Haunted Jail Corridor And Cells
Purple ball lightning

REFORMS - I am hoping there is ​appetite for change out there. I ​would give police misdemeanour ​criminal charging powers to bring ​in a form of deterrence lacking at ​present in order to help police ​exert somekind of power in society ​- at present they have all ​responsibility and none of the ​power. If a person is being ​disrespectful to a police officer ​they should be treated the way ​that guy that shouted at Prince ​you know who - about you know ​what - that guy got handled in a ​way I wish they could deploy at ​more worthy moments rather than ​suppressing freedom of the ​peasants to protest.

I am now more of the view that the ​villain lies further up the food chain ​than the cops...and that bad cops of ​course exist but the culture problem ​from above is truly worse. Why are our ​cops afraid of lawyers? Why will cops ​not turn over a rapist colleague? What ​could they possibly be afraid of?

I know now that the courts are the ​disaster people say and even good faith ​innocent people are not safe from our ​legal sector...royal mail fiasco has ​exposed a phenomenon that is rife in ​the legal sector. My Misdemeanours ​won’t give criminal records but will ​dish out financial penalties which are ​wealth -appropriate to produce an ​effective deterrent to whomever is ​falling foul of best behaviours. penalties ​which protect petty criminals from life ​long punitive harm in what can often ​be matters of judgement and ​disgression.

Never Stop Fighting til the Fight is Done Elliot Ness

completion 2025



Law Order
Wooden Frame Illustration
Constitutional Reforms
Banking Finance
Devil Business Man
It is Easier for a Camel to get Through the Eye of a Needle than it is for a Rich Man to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven Matthew 19 24

My thoughts are with all those standing up to overwhelming power; whether it be colonial, corporate or oblique class warfare. There is a form of domestic terrorism in divided nations; in form of semi-legal tolerated middle class crime which we can identify as WHITE COLLAR CRIME.

Whether the state is out of control or corporations out of control - it’s the same struggle for justice and fairness. We are all struggling for our Liberty over power, and that of our loved ones in apparent competition.

In every country of the world however; division is an illusion a distraction from what is really going on. My solidarity goes across borders and skin colours... not as a choice of wokeness etc but purely because borders, like hatred only exist in the heads of morons.

now that we have conquered the globe and even space, conflict is redundant since discovery of our total aloneness within this vast universe of infinity we are crushingly alone to ponder meaning and purpose. Let it be peace, let it be survival we must be united around the shared will for compassion and togetherness in our endeavours.

What is White collar crime?

this document seeks to provide the best definition of the phenomenon now that we have so much world history shared we can observe incalculable historic injustice to which reparations seem tawdry against these crimes of power. WHITE COLLAR CRIMES are not only frequent but in many cases have commonalities helping us develop an observable pattern, a picture of how toxic power can thrive in certain conditions.

Let us identify these conditions and update our laws and institutions to cope with new power, global and local which currently seem out of reach of democracy or the free market. This legislation is about tackling corrupt power in its many forms...

Human rights legislation has done much good in its attempts to curtail toxic power over the destiny of humans. A White Collar Crime Act is needed for the David & Goliath, very real and not mythological side of confronting toxic power full frontally, so far we have failed. I hope this work can add clarity and confidence to those in doubt about how to secure peace and prosperity.

Bringing down this kind of power dynamic in health, education, policing; all these forms of toxic power collapsing ought to feel a lot like *taking back control, an emancipation proclaimed aloud even, from conditions where humans are being treated like chattel. Money cannot equal justice, and ones level of liberty ought not be a metric of race or gender. Until total liberty is achieved this task is never over.

Toxic Power over our lives, jobs, politics, reproductive rights and the class divide all intersect and overlap to reinforce one another and creates conditions for the many that are akin to slavery and for a few lucky, decadence beyond reason.

I wish to confront such imbalance, such activities of injustice. ABUSE of power shall be called out by this author. Where disparity beyond reason is found, let it be removed from our economies. White Collar Crime shall be criminalised, not just in writing but; there must be justice socially and materially for those denied it. As I write many are languishing in living hells created by people wearing SUITS. Not just in spirit or spoken word but also in a very real observable measurable way let‘s fix this for a new age; for example the elimination of homelessness and child poverty. This is a choice we can make and in my outset these are primary targets of senseless and net negative injustice for an economy, human life is priceless due to its aloneness, it‘s a precious commodity of scarcity within the observable universe.

