It s NOmAd or mad max that s the pitch also the truth
Slow Travel Icon

belong everywhere

come home anywhere

Slow Travel Icon

belong everywhere,

come home anywhere.

Lush foliage on trees in woodland
Astronaut In Suit Vector
Earth Planet Orange

tad urgent

tad urgent

We are all climate change refugees - it just hasn’t caught up with everyone yet.

In a matter of years - we will all be fighting for survival - Nomad is a humble manner of guaranteeing survival for as many as possible facing Scottish winters; among other catastrophic weather events.

We are all climate change refugees - it just hasn’t caught up with everyone yet.

In a matter of years - we will all be fighting for survival - Nomad is a humble manner of guaranteeing survival for as many as possible facing Scottish winters; among other catastrophic weather events.

Charles Darwin Illustration
Pixelated Sunglasses Illustration
pink sparkle light
caravan camper trailer illustration logo vector

Ah mr Darwin, just in time!

- any advice?

The Current plan of our best and brightest in summary:

-hide in a bunker full of dvd’s and astronaut food...

-have a pint and wait for it all to blow over. Great.

The human becomes a mole...?

The human becomes a snail...?

Evolutionary left turn to say the least but hey ho,

It’s our mess isn’t it all this fossilised carbon being released in unprecedented volumes...good grief these humans are a fucking plague on this earth. This is something new - de-evolving humans reverting to parasitic natures? That is one broken monkey that cannot live in harmony with others...or is it you randy buggers are just too good at humping each other into submission... Speaking as a the ghost of Darwin I think you should all be ashamed for a starter.

The nomadic life - solitude - exile, previously guaranteed death unless one was a great survivalist - nomad is about prepping in a more civilised fashion - a gentrified apocalypse awaits the nomad investor. The buyer and owner has a climate change survival plan for under £10,000 and that is a peace of mind that Mr human you can deploy the nomadic tendency of human survival when needed - up and flee albeit at cycling pace, that is a major up on just walking and what you can carry on your person. Remember filling up a car will be one of the first if not; THE first thing to go pop under societal collapse scenarios.

With Nomad we can now be much safer, healthier, enjoy the journey, charge from natural sources and travel near forever...many aspect of Nomad may seem preferable for some interesting reasons...but mainly it is about being ready to up and move in a hurry with a little more than only essentials - when some crazy stuff goes down and you gotta get your loved ones to safety - this is the product that can guarantee factors of survival that has been outta reach without burning fossil fuels - finite resources.

nomad is rebel activity for...

Refugees |  Climate collapse

Due to. climate change the equator shall be unliveable. also our coastal UK areas will inevitably be evacuated. You have a right to survive no matter what the assholes say. Your being in the world - makes it better.

‘No fixed abode’ | Abolishing homelessness.

Not complicated, being on the street - having no purpose etc this shall effectively end replaced with nomad and nomad active schemes

Off grid, survivalists | Mad Max time already

The vehicles create liberty - more liberty than is tolerated generally speaking - we will propose a bill of rights for Nomads to secure stable tolerance zones - which will have administration of sorts. Co-opting a lot of AirBnB in a manner bringing LIMBYISM as an option. garden rents could become a thing...

Hand Drawn Sun Rays
Caravan Icon
Rocket Ship Icon
Sun, Moon, and Clouds Illustration

nomads make the world better...

The Nomad Social contract would be a UN proposal on a social contract between state and refugees(nomads). We inherently reject the notion of second class citizenship - it’s just that we wish to make citizen of nowhere a legit status with some rights and like any contract it has responsibilities like cleaning up towns and cities - see the nomad’s prayer something of conscientious objecting, nomads.

To not participate in the economy is radical but it should be a choice. If capitalism is about freedom then being free to roam and be self sufficient ought to be also. Commitment to being peaceful and outwardly positive and welcome - seeking in fact to take up positions and work towards local environmental goals...Freedom to serve or perish is not freedom. The climate is making this a reality we must confront. Nomad is an option for those who have been failed by the economy. However it ought also to be a choice for the contentious objector. We will be advocating for ‘NOMAD RIGHTS’ to be a consideration for how to cope with overwhelming numbers of refugees.

Naval Ship Ocean Vessel

restoring the Dunkirk Spirit...

Surely the Dunkirk spirit is one of survival, humanity, against the odds compassion in the face of possible immense losses.

At this time of

“push the boats back” type banter...

We are aspiring to invoke such a spirit at this moment in History - we hope that we can create a Dunkirk spirit here and apply it to this new age crisis befalling the world now.

Nomads are humans, we all deserve a chance at survivial and a a good life. Nomad could open that up for many homeless, statelss souls.

