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0773 946 1893

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safe parents



Thanks for visiting this campaign site and reading about our proposed services. Help us raise awareness of parental alienation and work towards reducing the harm it is causing in our community. Our target start date for our support line is January 2025. See Epoch Nova study for the basis of our planning and designing of these services.

The Parent Child Bond in humans is among the strongest in nature and thus being separated is catastrophic to the nervous system and biology of both parent and child.

Witnessing a child being harmed or mistreated is unbearable suffering. An abusive co-parent knows the way to hurt a safe parent more than anyone else, via harming the kids. limiting contact with the kids, these things are evidentially concurrent.

We are here to aid the survival of those facing this inhumane and for some reason socially acceptable and tolerated form of child abuse. We will campaign for change, but mainly we will provide a suicide prevention service - an emotional support service, for these most upsetting cases.

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Don’t Suffer Alone.

Safe parenting means looking after your child's physical and emotional well-being. It includes: keeping them safe at home and protecting them from abuse.


We provide support to those experiencing the following nightmare scenarios;

Three Columns Table With Doodle Line Style


Parental alienation is a strategy whereby one parent intentionally displays to the child unjustified negativity aimed at the other parent. The purpose of this strategy is to damage the child's relationship with the other parent and to turn the child's emotions against that other parent. Next to nothing can defend against this.

Parental Alienation syndrome refers to the process of psychological manipulation of a child by a parent to show fear, disrespect, or hostility towards the other parent. Very often, the child can't provide logical reasoning for the difference in their behaviour towards both parents. These patterns persist generationally.


When a child has been taken away - usually refers to overseas however domestic abduction is not much better.

The offence of kidnapping is when somebody is taken against their will and imprisoned against their consent. We call it abduction in relation to a child. There may be some form of ransom or financial gain involved.

Parental child abduction is the hiding, taking, or keeping hold of a child by a parent while defying the rights of the child's other parent or another family member. This abduction often occurs when the parents separate or begin divorce proceedings

Child Coercion

An often used example is to compel action under the threat that non-compliance may result in harm.

Coercive control refers to continuous patterns of behaviour that are intended to exert power or control over a survivor. These behaviours deprive survivors of their independence and can make them feel isolated or scare

Gaslighters may also convince their victims that they are mentally unfit or too sensitive, even when they are not. In comparison to coercive control, which is an act or a pattern of assaults, threats, humiliation, intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten the victim.

We feel due to the complexity of these cases - they deserved a specialist service. Empathy to all those who have suffered these abuses. We ought not to have to educate experts when we deal with such matters - however with the internet etc remember it is easier now to track and observe these behaviours.

mission statement


Safe Parent Alliance is aware of great failure in our society in the sector of legal child custody, child social services and the policing of domestic violence around children.

The field has a preexisting reputation for failures and of great controversy that defy belief. Many reading will be sadly all too aware also of scenarios where lives were lost and right now we know and have to live with the knowledge that unthinkable, miserable realities are being faced by children unchallenged. The only consistent feature of these outcomes is systemic failure that is striking to those looking in when cases make the news.

Sadly if anything; the public’s regard of failure here is too kind. Let there be no doubt in this statement that we are not interested in failure per se as this is inevitable in any complex well meaning institution - we are campaigning, researching the subjects of pathological workers being protected and enabled - we are targeting those who would and do abuse their power for abuse, not those who lack power altogether. It is possible corruption we are discussing and researching with these efforts but also just malignant abuse of the vulnerable by deranged and perverse individuals in powerful positions. These have been the most successful killers in History disguising themselves as those who are helping.

This campaign and service are conscious and proactive regarding institutional abuses - we know that we cannot rely on institutions broadly and you will never ever be met with that kind of infuriating naivety of the unaware and disbelieving or the default prejudices you may have found elsewhere rendering any support offered, not at all effective - possibly worsen situations.

One can only fathom why Judges make their decisions sometimes and - that ought not to be the case, surely there ought to be general agreement in judgements from the awareness raising is our main goal - we hope this site to act as provocation for change. Rarely is it that there is such unanimous cross-party agreement on the fact that lawyers make everything worse - and yet they govern the trajectory of children.

The safeguarding of children is being carried out either by the incompetent, the ignorant and unqualified or the de-funded and critically under resourced. Also in the worst cases safeguarding roles are occupied by those who ought never be near such vulnerability due to their own malicious intent being their motivator in post and they are an unchecked hazard to our community.

Power of that nature will forever be a magnet for abuse. Ignorance and Naivety ought not be accepted ever as excuses by the colleagues of abusers there is abundant whistleblowing opportunities we feel the public must be galvanised for change.

The state apparatus we have inherited in Scotland and the legal sector we have, considered an anomaly the world over - is killing parents by suicide and placing children in the hands of abusers.