Some of our aging and redundant institutions may indeed just need to be abolished for justice to come down, walls may have to come down like Jericho. A range of malevolent behaviours listed here; seemingly benign, or even essential must be exposed as criminal motivations to wield great power with zero responsibility. this legislation would deter these motivations to obtain toxic power. Deterrence for these crimes shall be described later herein.

These are crimes of privilege, that those without power are the target of. Wealth beyond reason creates pathological people. White collar crime is the advantaged acting to even further advantage themselves, which is fine with positive intent such as self esteem or virtuous societal outcomes - but not if that involves strategically disadvantaging others via class sabotage institutions such as the UK’s NHS.

the spoiled, consequence free super rich folk are capable of crimes which people without money, privilege cannot ever do.

Characterised by divide and conquer, narcissistic methods of ‘masslighting’ community; a phrase coined to describe grand mal psychological abuse by proxy. This is pathology in human behaviour in dire need of medicament.

No more obvious insanity is a belief one can build a wall and keep one’s fears or problems out - there’s good and evil identified by whom they follow...these are the ideas of the GOLDEN CHILD SYNDROME; spoilt beyond repair quite possibly...

From seeing the effects of poor leadership on my Family I learned that there is no greater problem for a society than powerful individuals with malicious intent. Evolution is a painful process. Having been mistreated and spoiled or abused as a child is no one’s fault, only thing we must expect self-awareness and personal responsibility to be awaiting our failures and shortcomings. This bill seeks to address a rampant problem out of control all over the world, we have spoiled, hyper privileged humans treating other humans like battery farm animals. We have the gentry treating their dogs and horses with more humanity than humans of their employ.

thus the abuses of power this new crime bill seeks to deal with is carried out in places that are near impossible to get to due to the protections that money buys - this bill shall overcome all vested interest democratically. I believe we can achieve no progress towards our now very pressing goals without dealing with these issues of broken leadership structures and power held in the hands of those who do not deserve such influence over the destiny of others at all let alone civilised super powers with limitless might and wealth.

My fundamental hypothesis is that the only thing causing the chaos we are suffering from is the casual lack of responsibility or magical thinking of those in established power. We have the UK’s Marie Antoinette generation of leaders making previous political shambolic failure pale in comparison.

we can have a lot of fun with this proposed act of parliament aimed at curbing ‘toxic power of patriarchal or establishment wealth upon vulnerable members of society who are less able to sustain assaults and we have an unassailable power dynamic. This act was inspired by the work of anonymous, MR Assange, C Manning, Mr Snowden and others whom we cannot name here all that have thrown themselves fearless under the most enormous bus to tell the truth to power - you many fighters against gross injustices we thank you for your unsung heroism by getting behind change.

I hope the people have suffered enough. Vote for Candidates Who have signed the OPEN SOURCE candidates contract seeking Royal Assent.

