there can be no wiggle room for the corrupt...without breaking the law that is.

So you’re an Anti-party?...

No this is not a party at whips or selection panels - there is no us just people who agree on no party politics...


Yes - exactly OSPolitics is a protest vote, The ONLY PROTEST VOTE one can make in the UK at the moment

Cute Black Cat

are all parties bad? Yes. All parties are bad. we know this we just do nothing.

anti-all parties...possibly revolutionary - Think about it this way; can a person not be a candidate alone? if a person cannot manage a communication campaign with this many folk unaided with cash then they probably are not fit to govern I would suggest.

why do they need mates? and a tie with a colour that half folk love and half folk hate - gee let me think is it because mugs will vote for them... yup... also for the purposes of bullshitting on large scale...


no more of this in our world, epoch nova is where we are now a chance to clear all this cronyism out...

if your candidate has our badge they have signed our contract to be a life long Independent Politician for their local community.

you can call them an epoch nova candidate if they run on these principles anywhere in the world. democracy is dwindling away from us - we must not let this happen.

Popular isn’t the word that springs to mind when we think of politicians - how is this? well populism is generally a fraud. OS Politics is an attempt at this for real! By getting our polling services out of the private sector and into a renationalised post office. Candidate can conduct their own polling democracy can be carried out quite cheaply... now is the time...

Popcorn Glyph Icon
Cute Black Cat





Hand Drawn Black Cat

This is not a party...we’ve covered that right... However if it WERE a party it would be classed as a POPULIST movement for democratic revival - but again NOT a conventional party but a movement for sure.

It is a blank slate brand for individuals in the community of influence who could contribute to political life but do not wish to associate with current power structures and do not wish to engage in corrupt party politics at all - thus we now have an ‘open source’ political platform as an option that anyone can pick up and go with into the non-crackpot side of independent politics the world over.

Really could be anywhere - no one owns something that is full open source and it is so here - we are creating this as a way to get a simple message and universally good idea up front and keep doing ‘cut through’ politics where OS Candidates really get THE PEOPLES politics up front.

This term ‘OS’ or open source refers to collaborative and demonetised intellectual property classically this was in California referring to information technology. Here we apply this to Political debate and thought and policy formation. This is available to the world as of now - even you reading this can declare yourself an OPEN SOURCE candidate and run in your area and never have to have any business with us after signing your VOW to honour the principles of OPEN SOURCE DEMOCRACY in our terms and work to make political and economic knowledge universally free to all.

Collectively OSP could allow public figures who wish to enter politics do so for moral ethical priorities while avoiding getting bogged down in any reputational damage through association.

i just felt like running

please run wherever you are!

OSPolitics shall be symbolised in concept alone - by the paper airplane. A simple intent to get a document, an idea out there; to be the universal symbol of OSPolitics something iconic and also modest - right now a person can be having an inspirational idea that can be recreated anywhere else in the world now this can travel faster than concorde - let politics be so also.

This platform is for all people, anywhere to defy political gravity, status quo and corruption etc without bloodshed.

To create a revolt that does not revolt us in the history books. Non-violent peaceful objection.

Cronyism dying out with ‘the party’ will mean that politics can start to be the truly OPEN SOURCE place of change and invention we want it to be. NO more loyalty no more whipping to take the country into illegal wars or to charge students for their educations. This is all over OSP brand adopters could be anyone... you should do’ve read it this far - one does not have to reside in the constituency anymore and so one could effectively run anywhere.

Cute Black Cat
Cat in a Box Illustration



why the 75% margin for approval?

we need stability, but with functioning democracy - stagnation no ideas no forward movement this is what we are stuck with - the imperative is a call to action which makes it a criminal offence for a signed up epoch nova to fail to honour strength of opinion - hippocratic oath style - this is a politicians business - leadership, statesmanship, being a pillar no a wobbly trolley wheel flip flopper etc it is essential we have candidates with far out ideas just that those ideas cannot do any harm without significantly making the case to the people...

