Parental Advisory Explicit Content
A Magdalene Act

“enshrining a woman’s right to choose always everywhere without excuses or barriers, because anything else is just rape”

passing the magdalene act effectively will create a unique place here where women’s rights are safer than anywhere else in the world; reproductive consent’s home in the world - an anti-rape revolution. I will advocate for the most punitive judgements for rape, attempted rape and medical rape...

Mandorla Vintage Vector Illustration

Do we know what gender Nessie is? no we don’t...

And have we or do we ever have a problem with this?

NO, we don’t.


Becuase we are not assholes...

The most vulnerable persons who are in the act of reporting should have access to private encrypted surveillance guaranteed... never alone with anyone policy for cases of assault etc

anyone reporting safeguarding matters must be able to record the interactions on an encrypted personal device. if they do not have one themselves they must be provided with a ‘karen’ personal safety unit for data gathering. Data gathering around vulnerable persons must become legal obligation.

“The hatred of some should be welcomed, hatred of many might be worn as a badge of honour”

Tablet Icon

Pink Panthers is a rape revenge fantasy fiction franchise. Fully copyrighted.

Feminist Conspiracy Think Tank. Not Really. Yes really. No. No. C’mon. Post-Feminist Conspiracy maybe...

Generate policy ideas for the abolition of rape and the revenge for historic rapes - vigilante action is needed on a global, open source scale - IF we cannot get policy through.

See everything the catholic church says is not only wrong it is the exact opposite of what is right and good and natural and healthy for humans and pp wishes to fight back on their bullshit.

SEX IS GOOD FOR YOU - DO IT SAFELY AND WISELY AND YOU WILL HAVE A HAPPY LIFE :) if you do too much or do it unwisely... nothing bad really happens no stress.

Black and white sketch of gothic cathedral in italy
Praying Hands Illustration
Textured Handdrawn Female Soldier
Women as Leaders Presenter
Muslim female headscarf hijab
Woman Wearing Hijab
Glasses and Mustache Icon
Glasses and Mustache Icon
young bearded man standing character
Lined Retro Anime Headscarf
Man in Suit
A priest marks a cross of ashes on girl forehead
Sleek Isometric Corporate Team Culture and Celebration Female Showing Something
Engineer Woman
Hand drawn confident business woman with a phone
Smiling female architect with blueprints and helmet
Female Builder Illustration

what the fuck kind of judgements are these?

I dedicate this work on women’s politics to my daughter and all daughters - these revenge fantasy stories...these are fictional and any relation to real life or persons is purely coincidental or quite by accident. unless I call some piece of human garbage out specifically...

taking trash out is meant to be a man’s job i know but girls can line it up at the door kinda thing right??

Overflowing Trash Can Illustration



stun gun Color line icon

men who hate women are not to be tolerated, evade, escape get away from men you do not want to be with anyway anyhow - the pink panthers should be a global effort - like amnesty for girls issues only - mysteries and the burdens and dangers that come with being so beautiful and desirable to so many - this is shakti - use this wisely do not use it to control others or take advantage of poor saps. Unless it’s essential for survival somehow, then that’s fair game. I cannot protect you everywhere you go, no one can and life is not about that. we can only do our best to dodge bullets and fail with grace when we do - what others do is never our fault and you should never feel ashamed about something someone else did to you or without your approval. I want for you what i want for all violated women - revenge. that might not be possible, nor should one become obsessed or miss out on life’s other many joys due to what some asshole did. however if revenge could be served up easily enough with the backing of righteousness, justice and the love and urgency needed to want to ensure that these sick cruel individuals are disabled from harming others.

Wild Night Jaguar Tiger Leopard Cheetah Puma Panther Standing on the Mountain Hill Logo Design

To All Daughters everywhere... we can make sure you get to choose. that is all we can do - if you pick a chump that’s your own fault my love - but that’s the adventure. do not let anyone control your happiness, your life, your body.

CALM DOWN CALM DOWN we are not saying ban porn - we are just saying the girls should be over 21 and in charge!!

swapping a girls face is a special kind of sociopath...