completion of bill by 2025




  1. dehumanisation
  2. slavery
  3. warmongering with no plan on fighting
  4. colonisation, ethnic cleansing & genocide
  5. environmental terrorism
  6. financial terrorism
  7. misogyny & rape in all forms
  8. politicians lying to “the people”
  9. cronyism & corruption
  10. industrial accidents
  11. chemical spills and exposures
  12. releasing toxins and particulates into the air
  13. starvation and famine through economic measures
  14. economic genocides and market collapses
  15. brainwashing victims; child or political
  16. marketing to children and vulnerable groups
  17. capital punishment & corporal punishment
  18. mass incarceration
  19. indentured servitude
  20. legal profiteering
  21. medical profiteering
  22. agism - young exploiting old
  23. agism - old sabotaging the young
  24. educating kids and young people - for profit
  25. incarceration for profits
  26. profiting from warfare & machines of war
  27. profiting from disease
  28. cosmetic surgery beyond natural
  29. lobotomy procedures
  30. non-medical genital mutilations
  31. profiting from family breakdowns
  32. profiting from the abuse or exploitation of children
  33. causing extinction of a species or abundant life in an area
  34. terraforming the earth or weather systems
  35. torture or suffering over time of animals
  36. mistreatment of animals for any purpose
  37. violating species maternal and paternal rights
  38. raping animals or artificial insemination
  39. forced breeding of animals
  40. hunting of animals for purposes other than harvesting food
  41. all cultural traditional mass murder of animals
  42. profiting from conditions akin to slavery
  43. attempts to privatise social security or care provision.
  44. privatisation of elderly or disabled care facilities.
  45. stock market pensions of all kind - renationalise the bond market.
  46. renationalise the bank of england and immediately drop interest rates on mortgages.
  47. national rent freeze.
  48. total abolition of landlordism.
  49. renters shall inherit 50% of their property value - the government shall take up the rest as a long term housing stock asset.
  50. above is an effective part nationalisation we will buy out all landlords - 50% cash payouts - 50% taken on by the current tenants. they will only pay rent on 50% and government shall earn growth on the other 50% carry on as before.
  51. privatisation of state health care provision. Restore NHS to be a national care service - and privatise the medicine side, that’s how it is already effectively this would allow us to scale up & save money immediately.
  52. seizure of all war and disease profits such as vaccine revenue
  53. abolish any and all drug wars & decriminalisation of all substances.
  54. Kill off black market drugs with licensing for growth. No more prohibitions of any kind for adult substance use - humanitarianism.
  55. abolish all nation state warfare, transition market to eco-samurai market
  56. democratic abuse of the vulnerable - voter ID requirements & criminal record blocks.
  57. religious tax evasion - religious money laundering and child abuse enablement
  58. church and state collusions of any sort not just child abuse
  59. homophobia and transphobia - in the ‘hate crime’ context.
  60. Lawyers behaving -
  61. putting profit before people in anyway ever - this indicates de-humanisation of workers
  62. dehumanisation of workers akin to slavery
  63. neglect or abuse in service towards workers of all sector
  64. tipping cultures abolished - pay workers is my suggestion rather than subject them to humiliations for the wealthy.

yes sir, sure thing sir, right away sir, sorry sir thank you sir!

Class awareness or consciousness is not consistent throughout the world and so when it comes to ruining your kids schools, turn your hospitals into death traps and your atmosphere into a lifeless toxic hazard to your health...even to come into contact with institutions working people are very vulnerable to abusers of power and our institutions seem themselves; sadly not too keen to catch bad apples...historic violations will have to be tracked - the white collar crime bill should start with a data gathering effort - whistle blowers and survivors of phenomena similar to that of ‘the list’.

Get involved if you are a lawyer of conscience and want to ensure things like Royal Mail, Brexit, Covid, Chernobyl*this is a WCC despite being from the USSR this was classic crime of privilege and failure of executives to act responsibly.

It’s the obscene imbalance in the quality of life enjoyed by some humans vs others. I hate injustice it makes my blood boil. That includes when people work super hard and get little thanks for it - not just that some go home with golden parachutes after causing economic calamity for others. We cannot get up out of where we are as this market is not free - if we had a free market these issues wouldn’t be happening.

quit the job...

Sack your boss!



Splitting Road Icon

Politicians must no longer have business interests. AT ALL.

this is all i got here - blind trusts were the convention long shit canned in favour of just doing your presidential business inside facilities you own and charge the government a fortune.

all vested interests must be dropped to be an epoch nova, open source politician.

Let us have a Severance policy built into epoch nova which will in effect - remove the rights of politicians to earn from their positions to nothing outside the salary at all and a fixed pension arrangement between states and politicians. Sadly will surrender some rights and privileges - matters of private life and family life shall be respected and defended however - no business life is possible for business owners - only sole trader self employed freelance work in specified universal fields.