The painful reality accepted by the safe parent alliance is that there is an industry in the UK of service providers who will enable and embolden abusers of children without remorse or hesitation where profit is to be found. Current laws in place to prevent this are disabled by defunding and under resourcing makes accountability near impossible.


Your survival and endurance of this is how to fight.

We hope to look back upon current family court processes from a future where these archaic legal custody procedures are a bad memory like slavery, the death penalty or corporal punishment in schools etc.

Where we allowed an institution to have godlike unchecked power over the destiny of largely working class vulnerable babies and children we allowed harm to take place, we allowed the predators free reign within our most essential services.

No parent should die by suicide from grief caused by child Custody factors.

This is a sick and inhumane practice that must be abolished. Also those who profit from these matters should be brought to justice - we hope that with a political candidate advocating strongly for these matters of child protection perhaps more progress shall be made.



We wish to prevent all parental suicides brought on by the despair of separation from their children - for whatever reason in whatever setting. We will refer to ‘Alienation’ broadly as what we are hoping to support parents and children with.

We consider this a sentence worse than death to have children taken away even temporarily for whatever reason - we feel this to be inhumane and barbaric fact of life that many sadly do not comprehend love of this kind.

This is a very high risk category deserving of a tailored responsive service to impact suicide figures. Also we think this kind of suffering should be abolished and that the pain of parents and children going through alienation is understood here. Talk to us about your feelings - it will help.

Vintage Rotary Phone Icon
Vintage Rotary Phone Icon

*what phones used to look like.

We offer telephone and text messaging services aimed at preventing parental suicide, dealing with parental mental health risks and challenges. Identifying and combating coercive control deployed against children, safeguarding children from harm above all other concerns.

The Scenarios which commonly lead to parental suicide are various, we specialise in supporting those being seperated against their wishes for any reason as this is a particularly obscene trauma that deserves the attention of society.

Cruelty is a habit of the weak; all bullies are cowards.

Zero Tolerance is matched in equal measure with infinite forgiveness. It is human to fail and try again.

Forced separation as described herein produces a grief response in children and parents. Grief responses cause lasting harm, developmental damage to the nervous system and should be avoided at all costs. Children who are alienated may not be aware and may take a long time to come to terms with what has happened to them. Often this is done to parents and children on purpose, without reasonable cause as a form of abuse or part of grooming, coercive forms of abuse.

parental alienation is child abuse and domestic abuse. it is coercive control strategies applies to the most vulnerable humans. we take a zero tolerance view of these behaviours this is the definition of ‘safe’ in terms of parenting - one who observes zero tolerance of abuse in all forms once they have been identified - we understand that many are conditioned to act and behave a certain way however tolerating these behaviours is not an option for the safe parent, who by definition is prioritising the child is safeguarding of the child and not capitulant or enabling of abuse to take place.

We seek to support individuals, suffering in this way irrespective of what side of the story they find themselves on - we are interested in your story - call us, tell the story to someone who understands what you are confronted with and it’s appalling life consequences.

talk to us, work with us get the help you need to find your way out of the woods. We might not be able to fix things, life is rarely so easy - but we have since time immemorial, together in our sadness and loss sat down by a campfire and comforted one and other by telling the story of our struggles. you will be heard, you will be believed and recieve emotional support, in a variety of forms however it starts with that call.

Pastelcore Candles Sticker
Colorful Paint Splatter
Transgender Heart Icon

Research, Policy Proposals & Actual Change...

So many have been hurt in this manner - the weaponisation of children in relationships is a tale as old as time perhaps. We hope for it to be just that - an old tale of the past.

We are optimistic about equality and trauma-informed enlightened parenting becoming more mainstream and sophisticated in our understanding of these patterns of abuse. Above all - we campaign for better data gathering so that antiquated manners of approaching these matters are evidenced into redundancy now and forever.

We must challenge status quo and the tolerance by those of us for whom children are not a blessing or a gift but instead a possession a weapon to exploit, their kids depend on us improving the quality of life of their safe parent.

Organic Friendly Cartoon Capybara

Happybaras is how kids will know cannot fight darkness with darkness - only light.

We hope to mitigate the harm of alienation upon kids via cuteness, cuddliness and joy.

Capybaras one of natures great tribal survivors and adaptors. We have chosen them as our mascot for connecting to younger audiences. We hope to take the settings that kids end up in for contact etc into properly joyful experiences for kids and parents. These services must be watching for alienation and reporting it rather than participating in it.

Creating fun bonding experiences for parents and kids is a way to live in the example of the capys and be content and find contentedness together as there is no way of undoing what has been done; we can only live as best we can despite it. lets teach this resilience to our kids when they are young and they shall be invincible.