‘Falling man’ protocol

Trigger warning: Acts of mercy

are to be planned for in lifeboats

This is a loving memorial to the falling man, their relatives and those who lost their lives on September the 11th. Also we wish to remember all the victims of war, as no war is tolerable. The Falling man, is one of many who when faced with a fall or a fire they chose the fall .

Cyanide Icon
Semi-detailed Flat Vitamins

Millennials have lived in this dystopian mentality all their lives.

It is only to those older than the author that the prospect of a future of social and environmental collapse was just a punchline. Many have been so very confident right up until seeing their house burn or fall into the sea - that they would not to be around to be affected by these matters of flood waters and the fires of a sun from which we cannot hide. Here we are - this is very real, very pertinent and we would be dishonest not to identify a near certain humane atttraction to mercy and we are an organisation of humanitarian secular mercy - the right to end ones life rather than face inevitable suffering should be a human right - Nomad unit will have a manner by which one can exit this world should things deterioriate to an unliveable situatino.

my plan is to give in to aging the way the birds give in to gravity...

Free Bird from Cage

NOMAD creates a dignified last chapter of life for all of our members. a useful retirement for all right now; based on the japanese model for retirement, active, productive... rigor mortis not welcome here.

Mobile Home...Mobile road camper bike? a small boat even?

With a nomad, you can go to your relatives and long lost friends, stay a while without putting them out in anyway - cycling effort levels with e bikes are well doable into later life - best way to extend life by keeping active. Let me repeat that evidential and common sense that life extension is possible by keeping acitve - we are preparing this thing to gift the elderly with the open road, in a way that the 2020's can now offer us all.

Nomad is a dignified exit strategy for all humans. We can; should need arise or even in an emergency be transported by others towing us to health care facilities or social gatherings like tours etc and when it’s needed but also be moved and transported to where specialist services are in the most comfortable fashion possible. Of course longer journeys are, well; longer but - here we are - what else are we gonna do? keep riding is my plan, teaching sharing, seeing and listening and connecting with nature in a way I did not in my working life only on bike tour holidays round the UK have enjoyed a feeling of such freedom.

Colorful Paint Splatter
Circular Road Sign Illustration
Elderly People Illustration
Large Female Cyclist
Recreational Vehicle Trailer Icon

real insurance is always having an exit strategy...


“literally in my back yard” is a bold way to support humans and the climate - safety for those fleeing all sorts of hell, nomad is not a big unit will not harm a garden too much... tax breaks on nomad lands anyone?

Limbyism is offering your garden to nomads for a limited period of time - we might say that this is fixed before nomads must move along - it’s making a life on the road safer and tolerable

People are attracted to this lifestyle intuitively so - Nomad as a project is just capitalising on these factors being inersectional - survival, escape, getting off grid - these objective line up nicely for the future.

It’s like Air bnb except it’s good for people.

watercolor garden tool illustration
Recreational Vehicle in Campsite Flat Illustration

Nomad is...on day one;

  • Shelter, from freezing temperatures. Or scorching Heat or dehumidified chamber to escape wet bulb conditions.

  • Transport - the ability for humans to get away from something or go towards something that is essential for survival. The only thing we are adding here is a fully sustainable vehicle with none of the drawbacks of a van or camper.

  • Utilitarian - it can carry most basic essentials for minimalist, conscientious humans who are post capitalism and consumerism - those who want to go off grid etc There is plenty personalisation options that can really create a thoughtful, dignified, quite possibly better way of life.

  • Storage of belongings securely - even the towing vehicle could be stowed inside or on top of the trailer itself. There is a core space in every NOMAD which creates very secure storage for your belongings to allow travel away from the unit.

  • A Micro Garage...for your beloved bike, thus harder to steal. Tracker tech, CCTV all deployable to create a unit which you can trust to leave confidently in any car park.

  • Safe Room, Nomad will protect those inside from assaults of any kind such as kidnapping, rape and theft. Getting inside and being able to evade attacks guarantee the safety of yourself and valuables even for long enough for help to be summoned.

  • Critter Wagon, Pets take to the road very well of course - Dogs and Cats can easily be provided for.

  • Floatation device, an elevated, drill anchored platform in extreme conditions to shield from flooding, tsunami’s hurricane tornado.

  • Hospital Bed, Self Care Clinic designed to allow paramedic access to the bedridden and be parked near to hospitals and treatment centres when they are overwhelmed.

  • Kitchen, basic food prep utilities with some micro-refrigeration for food & medicines

  • A Toilet, sanitation systems for either mass camp scenarios or for casual use shall we say - glamping level comforts - a dignified lifestyle guaranteed.

  • A Battery - yup we are going to need power...abundance of energy on a micro level for the individual off grid - this is the dream.

  • It’s gym of course - by keeping moving, getting time outside in nature you will add to your life expectancy just by living in this manner.