Woman Resigning from Job

family court scandal will dwarf the royal mail

Law Book Illustration

Legal Predation, family courts and criminal courts sadly historic outcomes cannot be considered reliable by society until they can find a way to not allow or even prefer always that whomsoever has the most money wins, like american elections rather than scientific laboratories. this is an institution run by the corrupt so openly and it is so unchallenged in our society - due to money and power reasons, not democratic or truthful or even in the case of family courts, bereft of evidence. law firms cannot be a profit making business model. Lawyers being super rich indicates there

 Illustration of a Burning Trash
Social Class

Thanks Jimmy Wales and everyone at wikipedia for the following;

A mutual organization, or mutual society is an organization (which is often, but not always, a company or business) based on the principle of mutuality and governed by private law. Unlike a true cooperative, members usually do not contribute to the capital of the company by direct investment, but derive their right to profits and votes through their customer relationship. A mutual organization or society is often simply referred to as a mutual.

A mutual exists with the purpose of raising funds from its membership or customers (collectively called its members), which can then be used to provide common services to all members of the organization or society. A mutual is therefore owned by, and run for the benefit of, its members – it has no external shareholders to pay in the form of dividends, and as such does not usually seek to maximize and make large profits or capital gains. Mutuals exist for the members to benefit from the services they provide and often do not pay income tax.

Surplus revenue made will usually be re-invested in the mutual for the benefit of the members and for internal financing, to sustain or grow the organization, and to make sure it remains safe and secure.


The primary form of financial business set up as a mutual company in the United States has been mutual insurance. Some insurance companies are set up as stock companies and then mutualized, their ownership passing to their policy owners. In mutual insurance companies, what would have been profits are instead rebated to the clients in the form of dividend distributions, reduced future premiums or paid up additions to the policy value.

This is a competitive advantage to such companies—the idea of owning a piece of the company could be more attractive to some potential clients than the idea of being a source of profits for investors. In the typical stock company, profits go to shareholders. In contrast, a mutual manages the company in the best interests of the customers. Furthermore, a mutual company is able to focus on a longer horizon than a typical company. Some mutual insurance companies make this claim explicitly

In more general terms, mutual organizations are able to minimize the principal–agent problem by removing one stakeholder, the investor-owner, in favor of one of the other stakeholders, usually the customer, who becomes both user and joint owner of the business

However, the mutual form of ownership also has disadvantages. One example is that mutual companies have no shares to sell and hence no access to equity markets.

At one time,[when?] most major U.S. life insurers were mutual companies. For many years, the tax status of such organizations was open to dispute, as they were technically nonprofit organizations. Eventually,[when?] it was agreed that federal taxation would be based on their share of business: for instance, in years in which mutual companies represented half of the business, they would be responsible for half of the taxes paid by the industry.

Many savings and loan associations were also mutual companies, owned by their depositors.

As a form of corporate ownership the mutual has fallen out of favor in the U.S. since the 1980s. Savings and loan industry deregulation and the late 1980s savings and loan crisis led many to change to stock ownership, or in some cases into banks. Many large U.S.-based insurance companies, such as the Prudential Insurance Company of America and the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company have demutualized, with shares of stock being distributed to their policyholders to represent the ownership interest they formerly had in the form of their interest as mutual policyholders.

The Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company has also investigated demutualization, even though its form of ownership is embedded in its name. It is noted that other formerly mutual companies such as Washington Mutual, a former savings and loan association, have been allowed to demutualize and yet retain their names.

The approximate British equivalent of the savings and loan is the building society. Building societies also went through an era of demutualisation in the 1980s and 1990s, leaving only one large national building society and currently 43 (Sept 2016) smaller regional and local ones. Significant demutualisation also occurred in Australia and South Africa in the same era.

Cooperatives are very similar to mutual companies. They tend to deal in primarily tangible goods and services such as agricultural commodities or utilities rather than intangible products such as financial services. Nevertheless, banking institutions with close ties to the co-operative movement are usually known as credit unions or cooperative banks rather than mutuals.

Modern mutuality

Various types of financial institutions around the world are mutuals, and examples include:

Asset management companies (most are not mutual)

Some mutual financial institutions offer services very similar to (if not the same as) those of a commercial bank. In some markets, mutuals offer very competitive interest rates and fee tariffs on savings and deposit accounts, mortgages and loans. The members who save and borrow with the mutual ultimately own the business.