Fort Sumter

‘Safety Concerns’

Meaning; an imaginary concept used as an excuse by family courts or bad faith social services to inflict yet more harm upon underprivileged parents and vulnerable children. Smear campaigns are effective and often are high enough in drama to enable the ignoring of real hazards altogether - in order to rationalise state child abductions. Safety Concerns can also be made up and disregarded when needed once a process has started and U-turns are rare.

Like in the US we now have a for profit human traffic system within the judiciary which is then being weaponised for private revenue sources; all doing well while on the other hand many non-lucrative cases end up news headlines and tragedies where it seems nothing obvious was done to protect the kids society always seems horrified at these outcomes and quick to blame social services when the lawyers are right there making their dollar regardless of the best interests of the children - this is happening as there is no real good intentions behind these acts. It is always and only about Money and nothing else whatsoever is considered in these processes and so they are a sham.

‘Safe parenting’ here just means that, as in good enough to not have your rights removed by someone who sent their kids to boarding school, self appointed parent police who want to judge others. Let’s be clear the state is the number one child abuser and abductor in most countries. Looking after your child's physical and emotional well-being; a safe parent is putting the kids first. It includes: keeping them safe at home. Protecting them from abusive partners. taking care of their basic needs, human rights, health and wellbeing - we think the law could include ‘not alienating them’.

safe DAD; Safe here.

We were founded by a father however - we are a post-gender organisation with core principles of tolerance and full inclusion and so we support all efforts towards gender equality and will only use the terms ‘parent’ and ‘child’.

A Child being denied their rights of access to a parent without good reason is being abused all of those participating in this are enabling a child to be isolated for the purposes of abuse. A persons sexuality, gender etc are go-to weapons for this sector. However if *Sir are looking to whine endlessly about what this is doing to YOU more than what it is doing to your kid - or how male privilege is not a thing since she left with the kids - we are not here for that sort of things at all - and thus we are not able to associate with the ‘fathers rights movement’ we are interested in protecting kids from the whole system not bending a broken system slightly it in the direction of Fathers who are trying to save money on legal fees - this is not a great flag to be waving. We are an alliance of all gendered and all races parents who want justice4kids.

Organic Friendly Cartoon Capybara
Anxiety disorder, depression, mixed emotions. Thinking woman

Abusers may not understand that what they are doing is wrong. But, if you have told someone repeatedly that they are hurting you, and they don't stop… then they are acting intentionally and knowingly harming you. People doing this find it very hard to change, many never do.

This is not your fault. It’s important to remember that although their actions may cause you harm in lots of ways, it’s not about you - they are the one with the problem within them which is leading to their behaviour towards you, they will and probably is doing this to others with the same impunity no doubt. We have a problem with dealing with these types, no perfect solution is available.

This pattern of longterm gradually worsening behaviour against your wishes fits into the majority of abusers who know exactly what they are doing. How much to sympathise is not for us to say nor is it upon us to exact judgement or punishment however - we must observe zero tolerance, no solution is perfect however some of these behaviours must be challenged regardless - it’s how we do that which needs to change or be developed even.

Feelings are just that and nothing more, but they are not nothing. Let them come up, let them out, free of consequences and then move along with your trials. Don’t give up.

Call, Text or Email.

0773 946 1893

We will arrange a 1:1 emotional support call.

Kids are the property of their parents to do with as they please. We don’t care how bad the outcomes are for kids in fact worse outcomes are more lucrative for us so whatevs eh. Above all though - it’s just all too complicated for one of the most overpaid sectors to deal with professionally or properly and so total failure is guaranteed and accepted as just how it is before we even begin.

Here is the bill.


-The Law.

They are not of course propert but should a person wish to weaponise

kids - they have no free will to protect themselves under these scenarios - in the wild an infant can flee a parent that is going through dysfunctions but also the presence of tribes in all complex mammals is being subverted here - the fossil record suggests that the support of others in the community would help sustain a child in whatever ways the Mother was struggling.

In abuse discussions it is helpful to separate ‘fathers’ from ‘male domestic abuse victims’ as this form of abuse cannot occur without the brainwashed child doing rejections etc for approval of abuser parent will in fact act out by-proxy abuse upon the targeted parent.

We see a total lack of remorse for their actions in alienated kids - they will not ever recover from this brainwashing without serious work. These matters must be identified early and dealt with in a highly aware fashion.

sadly nothing could be further from what we have at the moment.

Again we support using gender neutral term ‘parent’ universally however research about ‘fathers’ is crucial as it does indicate a market utilising children as weapons does create a distinct set of challenges and prejudices.

