‘Beast’ Lock Rental.

We call all our locks the ‘beast’ this is just to keep the exact brands we use under wraps and allow us to switch things up - this eliminates planned assaults on your own lock.


Rental of a Larger Lock on location means this whole weight/safety/price issue with keeping your beloved bike safe is not a thing any more. YES. enjoy nice light bike ride, know that decent lockage is guaranteed available where you need it when you need it, anywhere in town.

Rent one of our covers alongside...

Why not add the rain proof cover over for your lovely bike - this will protect form the elements firstly but also - hide the level of security that is being applied on your bike and prevent a thief from assessing the value of the target or which tools will be needed - spoiler for them is that one of our beasts is underneath guaranteed.

Bike Accessory Icon
Data Privacy Icon, Secure File

‘THe BEAST’ HArdware Overkill.

Industry best only - we provide Diamond level Sold Secure official Police tested products only. Not only a nightmare to cut through - taking several minutes should one attempt but many of these will deter an attempt altogether on their own. We do not share loudly what hardware exactly we are using - we have a range to choose from. We only supply the one ‘Beast’ Setup for locks - levels up include additional services but fundamentally all members bikes are protected at universal level.

Valet Lock Ups - Executive Service


We come out to you for this option, a premium service but also hardware added here means that it’s best to have a staff member handle a little of the setup for you! Pre-arrangements are a big help although if it’s a last minute need that’s fine also - if you are in a hurry on this service we can just collect the bike from you and allow you to go on your way, we will send a photo and a pin drop for your location.

This comes with Added stealth, hidden beast, alarm that is triggered when someone tries to get in. Bike Patrol will be circling the area but also brand awaresness and the instant power of social media messaging and so on.


Same as above, now we are actually taking your bike nearer to base or with support from the public to keep an eye on our bikes - the confidence about how we respond and then do so.

This is not quite full bike sitting - our highest level of security is that in effect.

Badger Animal Head
Vintage Opera Glasses. Theatrical Binoculars in Pen Ink Style
Alarm Bell Sound
Alarm Bell Sound

Alarmed & Watched Over

On our premium options an alarm is deployed along with a full bike cover sheet. The alarm will be triggered by someone attempting to access the bag (and all your goods attached to the bike) this is a wee bit of a setup and will be done by our staff correctly. Setting up the alarm and cover we call this a ‘valet setup’ bike makes it impossible firslly for your bike to be identified from any other and also a thief will have to trigger the alarm just to assess what kind of locks are in place. Car alarms famously achieve little however - since we are doing patrols and make ourselves known we hope our alarms will lead to making our team aware even if the setup is not in one of our bike sitting locations.

Bike Sitting; Never Ride Alone.

Our Mascot - the Honey Badger...

So they have a reputation for being natures badass and we are that just in a polite sensible sort of way… Honey Badgers are known for taking on the odds and so we are applying that attitude - assertive and dominating of this particular threat. Members of the community who are contacts of ours - or just cool people who would like to take an active part in helping the cops and our communities - by watching bikes in places where they are under full time observation Honey Badgers is the new neighbourhood watch this could be individually based private citizens or it could be a space we have acquired the very kind use of that enables full time observation.

Bike Sitting is our top level of security for you bike... we have limited availability of this service so advanced booking is recommended to avoid not getting a space.

Gps Icon
Badger Animal Head



Binoculars Icon
Human Footprints Pattern
spray icon on white background. black spray can sign. spray
spray icon on white background. black spray can sign. spray
Law Hammer For Attorney Lawyer Logo
Human Footprints Pattern

meaningful Deterrence

Easy to identify the apple air tag as a great addition to the arsenal - being able to locate your bike at all times, even should the worst happen. We have to be realistic about the fact that we cannot be fully responsible for preventing theft altogether. There is no tag that is undetectable. Also these are small enough we will defer the choice of deploying tracker GPS tech etc to the owner themselves.

However the battle isn’t over there. Our final line of defence for our bikes - we shall not discuss in full HERE however - in summary - we will make it impossible for the theft in progress to go on unchallenged, it will be under polite challenge from our non-violent badgers with the cops on the way - should someone escape with your bike... We will not only ‘Paint the Target’ but we will follow the stolen bike - IF SAFE.

Strict Non-Violence

The inevitable scenario where thieves are in the act of getting away with your bike...we will be able to track them down down and paint the target for the cops - we would hope to guarantee the return of any bike that was taken even for a short while. In the event of a bike theft we will provide reasonable alternative transportation to get you home somehow that day.

Above all we will never worsen a situation. It was

How noble a side hustle could this be - ye just have to be comfortable with skooshing the odd socially troubled soul with hi viz paint and...using a phone? Pretty sure if you are ready this you are a qualified watcher. Why not take up the Honey Badger...Badge?