  • A Business, a living not just an office space with an amazing view but also possible service unit for catering or a workshop.

  • Nature Protector Vehicle, Conservation unit, Nomad active!

Van LIFE Cost Study 2020-2023

  • THE VAN... examples given top Youtuber £9k transit? Conversion
  • DVLA log book & regulatory costs, insurance and documentation - also access to parts of the country affected by emissions.
  • Vehicle deflation, Issues developing soon after purchase.
  • Tear/Split radiator hose ended one adventure - Head Gasket being blown on brand new engine £11k - checkout top youtuber story
  • Winter 2022 £FUEL SPIKE referred to as a pinch point recently to the closest thing to nomad

Less traveling, movement costs £150 fill tank of Transit Van

Diesel OR Log burners commonly used

£5 WOOD £15/£30 Diesel

Water usually free

Campsites Usually Free - £20 -£25 p/w SOLAR/WIND


LAUNDRY - LAUNDRETTE once a week £15

Breakdown costs and such.



glamping tent luxury glyph icon

Financial benefits are the main reasons given for choosing ‘vanlife’ however the choice of a lifestyle that is alternative in many ways, as it is beneficial to one’s wellbeing in ways that are hard to put a price on.

To summarise - lifestyle choice falls as a personal choice neutral. the loss of normal bathrooms etc can hit people harder than others i guess? on the other hand the benefit of walking up anywhere you feel like within reason.

Camping and Rock Climbing Scaling New Heights Camping and Geocaching Modern Day Treasure HuntsCamping and Geocaching Modern Day Treasure Hunts Camping and Canyoneering Exploring Hidden Worlds

semi or full fat off road life?

The whole van life culture thing has made amazing progress setting up a credible platform for global nomads to move into as we head forth boldly into the 2030's... we will be combining vanlife with offgrid and glamping to create - nomad an instagramable phenomenon for the young economic nomads.

It doesn’t take a huge amount of market research to figure out that van life is very economical...without the van.

That is where Nomad moves in. What has changed is the availability of electric motored bicycles which can pull significant weight.

One of the very trickiest design questions for NOMAD has been about the terrain we would aim ro cover. Put simply we designed nomad with the view to go along the entire national cycle network - we would make it mainly a road vehicle with the capacity to traverse mild off road conditions - it would be seen as equivalent to a hybrid concept vehicle which will have plenty clearance for the challenges we see as essential.

Mountain Bike Wheel

wheels & axles

nomad wheels are very special...

*standard they are just standard.

suspension gradient icon
  • tyres, wheels and hubs etc shall be of mountain bike criteria with 29" wheels with quick release hubs enabling abundant replacements to be available. carried will be snow tyres and road tyres for more urban terrains.
  • suspension - suspension settings will enable hard/soft settings
  • clearance will be variable, allowing for an additional off road setup taking only a few mins to reset the height using the corner jacks
  • the wheel modules will be standardised for easy up-scales and redesigns or customisations needing more load etc.
  • xyz trailer wheel setup is our base for this design - we are adding the sus and the clearance adjustments - this is made partially within the unit, but also one could realign the whole module so as to create a very different height off the ground/displacement of water in submerged modes.
bike fork
Wheel Hub Icon just the stove thanks

Avoiding the ‘grid’ means - woodburner, in winter at least.

A micro woodburner retailing £500-£1000 could provide heating and cooking boiling water for baths and showers even. back up would be needed so not sure having the back up as the primary makes more sense however once there is a wood burner in there it opens up a lot of possibilities

Wood burning stove

Winter fuel use will be minimised on a personal level - not going full whim hoff however part of this project is to live within my personal means and so i prefer the minimalism of heating the person rather then the whole space.

The realities of energy mean that burning local sourced fire wood is the minimum use, profit vs loss it is not yet possible to keep warm without burning a little tiny amount of fuel.

Design process here is beginning with new life for the boys(ferg and I), great comfort great outdoors, long term semi/permanent accomodation for the minimlist that needs a few comforts but wants the view and countryside i want it all!

Batteries do not like freezing temperatures nor super cold really - and so there is imperative to keep the core of the unit at a temperature where we are

silhouette logo design trailer adventure

gazebo placebo

essential features of a ‘nomad’

trailer camper logo design vector

The canopy allows for a larger footprint, living space or ‘floorspace’ for the nomad however these could be made of very robust weatherproof materials.