The percentage required to legally acquire automatic compliance from your OSPolitics candidate. An Open Source Politician defers to THE PEOPLE where there is a demonstrable comfortable lead of 75% favour. Matters under that threshold shall remain up for debate and it becomes the Candidates job to be observant of the peoples will via their own measurements. If you can present an opinion poll or reliable evidence of close to that this is a priority issue of urgent need and responding differently to what the public want at this level is not an option.

Representative democracy can stay in place up to the 75% mark - but never again shall scenarios such as the public approving a lockdown at over 90% but a government whose preference was to prioritise shareholders - under OS Politics this would have been breach of contract - we must be able to remove politicians wno think they know better than the public or the free market.

Retirement Plans free of vested interests and lovely defence contract careers

Black Cat Illustration


Cute black cat with big eyes



AN Open Source Government would be stronger than a conventional one - and could broker power in hung parliament scenarios. Our Leaders are so good that they would never associate with the other parties. Signed to serve the People ONLY.

AN OPEN SOURCE Government would have A 5 year stability plan - meaning no foreign intervention unless there is suspected genocide taking place - we would remain NEUTRAL in matters of international relations - THAT IS notwithstanding our commitments to NATO with a fixed date for an election as part of implementation of the act of parliament that will end the current plague of skullduggery and scumbaggery that is harming all our nations.

Trying not to sound Trumpian but people voted for change and anti-corruption and thus populism is a real force and can be a hazard - the injustices must be addressed. (one might say swamp draining or take back control etc) If you have those frustrations OSPolitics is your platform.

If we can settle on ‘this isn’t working’ and then having a ‘blank slate’ with Open Source Politics new faces and old sum chucked out and possible brought to consequences of the law... that’s surely a contractual basis for a government. It will be stronger than these governments who are trying so hard to be the centre they are having schisms all the time.

Lady Justice, is blind folded so that she cannot be affected by the profession which currently inhabits politics - marketing.

Black Cat Illustration
Scared Black Cat Illustration

The 7 samurai principles:

Righteousness, Loyalty, Honor, Respect, Honesty, Courage and Consistency.


ways of the warrior”

according to the samurai tradition one must only fight when threats are made with equal measure of harm. action taken to prevent harm is just and so when our homes are under attack - this is the foreign policy doctrine of OSP

samurai silhouette
Black Cat Illustration

Justice or Righteousness

This was the most important virtue for the samurai warriors who were stoic and peaceful in general. A true samurai does not attack the enemy without an important reason and so our armed forces and candidates shall adopt this state of peaceful readiness at all times. We do not seek warfare - never shall we be the aggressors and our responses to attacks upon our homes etc shall be met with an appropriate response. that is not what we are observing happening in the world at this time sadly. let us work towards peace fearlessly and not be cowardly in high conflict and aggressors in world affairs.

Lying Black Cat
Black Cat Face Illustration
Law Book Illustration
Bible Icon


Meaning; those who do have a religion if signed the VOW they must prioritise the democratic will of the people over their faith based ideas.

Part of this enlightenment we are looking for involves one respecting your children enough not to ram your religion down their the case of many victims this will literally have been the case. why would you risk your own kids by allowing any institution the power to do this to your kids - either brainwashed consumerists zombies or religious nutters with all sorts of hateful notions from medieval times. We shall never allow for laws or authorities to make regulations that are informed by their cults and faiths etc this is essential for a country to be a safe place for women and children.

all persons must be judged by their actions not by a white collar or a cross etc.

Black Cat Illustration


Codify the separation of church and state and the independence of a judiciary from the state and the church however. the judiciary must now complete the circle - jury trials with huge digital panels for all trials now - abolition of judges and lawyers. instead publicly elected public prosecutors.

The Police will be empowered to give out ‘parking ticket’ misconduct fines which are sub-criminal matter of a penalty by the state for damages or harm etc

Black Cat Illustration
Lying Black Cat

don’t just lie there;

propose solutions to problems.