No porn icon on computer window. Vector stock illustration.

We would like to dedicate this site to the worlds pornstars, sex workers, pop stars and movie stars who are also commodified and violated in an uncontrolled fashion. solidarity with conservative women - who are domestic whores...ouch look whore is not a shame title lets re-opt womes sexuality for women let them decide what sex and babies they have with whom when they want violations of this natural law shall legitimately be met with the death penalty the men who put someone elses head on someone else’s body for a boner... ok so - lets start another way of swapping heads....



hold onto your alter boys...


There will no longer be timidity and politeness about the rape crisis in this country. A Pink Panther is a revenge bounty hunter to the victims of sex crimes that have been denied justice. A woman’s right to choose is the bedrock of a civilised society. obstacles to this such as religion and patriarchy shall be razed to the ground. It is time to conduct some rebel justice until rape is prosecuted effectively in this country. a rape society is a broken one - rape is the ultimate white collar crime, revenge for this is not possible however those of us who can act on behalf of victims - like those who catch offenders and expose them to the police really ought to be enabled to further pursue these perpetrators to whom the system have given a free pass due to economic imbalances. justice is coming. You are gonna HATE it the we these folk hated what you did to them i am afraid - you will not be raped, you will not be murdered not much else is guaranteed I’m afraid. We will deploy any level of reprisals we feel are worthy of the targer when faced with all the details of the case and only at the end of criminal legal matters or civil disputes that have faiiled the victims

founded by J.Hills 1978.

sci-fi fashion and helmet

remember the debate about shooting or killing someone for entering your home?

forced entry of your body should meet the same level of response and never be questioned in the same way.

Japanese Tree Plant


Red ball gag. Sex toy.

that’s what happens... the basement scene from pulp fiction.

Rape punishment and prevention shall be in a manner previously never before attained anywhere in the world where there are pink panthers...with pioneering use of technology and orgs like PINK PANTHERS to make Scotland the safest, most progressive desirable place to live for women fleeing due to specifically reproductive rights violations such as denied abortions, genital mutilations, forced marriages(this needs relocation programs) Women ought to flee to the UK where there is effectively the decriminalisation or institutionalisation of rape.


WOULD be a legit way to protect women’s rights TO SEXUAL FREEDOM AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS and so we at this time lend the support of the pink panthers group to the 75% marginal FOR LEGISLATIVE CHANGES IN THE LAW as we feel were it tested on the issues and in a post-party system of politics these numbers would be even stronger with the coercive strategies of the rapists to bamboozle people about these issues. there is no excuse for fucking ignorance by the way. cunts..

Sci Fi Virtual Reality Landscape Cyberpunk Style 3D Render, Fant


rebel feminism is the militant pursuit of justice for sex crimes.There is much demand for the rescuing of women and not that black widow wasn’t great - it was but lets get that up to 100.

Mom Boss Quote Flat

SCOTLAND SHOULD BE A SAFE HAVEN FOR REPRODUCTIVE FREEDOMS for all - we may have to fight for that. fight for love and honour? take out bad guys? sounds good.

If the state will not do this let us create a supra state feminist unit designed to run stealth operations against the worlds elite and establishment sex criminals.

This is currently the plot of a fictional screenplay and all rights are reserved by ifd.


Sci-Fi Woman in Black Latex

Religion was invented to enable loser men to get laid. that is all it is for, nothing else. it is a reproductive strategy deployed to bamboozle vulnerable women into sex. money is the other one and politics - all these are connected by the need of inadequate men to access young women and girls who do not understand business, finance etc




Sci fi landscape night city glows with neon light tall cubes
Isometric Big Brother Electronic Eye Icon Isolated on White Background. Global Surveillance Technology, Computer Systems and Networks Security.  Vector




24hr personal security for girls

service officially called ‘karen’ in 2023.

Spike or Poison a Drink

Judges will never become reasonable measures of justice because of who they are mandatory sentencing for white collar crime and rape is the only way forward. on the other hand one would have to give the judges a little ‘play rape’ so that they know...

Fog light colorful
Ninja Warrior Girl Symbol

END Date Rape forever.