In 2020/21, the number of bike thefts in Scotland rose again to 5,470 - an 18.9% increase on the previous year. These figures from Crime Stoppers UK reinforce general fears about bike security.

We offer the greatest level of peace of mind possible. We call ourselves the Honey Badgers - or bike watchers officially. The Honey Badger is ferocious we are ferocious in a polite cyclist way.

Prosecutions Policy

We do wish to provide serious security and meaningful deterrence to criminals without promoting fear or punishment of the desperate and take the following position. We will not seek prosecutions if everything is retuned undamaged - if the only cost is a little time, resetting an alarm, no harm no foul. That’ll be the end of it - if we get the bike back...if we don’t we will 100% prosecute all charges available and I am sure the Crown will feel the same.

Hand Drawn Paint Spray Bottle.
Graffiti Spray Brush Illustration
Shield Line Shape.
Bike Theft Icon Vector Outline Illustration

Paint the target procedure

Dressing all in black and disappearing into crowds is an excellent stategy...

Unless you and your mate are both bright pink. Drenched in hi viz paint ball paint. Dripping everywhere you will get it off, harmless stuff...just not soon enough that will help disguise the fact that it must be you in our footage and it must by you who made the nice wet paint trail for us to follow.


This is the scenario we call ‘painting the target’ and is the most bold action that we are taking against bike theft. When a badger detects a theft in progress there is a procedure with painting the target being the last resort.

  • Approach all Sirens going off, either to reset false alarm or witness theft in progress.
  • If we find a theft in progress our first call is to the police our second call is to you.
  • Seek supportive witnessing and observations from the public around us by observing what is happening.
  • Once Some Witnesses have been acquired we will explain to the witnesses what we are going to do.
  • Film Thefts in progress, take extra care to get any identifiable details with as much digital evidence.
  • In the Film the Badger will be seen, reading out a legal statement.
  • Thieves will not be allowed any legal grounds for suing us or accusing us of using unreasonable force etc
  • This Legal statement is verifiable legal warning and will be a matter of record in digital form.
  • Broadcast will ideally be Live on our HB SocialMedia accounts - this is to acquire yet more support.
  • This should provoke other calls to the police from other HB’s who observe the stream.
  • The bike owner will be able to open their phone and get a live feed of events unfolding.
  • All Live witnesses of the theft - details will be gathered to secure convictions.
  • Alerting the police & Filming the thief being made aware at all times is essential procedure.
  • Politely ask the thieves to leave and abandon the theft affirming no further action will be TAKEN.
  • In no way shall the HB put themselves or others in any danger by their actions.
  • The HB acts as a witness to any criminal thefts not as prevention.
  • If needed painting the target for the cops is the last resort of the HB.
  • Explain the potential use of paint which is our procedure to assist Police by marking their person
  • Marking a persons clothing in this manner is in a non-violent method of intervention causing no harm.
  • We do not intend harm, we intend persuasion and prevention and hope that will work.
  • Painting the target is not our First resort as we would rather just get bike back no harm done.
  • Advise the thief that you intend to make them identifiable to the police by means of painting.
  • Warnings and requests to stop the theft will precede painting the target and this will all be filmed.
  • Advise them that the Police will be able to follow paint and tracker on bike.
  • We will advise the thief that if they choose to leave with the bike we will pursue all charges.
  • If theft continues your Badger will be able to utilise paint in this manner.
  • Having given plenty warning this will be considered ‘reasonable intervention’ and ‘not an assault upon the person stealing the bike’ but an act enabling the Police to detect and assail the criminal.
  • If motorbike helmets are worn these will be targeted particularly visors to make escape very difficult, also not in anyway an assault on the person carrying out the theft.
  • This is a justifiable non-violent act aimed at crime prevention and detection.
  • We shall target all individuals and their vehicles involved in the act, all will be identifiable and rendered as evidence for prosecutions.
  • We are not Spraying people we will not deposit paint on any skin surface only clothing and vehicles.
  • Enough paint will be used to render the target unable to hide or disguise themselves or the vehicle as such detection and crucially - return of the bike shall be nearly guaranteed.
  • Combining tracker on the bike, badger filming the theft and the badger strip of paint proves guilt
  • Our Badger is on a bike and is able to follow the bike thief if they feel able to do so - we would hope so.
  • Badgers who wish to pursue a stolen bike should the worst happen must be using a body cam so as to keep hands free for cycling and maintain their phone.
Footprint silhouette Vector , Footprint Icon , Shoeprint
Footprint silhouette Vector , Footprint Icon , Shoeprint

Section 3 of the Criminal Law Act 1967.