  • WHAT ARE THE PEOPLE’S ACHES and Pains. What is driving them mad? what are they shouting at the tv?
  • What are the People’s Needs. Are you struggling? Or are you too privileged and need a reality check...

Not the king not god not the corporations

What is the will of the PEOPLE...find that our and then act upon that.


THE PEOPLE’s polling data service... we need accurate opinion polls.


A Politician, doing something - radical I know.

HAS ONE JOB. IT’S EASY AND IT IS AWESOME. IT is much easier than any other public service jobs out there.


Black Cat
Hand Drawn Mouse
Waste Management - Flaming Dumpster
Royal Mail

we need the people’s polling agency...

to inform institution so solid it has royal ascent...if only there was an institution needing a repurpose and an upgrade to maintain it’s vital role... etc...

Traditional, British, Red, Royal Mail Pillar Box. Sketch Style Ink Pen.

The open source candidate is fundamentally running their own democratic data gathering service, full time - the candidate should just be constantly polling the community, doing their work on the move like a proper job people. why it’s not like this already should demonstrate that leading politicians never talk to their voting population - if they do it’s to tell them how it is. the campaign for Edinburgh west for example demonstrates the weaknesses in our current statehood and personhood situation.

but a true open source candidate - has no excuse really for not representing their community by seeing them and going to them in person, physically is there only task. voting remotely must happen in parliamentary terms - the house shall be a debating with the other members place but this shambolic voting nonsense shall have to go in the white collar crime bill corrupting the will of the people will be an act against democracy - if an open source candidate can present evidence of polling in their community against a thing - it must happen. this is called soveriegnty.

Sitting Black Cat
Black Cat Illustration

politics laboratory...

What can we do?


The Oath for an “epoch nova”

This is the ‘last constitution’ an attempt to abolish corrupt politicians and get their vested interests and bad actors on the back foot in this election cycle make a nationwide course correction. NEW AGE HIPPIES WILL WIN EVENTUALLY!

The White Collar Crime Act

prosecuting the most egregious and highest crimes in the land - currently needing definition in law; these are crimes of the powerful over the vulnerable. MONOPOLY IS OVER NOW.

The Trevor Bayliss Act

This act will turn scotland into an inventor and product developers paradise - a tax haven and an IP duty free zone - Scotland can be the open source rebel country. SMALL BUSINESSES FOR ALL!

The George Orwell Act

This legend prepared us for this and we’re still fucking up guys - no more. We are being surveilled all of the time by corporate powers and there seems to be very little we can do at the moment. The Orwell act’s primary contention is that the people must have the rights to all this data - no data regarding a person may ever be kept secret from the person of whom the data is a subject, all members of the public will have a duty to record any crime or suspected crime and store on their personal incrypted device.

Voting for an OS candidate is a protest against corruption - arguing all parties are the same.

Mirror Rectangle Glass
Black Cat Illustration
Black Cat Illustration

EPOCh nova is an oath politicians can take which would make them legally bound to represent only the voters and no other third party. bY taking this oath and having no other source of their political will - the candidate is therefor ‘open source’ to any ideas from across the political spectrum - this brings pragmatism and greater accountability. EN the Oath also critically makes breaking their voters confidence in the way is so normalised at the moment; a crime equivalent to perjury or lying in court, thus perverting the course of democracy shall be an easily definable and actionable criminal matter for policing politicians.

  • o/s politics is NOT a conventional party. There is only an agreement between Candidates to swear the oath & sign a contract to be democratic and independent

  • EN/OS politicians can never form political parties and have duty in parliament to vote with only the people’s choices guiding their vote.

  • O/S Candidates do not take any donations at all and have no vested interests in the economy other than sole trader businesses with a local scale only.

  • YOU could be a candidate, look at the current batch most random folk are better at most things than these politicians - you would sign an OPEN SOURCE document - a constitution of one called ‘epoch nova’ between you and your voters to defer to the people and no other powers; church, state etc

Let us call this;

pragmatic populism

or brand specifically;


for the full politicians oath go here...

take these matters seriously war is coming

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