It is self evident that the sole purpose for such a drug is criminality of a sexual violence type nature. Anyone found in possession of these substances with no legit reason - earning less criminal penalties than cocaine or heroin for personal use is why the criminal justice system is a fucking joke.

Anyone found in possession of date rape substances shall be prosecuted for possession of a ‘rape drug’ with intent to carry out rapes being the only reason for possession. This should face punishments currently faced by substance abuse sufferers.

Japanese Ronin Silhouette

justice for rape would be so punitive men evading justice will be like fugitives on the run.

paint the target policy of the taser karen system.

beware of SHAKTI mother fuckers

full decriminalisation of sex work. funds earned through all forms of sex work will be legal and taxable*sorry income - but it will be real income. Realigns sex work into it’s rightful place in human societies of an enlightened evolution - the utopia i have in mind is largely fornicating our way our of world war three. gotta get these angry men under control and just pacified enough that we avert another great war and total disaster - we don’t know how much this brought peace in the past but the traditions of men selling off their daughters to other patriarchal regimes so as to facilitate some familial benefit. this is a form of family rape, family incest something that removes consent is rape - universal blanket term for violation of reproductive rights. blanket terms are useful at times - so a male has been raped when his kids are denied access etc or weaponised in the same way a mother is forced to carry a child she doesn’t want by her rapist this is a similar hell - finding love and peace in these scenarios is near impossible and so a society tolerant of rape is a not a society at all - just a cabal of rapists.

Panther icon logo design

sexual health establishments will have licences to provide sexuality support - sex to improve your health and dr’s shall refer those with sexual dysfunction and there shall be no shame in exploring these aspects of yourself in freedom and privacy. these types of services shall be developed and a regulator body hot body...i mean em with the highest standards for... safety... safety shall be enforced...

it is a free country so go fuck off weirdos that hate sex and women we will have to keep the choir boys safer in some other means at least we can protect the working girls with the mary magdalene act 2025 - that material should trigger a few! The Mary Magdalene act will be about liberation of women everywhere from miserable marriages religiosity and health dysfunctions that are money making industries at the moment and exploiters like shall protect sex workers from harm and the hmrc and the police. sex will save the world - none of your religio mumbo jumbo

Side Hustles - Make Money Sleeping

what if healthy sex lives were the answer to world peace?

panthers are sex worker champions and they are under attack the world over. enough. it’s a tough job and someone’s gotta do it...let us celebrate these brave souls bold going where either too few or too many have gone before...

latex rabbit mask

“the final constitution” & “the white collar crime bill” shall elevate the removal of individual rights to have sex in whatever way with whomever one has consent to do so with - this cock blocking criminalisation of sex and pleasure among peasant populations. that is a form of ‘societal rape’ anti-sex is anti-women, and anti-human. some people who have never been loved become very hateful and act out. there is an obvious snake eating its own tale here...not in a good way we mean. thess new sex crimes shall be charge shall be dealt with as if a rape has occured as logically there is no other reason for this action but intended rape. thus we start from a point where any change to that final constitution would have to clear 75% and that seems as unthinkable as one can probably make it that rape would again return to it’s current state of decriminalisation or being carried our institutionally as it is now. The OSPolitics ABOLITION MOVEMENT TO ABOLISH RAPE WITH AN ENLIGHTENED AND EFFECTIVE APPROACH WHICH INCLUDES JUSTICE FOR VICTIMS AND HUSTORIC VISTIMS.

people are prosecuted on a basis of intent. sex crimes of all sort must be the same don’t ask us - ask the catholic church... impure thoughts...are a sin...fornicators!

Vector Image
Tiger Paw Prints
Hustle Quote Element Design Vector

“Obvious Lack of Discipline”

in the Foreign Affairs Department...

BDSM Mask Icon

sex workers of all countries should be ambassadors for their home country - we cannot offer great exports now we have these service economies so i say we offer the experiences we have to all, to create peace let there be liberal freedom. This will create world peace fairly quickly. They are kind of already doing this via the internet - estimated to be at least 30% pornography the largest single content bracket. men invented the internet for this - sharing pictures of beautiful women. this just needs identified for the success is is in terms of deterrence - not getting laid is the ultimate deterrent and motivator for any male human in the world. we shall send them out to...calm the other lads down a bit and resolve that and we can just allow for the ultimate in diplomacy to take place.