This states that;

A person may use such force as is reasonable in the prevention or detection of crime. Or in effecting or assisting in the lawful arrest of offenders or suspected offenders or of a person unlawfully at large.

We will never ever utilise any physical restraint measures. No contact will be made between our people and suspected thieves - we are a strictly non-violent agency nor are we prepared to risk our wonderful members or cause an accident leading to harm of a perpetrator of theft etc


We will always be acting with live broadcast from the scene to multiple colleagues and witnesses. More than one member of the team will make the decision to Paint the target so that we are never acting alone. No single individual will Paint a target for any other reason - no matter how tempted. The Police will have been called before we paint the target so if you are having paint come your way -you have bigger problems than the paint.

Graffiti Spray Brush Illustration
Boba Fett Icon

The Mando Policy

Badger Bounty Hunter

WIN £ membership

If you assist us in catching a bike thief and this enables the return of one of our bikes, as a member of the public or business staff member or public service worker providing evidence used in courts or used by Police to gain the return of a bike - you are a legend firstly bravo and thank you - you maybe awarded with out bounty hunter reward - by earning the value of the bike returned in badger credit to be used however or gifted to a friend or family member - HoneyBadger Cover - T&C’s are for some clickbait material to further deter other theft

No vigilanty stuff - read our Approaching suspect and Painting the target Procedures - do not deviate from this procedure or the offer will be void - we must be impeccable in our standards of practice, thank you for your support with these measures!

Badgers are not Security guards.

Service is guaranteed, outcomes are not.

  1. we cannot and do not as no one can 100% guarantee preventing the theft of your bike, nor can we be held liable for any harm that your bike comes to.
  2. We recommend Bike insurance - as we cannot take on full liability.
  3. We are allies in the battle to allow you peace of mind and bike travel.
  4. Conclusion is that we guarantee to do the very best we can in all the ways outlined here in our PROCEDURES Document.
  5. We guarantee the best and most effective alternative cycle security service on the market - we will not be beaten on performance and cleverness of strategies nor shall we be bested in this field!
  6. To reduce your impact on the Environment by supporting transition to cycling from driving and so on - transport revolution we promise to do all we can to make cycling and bike ownership particularly a more useful and effective part of the transport system - theft on this level cannot be tolerated.
  7. We highly recommend insurance to compliment our efforts to keep you safe and return a bike even if the worst happens - check out our insurance partners for short term cover.

WOULD YOU WATCH A BIKE FOR US - in the style of the honey BADGER?

Are you a take no Sh*t do no harm ‘Karen’ type - in the traditional sense - well we need you! get involved here and take out your frustrations on a bike thief!

We’re kidding. Sort of.

Vintage Opera Glasses. Theatrical Binoculars in Pen Ink Style
  1. Believes in environmental Justice, still has hope!
  2. Believes in bike defence as good & essential rebellion work.
  3. Fit and Well able to cycle and respond to stressful situations calmly, sensibly.
  4. Joining GrassRoutes Human Traffic Worker Union*with HB DISCOUNT!
  5. Disclosure Scotland, We must be able to produce for Insurance purposes.
  6. Personal smart phone with video capture.
  7. Sustain a live connection phone & Data;
  8. Be able to ‘livecast’ on social media incidents ongoing in your patch.
  9. Unlike a real Honey Badger - you’ll never go alone. Live Witness is Essential.
  10. Follow our procedures and you cannot go wrong - emphasis on never alone!


We believe bike security should be no hassle, like something that takes care of itself. Theft is a huge issue right now and we want to not only create micro businesses defending bikes but also really provide a solution that pretty much eliminates the risk of losing your bike in any city UK wide.

Minimalism and security demands that we do not gather data other than for billing purposes.

What will do is identify you to the police as the bike owner and that our setup is on your behalf and thus collaborate with POLICE to help Protect all bikes everywhere.

Cut Out Photo of a White Cellphone


At the moment the market is geared* little bike joke there... GEARED...

Anyway the market it geared towards:

EACH rider having their own portable lock...this is great if you wanna sell locks to people- however if they cost so much and actually return little to no peace of mind. The limitation of carry weight and carry not matter in the world of The Bike Watch we want this to be an open source business concept however we are aware that we now are creating a market for a new product a bike lock system which is delivered by a watcher and thus does not have these design limitations...exciting money making prospect there...please get thinking and designing if you are already a bike watcher!

We would like to deploy the TREVOR BAYLISS ACT and offer a design prize for a new bike lock for THE BIKE WATCH that then our agents would be recommended - since it would be the best after winning this prize - or at least better designed for our purposes which can deliver a bike parking revolution.