Mutualization or mutualisation is the process by which a joint stock company changes legal form to a mutual organization or a cooperative, so that the majority of the stock is owned by employees or customers.

Demutualization (or privatization) is the reverse process, in which a mutual may convert itself to a non-mutual through the process. This process became increasingly common in the 1980s as a result of deregulation. In the United States, conversion may be full, to a public company, or, in many states, partial, to a mutual holding company.


part two?

  1. Total Abolition of Limited Liability, Public Liability & Employment these shall henceforth be known as modern slavery. This is the Reformation of capitalism proposed by Iain F. Dunn leading to ownership stakes and self employment with assets of your own wealth, inheritable and with unlimited liability.
  2. Mutualisation of the entire economy. All restaurants and chain stores shall be owned by the staff who will then run the business as their own.
  3. what thatcher did with council houses I want to do with all the franchises and chains.
  4. business models shall overnight be as sustainbale as the currency itself and the wealth of the country shall be measured by the value of the self employed, eco-freelancer or part-owned businesses diversifying the asset market and boosting productivity and improving accountability and improve all aspects of command and control of businesses towards efficiency and sustainability.

The old exploitative detached boss model is replaced with the chaos and success or failure of a family business. Yes, but this will make the country so wealthy and motivated at the same time - ownership or part ownership of a business, determination and return on investments of time energy and length of service shall return to workers in a growth model that is meritocratic and motivating and move us towards free global capitalism that isn’t just white collar crime. with a stake comes the need for results - without more business ownership productivity shall go no where and results such as problem solving, customer service being... well do you remember when customer service was a thing?


Ownership models where workers have an immediate stake in the business as an alternative to working towards a stable asset for the future shall grow like a rocket.

Human Heads

Abuse of power such as colonialism brainswashing, medical abuse, lawyers and judges and law enforcement conduct problems.

These abuses of power often involve the immediate - removal of human status from victims it is not possible for a human to abuse a human what white collar criminals - as in the very first ones ever discovered that if they taught other humans to hate unconditionally instead of love unconditionally then they were capable for dehumanisation and once you dehumanise someone THEN can humans act out upon what they perceive to be less than human.

disgust is expressed often. cultural appropriation and cultural repression or exterminations such as languag, dress codes and emblems for cultural punishment - social scarring demonstrative cruelty capital and corporal punishment. any interference with reproductive choices at all - the male/female imbalance present to some extent patriarchy is white collar crime. wealth or status to remove the basic rights of another human or human beings. ‘Dehumanisation’ via oblique means to do economic harm. basic rights as defined in the UN Convention of human rights and in accordance with the geneva conventions

Law and order is a memory - the legal system is a failure in all fronts other than making money for wcc’s.

I want to setup a whole new police agency in Scotland to investigate complex crime - who’s sole task is to enforce the rights of patients and investigate medical abuse, abuse of power within our institutions. This would be to move the nation towards abolition of political parties in particular - I wish to brand myself firmly as a radical populist with anti-corruption agenda as the pinnacle of my campaign

I will bring in a new range of ‘misdemeanour offences’ designed to target white collar crime. We’ll not dish out jail time and the shame of criminal record until misdemeanours reach a level where a criminal offence similar to parking tickets.

Hand Gesture Pointing Finger
Check It Out Classic Button With Cursor Icon


government funded emergency and maternity only. all other healthcare open up to private market choice for all. annual budget for healthcare shall be means tested. never shall emergency or maternity be sacrificed for indulgent luxury healthcare of the gentry.

medicine must be demonitised

those who have monetised it may have killed us all already. Getting money out of health is as important as getting money out of politics we cannot even get clear answers on the most basic subjects and this means we have a public health crisis in the fact that many gp’s and dr’s use public healthcare as a vehicle for abuse or class warfare.

Medicine must be meritocratic and open to the public to scrutinise and assess - these rigged business models backed by pharma and tech must be totally outlawed for us to move health forward the vested interests remain the only barrier to world progress. patenting and commodification of health knowledge or any attempt to do so must be treated as white collar crime as it is fundamentally the most mortal of sins to wish harm, act harmfully in this disguised manner undermining a persons health creating markets for disease effectively - this is harm for money. Getting money out of health is as important as getting money out of politics we cannot even get clear answers on the most basic subjects and this means we have a public health crisis in the fact that many gp’s and dr’s use public healthcare as a vehicle for abuse or class warfare.