The Pink Panthers movie will start with convicted rapists trying their best to remain in jails and an alternate reality scene will take place where the rapist or paedo is fighting their absolute hardist to stay behind bars even committing petty crime to have the cops protection...and even suicide...why?

Angry panther logo abstract vector template

This site is what we call “rape Revenge” this is currently only a niche and kind of controversial genre of movie - which this author would like to see become a reality where the main deterrent in the world to injustice in the form of militant vigilante justice seekers. who will carry out what our state fails to do in order to create a numerically evident shift to near zero recording of rapes let alone high prosecutiongs. we are not really bothered about prosecutions. if there are rape or incest prosecutions those in receipt of state measures in our world shall be very greatful the state got them before the pink panthers.

to avoid what the pink panthers might do to them....

Movie Film Camera Illustration
Project Script Icon

THINK OF A story that feels like Margaret Atwood but looks, feels and sounds like Eli ROTH. but is a populist and highly commercial and large market appeal with a low horror movie budget - being written by myself Iain F Dunn returns could be very nice - i would write, produce direct on a % deal, Selling the rights to reboot etc - i would want to be the new ‘purge’ series of movies.

there is a screenplay for a movie or for a series.

possible franchise level feminist gore market - people want revenge - we could fund starring roles from adult industry performers - who want to offer ‘real life’ experience stories of rape and abuse and humiliations of women on a huge scale.

revenge porn... we have ourselves a horror movie genre which write itself here.

Anonymous Hacker Wear Mask and Suit
Illustration of an Axe

THE AGE OF CONSENT SHOULD BE RAISED TO 18yrs old. for anyone over 18 to have sexual intercourse with a person under before their 18th birthday - this is a rape and a complaint should result in conviction for statutory rape.

big top policies

numero uno

Sex between consenting persons of 16, 17 or 18 this shall not be considered a rape. only when a complaint is made regarding someone over 18 having sex with someone before their 18th birthday.

For example - a 20 year old having sexual intercourse with someone under 18 is a rape should a complaint be made - if no complaint is made then as it is today, fair dos - all good.

Laws like this exist to be a deterrent to abusers. at present there is little to no deterrent - we have older men who can take advantage in ways via cult, religion economics etc - we can put in place societal prejudice towards these matters and create possibility for victims to ge their abusers should something that is benign and consensual and no business of the government whatsoever - but that when we have real abuse scenarios it is actioned effectively to protect people.

however if both are 18yrs old - this would not be prosecutable as rape - only in a circumstance where the age dynamic is likely to be exploitative and we recommend a ‘consent document’ or a ‘green light’ agreement for couples at this stage. best bet is if she looks under 21 get away from her guys.

pink panther emergency responder - we are not the cops, we will just come and witness possibly intervene on your behalf in a stealthy way in plain clothes

Strangulation was not a mainstream sex act when I was a kid… what has happened… I’m not a fan personally… the asphyxi wank accidental suicide phenomenon among Tory peers not withstanding - I am ok with that personal choice not even a Darwin Award to show for it.

Rape alarm watches with local rape prevention attendants. A rape alarm like liberty bell 🔔 ought to summon the community this will have a specific noise…only can be disengaged. Abuse of new emergency service - working title - pink panthers.

Abolish all genital mutilations of boys and girls. for religious or cultural reasons. these practices are a violation of a persons basic rights to a normal life. in both men and women this is done for the purpose of harming them. it causes permanent life long damage that the infant is so traumatised by it leads to ptsd and bodily diseases of the genito urinary organs. primarily it is to reduce sexual pleasure and so the organs attacked are pleasure sites. this is done to control young people. preventing them from enjoying love and intimacy to their full potential is the only and specific objective of this practice is sick. it is a form of abuse of children carried out institutionally by parents who conform mindlessly. woke - no.