Beginning of sunrise
Shining Stars
Occult Crescent Moon









8 point sparkle star
This is how I dealt with a party going on across the road by a bunch of hooligan degenerates they were disturbing your mums sleep
Will Final Testament of Iain F Dunn

All my Assets should be considered 100% heritable to my ​daughter currently named NOVA Kathleen James Dunn. ​Upon my untimely death for any reason - it is essential that ​this work of mine is continued political change is the magic ​wand of power to improve lives, liberty and the future ​freedoms of everyone I want this work of mine out there now ​- just talking about what has happened to me and get it ​known doesn’t go to waste. She does not deserve to live in lies ​and misery. It is likely that my sister shall need to be ​provided for and I consider the inheritor of these assets must ​continue to contribute to her upkeep. If I should die with any ​assets at all they also should be used to support her ​reasonably by My daughter and be a presence in her life. This ​is the Will & Testament of Iain F Dunn.

All I have is hers; everything I do I do it for you my love. on ​provision it’s spending does not enrich another than your ​children and loved ones and for it to never be gifted away to ​a fraudulent person. She must be supported but never ​enabled should her personality resemble her Maternal Family.

4nova by iain f. dunn

The first time ever I saw your face... despite your angelic perfectness and just being so overwhelmed with love and joy and relief but also; I was afraid. I feared how much you resembled your mothers side of the family. I feared the potential of our relationship being perverted and ruined by these chronic problems with your poor mums relatives. I was right to be afraid sadly it played out as hoped by those who wish harm upon us.

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Nova of mine you of course may slightly resemble our, abusers, alienators etc. And yet you do not need to resemble them internally, have a soul only driven towards kindness and tolerance and love. I hope that you will not develop these immoral traits of theirs. When I dream of you I dream of you as a watcher, looking at what’s happening and forming a better understanding of WHY? ...why would they do this, who could do this to those they love? It is senseless and self sabotage...and so the answer must be disease my love - those who do such things are hurt somewhere so deeply and profoundly inside that it had become a permanent scar upon a human face. This is their only relief of the bad feelings they have inside them nothing to do with you and no guilt or shame of theirs should land upon your shoulders or mine. This is liberty, those who love us seek to increase our liberty not estrange us from it.

And so your first memory in life would’ve been my face of worry instead of the pure love that i felt for you in that moment behind that feeling of knowing that there was a tough road ahead for this angel baby.

This extended family of yours took from us the most sacred moments of our lives and so forgiveness is not remotely possible. You were abducted and alienated insatiably since you were born. This was done petulantly and in a way that would disgust most healthy humans. It is not normal and at no stage of life should it be tolerated do not follow this role model.

We have no obligation to forgive those who harm as, equally we do not have to tolerate them in our lives causing that harm. We also must never fall into hatred. Hate actions not people see people as infinitely possible when given love and support. It bothered me that your face had similarities to those who could act so horribly towards you, me, your family; the Dunn family. I knew life was gonna be hard for this baby girl and not fair at times. Can I help her somehow more from exile?

What I want you to repeat to yourself over and over when it comes to what has happened to you;

It is no more your fault than it is mine.

Feel sadness, more than rage although rage is present and righteous at the cruelty and the sabotaging of your start in life, do not disregard anger, it is a part of you that loves you, let it be my voice you think of rage and just bang on my chest for relief... I will take it all for you, always & forever I shall be your Dad no matter what they do.

I have survivors guilt as really I’m not exposed to them anymore - you are being met with these faces of hate and creepy taking and taking of your life and never returning as they are not able to. I cannot imagine what they will be doing with you, but I KNOW that if I survive to your young adulthood maybe I can be there for you somehow.

Here is the first time I wrote to you, knowing there was no hope for us; this is called...

‘4nova’ (love is...)

Life is hard and unfair a lot of the time my darling; possibly most of the time for most of the people.

There is no greater priority cherish what time we have to ourselves to be happy and content in this life. I have been so very blessed for so very long in so many ways. Your grandmother died more than 10 years before you were born but I’d like you to know how imperfect she was and yet loved and cherished and missed, this is love.

Love is real love when you love a persons imperfections and flaws. Secure, Solid, Stable Love like what I have for you is not present in all relationships. Many humans go through their whole life with very little love to observe and learn from - if this is your future as it was for your mum. Not all humans are capable of this and so when you are unlovable at times we see who are real family, who do really love us and not just claim it to be true. Love is what we DO not a word that we say. Love is an act of defiance of what is foul or evil or cruel in this world, Love is a force you have inside which once you have found your love of passion and of drive and of ambition; love is infinitely powerful when you use it. If however like the family on your mothers side hate can be in charge, selfishness takes over, secrets are kept and lies are told, this is NOT LOVE. This is abuse, emotional blackmail etc is as those are the ones who still pick you up off the ground to keep moving forward. A police officer described your Mother as a Bad Mother I have no idea what that means I haven’t heard a male person say this phrase only female there is nothing worse than feeling like you are having to compete with your Mother. Well your mother had not one but two and if my mum had been around I only got to know you very briefly and with a wall being built between us by your Mother. The grief i felt while this was taken from us, there is no word for this kind of pain in life. It reminds me of my fortunes and the suffering of others carried with such dignity - never adopt this victim mentality, it is highly contagious to become a perpetual whiner...i am still in recovery. never seek to be held to a lower standard than others, integrity is being who you are relentlessly, do not make relenting and capitulation your habit in life. people will take advantage of your goodness. strength is as unlimited as love. best be wise about how you give out that strength and love. return on investment is not the mentality of love however transactions are how the universe works - you have a lot to give, never give to those who do not value the giving. make sure you are giving to yourself also - do not forget we only need to close our eyes, breathe slowly and think mindfully of the body, and the universe around us, it’s infiniteness to reground ourselves in reality. enjoy the magic of being alive and being you, accept yourself for who you are and if you do not know who you are - find out. this is life, it is this moment, we do not know how many moments we get, enjoy them and make them worthwhile would be my humble advice. When one lives with integrity, in the truth no evil can occur, only in the shadows and kept secret. with good conduct one is free in this life, free of guilt and blame and hate. many are denied chances etc however feeling perpetually burdened by that is not the meaning of life. I do not wish this for anyone. grief is a habit of the selfish and small minded, do not grieve me or what was or what isn’t, find some joy where you are now and - get on and live joyfully - this is my enduring memory of my mother to be cheerful at times of deep loss and pain, drink, be merry, be abundant, be silly, be kind, be gentle and be fucking unstoppable.