Dry Cannabis Plant in Jar for Medical Purpose Vector Illustrated Object

ALL the responsibility for failures with no power to affect outcomes this is a very vulnerable period in history for public sector workers - they have to do near impossible jobs in near impossible circumstances.

There is no other modern organisation guilty of defending more manslaughters, enabling more homicides, looking the other way to more rapes, more class war and sexist gaslighting, more medical and pharmaceutical failure and abuse than our nhs and to protect the public from white collar crime which is rampant and out of control.

Anyone found to have denied health services or products that a person needed shall be prosecuted as a white collar criminal. we must recognise that most dr’s would be found guilty of this and the penalty shall be ending careers due to failing the public. This would be one way to end the NHS is just deregulate the sector - pitch would be make more drug money screw all the dr’s and nurses - big pharma will run at that.

Health can only be open source from now on - it already is i am just gonna stop the profiteering and the harm done by these corporate fraudster ‘doctors’ sadly for the good dr’s who have...

total abolition of health products or health services for money. everyone working or seeking to work providing health services shall do so completely free of regulation - current monopolies will collapse the minute they are exposed to anything like a ‘freemarket’. so I am gonna give them what they wish for.

Free market Brutal Efficiency, But Differing from USA -

with regulations like firearms or nuclear weapons

we have a situation now where calling an ambulance is a lottery.

We need to get to competence levels of airline pilots at the moment we can barely get them to read notes or keep up to date with changes.

operations being carried out on people who do not need them for any amount of cash is wasteful and I will be moving in the direction of coming after private health care users not just providers as it is so reprehensible to pay to jump queues in this manner. of course many reading will have done this out of desperation with the length of delays being absurd and again life changing.

Warning iceberg dead ahead on a lack of any corporate liability but insane levels of public and therefor workers in the public sector are rightly afraid of frivolous legal actions - but also they are deterred from doing their jobs freely and thus we have a very troubling situation for those workers.

A Political Fraud SQUAD; yes please!

Let’s start with that money that was written on a bus, promised and was never delivered. Developing a Law to identify this as criminal act beyond any reasonable doubt. This is the goal of WCCAct coming to deal with charlatans.


It is a form of gaslighting/coercion classic fraud bait and switch scenario. Sometimes it is only clear in hindsight and so we must have laws designed to catch this sort of CHARLATANISM

Red bus, closeup. 3D rendering isolated on transparent background

Target; Brexit politicians who divided this country - thanks for the chance to show how unhappy the marriage here is. Sometimes ye can’t save them all. Criminal Negligence shall henceforth include lying to the public about policies - obvious deviant malicious dishonesty towards voters shall be abolished by making a vote for your leader to be a legal contract between their voters to always tell the truth, to ask questions remotely of my voters and vote with them 75% is the cut off for debate it becomes the politicians job to lead to teach to ‘sell’ his ideas to his voters.


If the candidate cannot go along with the 75% by holding their nose and being a democrat...eg the death penalty - I will never vote to restore capital punishment so if I get a 75% on that question I will resign and call a byelection. This is the only scenario when a good candidate really should have to consider their position.

UNDER the OSPolitics ‘the last constitution’

Great Leaders should be able to stay as long as they are loved and their ideas are supported etc. I would opt for breaking the national election cycle and replacing it with this OSPolitics style where your candidate is safe in the knowledge they are going with the majority and effective leadership with accountability of THE PEOPLE’s liability being GOD given etc.

Businessman Evil Devil in Suit

Misogyny; Men who hate women are not normal. Usually Gay and repressed. Normal hetrosexuality is defined by the desire to be chosen by women. The type of hatred that goes on towards women strikes the author as an open admission of homosexuality sadly with shame and self hatred being projected out.