Separation from a primary caregiver- is a recognised injury to children and is considered an Adverse Childhood Experience affecting victims with lifelong symptoms of trauma, emotional and behavioural problems are common - informed approaches. We see this in other

Other mammals of course - dogs, cats etc and so we legislate to prevent such cruelty towards animals yet we have a legal system, family courts, maternity and custody sector to whom children are commodities of leverage without the rights to the same protections.

Social services departments persist with practices that cause more harm than they relieve or prevent. It is hard to keep the tin foiled hat to one side - however terms like class war, and monopoly’s around humans have existed forever.

A safe parent by definition will be conscientious of these realities and understandably fearful of any such involvement not worsening matters rather than remedying them, which is a very common experience - we seek not to produce alarm and prejudice or any vigilante approaches SPA fully supports these authorities on the basis of good faith and do not prejudice members of any of these institutions - however we must meet all institutions with the healthy vigilance and watchful eye that they deserve. The situation prevailing for so long where predators and the grossly negligent being ubiquitous and under the protection of Omertá we cannot act in good faith without prejudice whenever encountering our public services.

One cannot fathom why a member of these institutions of sound mind and good will towards their clients or the public; their vulnerable target? Why wouldn’t it be wise to back everything up? “guy in the chair”

Research has been carried out by Safe Parent Alliance in 2023. Many hundreds of hours of research into the phenomenon. In addition to social media real life story research has been carried out via interviews with victims of this phenomenon. More than a dozen legal firms have been ‘consulted’ in one form or another on real life matters. What has been documented during this period of research indicates an irredeemable sector which is only producing outcomes that are worse than were they had no involvement whatsoever.

The Safe Parent Alliance is calling for the total abolition of the family courts system. Also for historic justice to be pursued for what ought to be an irrefutable record of failure and association with outcomes that have caused the loss of life or catastrophic outcomes while making grubby profit from these matters.

The typically chaotic experience following early parental loss has proven in studies to produce a range of health and wellbeing problems, including unhealthy eating, difficulty taking care of basic needs like bathing and other areas of self-care, and increased alcohol and drug use (“self-medication” to deal with or escape unrelenting psychic pain)

Professionals working with young children, policy-makers and caregivers should be aware that an accumulation of caregiver separations/losses, irrespective of violence and other traumatic exposure, may(how could it not) have detrimental effects on young children especially in the context of prior separations/losses or disruptions in their lives.

Happybaras would eliminate all parental alienation if we could - it is a form of grooming; sadistic child abuse that ​destroys possibly permanently a childs relationship with their other parent. We recognise Coercive Control for what it ​is now - all we need to understand about PA Parental Alienation is that it is a very similar pattern of behaviour ​directed towards babies and children and usually just in fact a vehicle for worse forms of abuse. We see in ​brainwashed children symptoms of abuse in terms of all aspects of their health and development being undermined ​over the long term. When a child has been so heavily brainwashed from such a young age it is considered a lost cause ​by most survivors to try and redeem their kids tragically so many cases have the presentation of that and we do not ​wish to give anyone false hope with any prospective reunification. What is not in dispute is the phenomenon itself. ​There are many who benefit materially but also in a loaded short-term setting such as family matters or broader issues in ​which they are involved personal agendas etc Individuals with conflicts of interests are the only operators in the ​subject. We would suppose that this is due to the failure of the mental health sector to do anything meaningful ​regarding the parental alienation phenomenon. *other than enable it to happen for money. It is often associated with ​the field of personality disorders. We will be making an attempt to eliminate as many unfounded claims from this ​discussion as possible in the field of gender biases. All this is not pointless nor is it undesirable there must be We feel ​research on deprogramming is needed. It is very sad that those in later life will have a harder path to recovery from this ​form of abuse. We may not have all the answers however we would like to present a way of co-parenting that cannot ​be subverted unfairly.

We must do what alienators hate. Be together, be happy, not allow their actions to govern our lives. This is by far the ​best advice on parental alienation - if it is observed it is essential it is understood and study is needed - however a lot ​of study is available already. We aim to develop early awareness in possible target children, just as with any other ​forms of abuse awareness and understanding form a huge part of recovery etc - we think this should begin as early as ​possible at separation for kids to have some kind of therapeutic - very low intervention forms of talking therapy and ​support with things like critical reasoning and helping kids remain gaining from parental relationships being consistent ​and managed - this is as important, I mean really it is one would hope - very obvious that school will always come ​second to home life and putting the burden on schools to deal with social problems has failed so has ignoring matters ​or leaving it to Lawyers.

campaign to guarantee the rights of all children to love ​their two parents and live free of alienating behaviours

conduct research and provide advice with evidence on ​how to develop happybaras reunification services.

raise awareness about brainwashing & alienation.

development and provision of unique reconciliation ​services designed to help recover and redeem ​relationships from the system so determined to do harm.