Catholic Priest Person

Our Police Stations and Social Service Departments appear to be opposing departments constantly at war or ignoring one another perpetually outsourcing responsibility until mortal failures occur. How is this a thing? by accident do we think? Hm that’s what this is about - how could such negligence be failure?

One way sexism a white collar crime?

Yes in this economy absolutely.

This was the first ever white collar crime, the original white collar crime. Pictured.

This is the birthing pool*literally of white collar crime and is the reason girls do not know about economics and why girls don’t get to be popes etc. Institutions designed to keep women out or segregated are a white collar crime as it is in order to create power dynamics which put women at economic disadvantage.

Slut shaming in addition to marrying virgins is a white collar crime; that I will leave to proper feminists to explain however any barriers to economic success of women shall be treated again as white collar crimes. It is important to understand that these are complex reproductive strategies which appears in all societies around the world and is very much a feature of a lot of countries.

My daughter shall enjoy the same freedoms and rights as me if it kills me in the fight for it.

Liberty or Death must extend to us all.

Marriage as an institution which has historically usually accompanied with parental arrangements, exchange of funds, names and pleasantries - perhaps even a rape would be conducted ritualistically. Women are being targeted in having their rights to choose taken away.

Rape of course is almost decriminalised here. In the US we have what we will call institutional rapes - marriage arranged marriage and honour killings are among this category which are on the surface religious - we would like to have such violations by religions treated as the acts of rape that they are. This is when the judiciary, politicians and law enforcement etc police or in anyway regulate a woman’s right to decide who’s babies she has and when.

Future for White Collar crime taken to the Hague?

White collar crime overlaps with fascism and neo-conservatism of the post 9/11 era

i am interested in connecting our approach to war crimes; to white collar crimes - economic terrorism would be an apt descriptor for when war is business.

Demon Mask Halloween Element

What is an Institutional Terrorist?-well that would be the following most notable examples;

I would attempt to define this in Law in the following way;

An institutional terrorist would be one who is found beyond reasonable doubt to have intentionally pursued chronic mal practice in a role of power and influence over the general public.

One can be found guilty of INSTITUTIONAL TERRORISM while occupying or having previously occupied; COMMUNITY’S SERVICES ‘of trust’ PRIVATE OR PUBLIC TO SATISFY AN EGO WITH SADISTIC or NARCISSISTIC PREDATION ON THE VULNERABLE. Aggravated Abuse of Power within public life.

I would attempt to define this white collar crime in Law in the following manner;

  1. An Institutional Terrorist should be positively identified by the following behaviours or definitions regarding their conduct.
  2. AN ‘IT’ would be one who is found beyond reasonable doubt to have intentionally or via ‘LIHOP‘ pursued chronic malpractice in any community service.
  3. Via abuse of power an ‘IT’ is one who’s acts have resulted in harm, loss of life or permanent damages to the service users.
  4. One who presents as having utilised and therefor abused their role of responsibility to care for or facilitate the provision of care.
  5. AN ‘IT’ will present having sought to relieve some form of ego satisfaction or a sadistic tendency or a perversion or fetish of theirs...
  6. In order to meet the conditions of being charged and found guilty as an “IT’ - their deviant type acts must only be possible from within an institution of public trust such as Health or Fitness Provision or Protection via Policing or equivalent security services.
  7. AN ‘IT’ will have been found beyond reasonable doubt to deploy covert tactics of evasion of detection; for example access to the most vulnerable or already discredited individuals such as Prison Services, Mental Health Institutions.
  8. Where criminal intent is observed to have been pursued specifically via a semi-private or an Non-Government agency charged with provision of community service by the state or with ANY public funding or subsidy.
  9. An ‘IT’ may be identified negatively by acts of neglect which resemble ‘LIHOP’. Letting bad things happen on purpose with intent to allow harm to go on unchallenged or undeterred.
  10. An ‘IT’ could also be found guilty where there is an obvious failure of duty which lack credibility as having occured by accident therefore having the appearance of intent to cause harm while serving in a role of great power and great responsibility.

One can only be found guilty of INSTITUTIONAL TERRORISM while occupying a position of power within one of our national or Semi-Privatised institutions. This includes all health services all policing the public services, security services of a non-state institution, providing service of trust to the community.