Very likely that largest canopy material will be recycled plastics. Three layer shelter - exterior tent, circular light protection, When being towed the nomad will not really resemble the above - more like a closed up unit ready to unfold and that’s what makes nomad different we are half way between camping and campervanning...super camp you might say.

silhouette logo design trailer adventure
trailer camper logo design vector

January 2024 completion of basic design specification: notes on this are below.

breakdown of features so far confirmed

  • Secure core
  • Sleeper unit
  • power plant - catalytic log burner for winter - 100% renewable collected on the road by nomad
  • nomads are like renewable energy farmer.
  • exoskeleton frame for carrying etc
  • extensions
  • elemental shielding
  • floatation and motorised water traversal, lochs and rivers.
  • high tech dashboard of all mod cons.
  • air conditioning
  • exo-allows for placement of wheels and super high clearance.
  • landing gear - these are jack screw very strong and are in place at all times for the off road times - as should you get stuck these will assist getting the nomad up and about and keep it mobile in another aspect - the vertical aspect.
  • the hook up
  • pedal powered 3rd wheel - converts into prop for motor boating
  • motorboating is probably the wrong term for this.

  • any chance to use the word motorboating should be cherished
  • Meanwhile windows - steamy or otherwise needs a plan. I have no plan for glass/windows - thinking...
  • blackout tent - big tent which can be deployed to keep your light in hidden - major issue is attracting stuff when out in the nowhere.
  • rain water collection and purification system.
  • tools on board tv lens cutter and firestarter - zero waster combustion initiator - the suns heat.
  • Alu exo skeleton and core cage protected by melted HDPE and LDPE - belt drive...could we replace belts and d
  • rives with some form of recycled metal chain? plastic chain?
  • this has been silly from motor boating. new thing.

Up on the rooof...

factors of roof design - waterproof and supporting weight of snow... size and space of interior, when setup as a basecamp vs motion.

roofing... this is tricky yes but also - quite a fun part of the design. It is my goal to have a central roof about 75cm wide while the vehicle is in motion wheere as it’s base would be 100cm and thus produce an parallelogram type? - profile while in motion. Although we want a decent sized living space in total when setup at base, when in motion we would like to have a compact unit - good roofing doesn’t lend itself to joins...

  • rain water collection & storage
  • solar panel door/hatch
  • external wood stove
  • expansion for temperate
  • winter cocooning
  • cozy indoor arrangement.
  • wind turbine mounting
  • laundry drying space outside
  • shower & curtains similar material
Wood House Tent Icon. Silhouette Line Art SVG Symbol

stealth, disappearing time?

Glamping Icon

Urban/Wild disguise of your Nomad.

Camouflage for a semi/urban area is fairly abundant - by not being a car, being able to really setup anywhere really - one can disappear off road in a way that would create greater security than is currently available to ‘van life’ as a van is not the easiest to hide or store without being at risk in many ways. exposed to the open road - this is

Another way one could protect ones belongings is with making it appear to be something else. something boring, benign and not of value woth stealing or breaking into.

I’m starting to think Tent constructed over base unit is very sensible.

like some kind of crannog TP shaped fucker. There’s a need for a core interior base unit part - something that resembles a mars rover trolley with a small internal near air tight co

very bad weather or flooding or emergency climate conditions that are ye know…

life threatening AF so needing to be inside somewhere solid wall but then a larger single

large canopy room that opens up and out like a traditional round tent.

round tent with single high Mast in the centre can be a built in flew for the wood stove, and a nice super high & safety placed wind turbine. that will pull energy from the wind…Jesus the wind

Wind Tiurbine & gravity battery potential. Like a tell aluminium chimney that is also a central pillar for this structure. Starlink placement benefits from altitude also.

The core would be kept most warm and the rest of the ten’s shape is designed to keep the heat

Capacity for manufacture to take place fully in leith and at the garage is very high once we add some DIY plastic recycling...

glamping tent nature line icon

Gardening & tree planting, gathering wood for catalytic wood burner domestic users only

Toilet Paper Icon

plumbing, renton etc...

Expressive Lined Safety Shower Station


toilet facilities - full solution needed. can’t do what bears do ok. that is not a solution.

Village Toilet. Cartoon Object of the Farm.
Minimal Lined Buildable Toilet
Slow Travel Icon

NOMAD design SPECIFICATION -NOTES... lots of notes!

trailer camper logo design vector

click snomad here to go to our whiteboard of genius!

Nomad one is the design project to complete a specification for our universal unit developed for mass manufacture and possible open source* shared for all to build their own. We hope to save lives from climate collapse inside a decade - 2035 active service.

  • UNIVERSALITY - A UNIT FOR ALL - perfect for single human occupancy + Child or pet all basic needs, safety etc maximum occupancy 2.5 adults. one person rides towing vehicle.


  • BEST TECHNOLOGY AVAILABLE TO US deployed to make life on board comfortable as home with all needs met.


these designs are for the imagination however combining all into ‘one’ is an exciting prospect...

caravan gradient icon
Caravan Icon

Gaylord Fokker

Mobile command unit

Bones McCoy

Aggressive humanism

Fergus needs his cuddles at all times!

Super high tech - bells, whistles all supported by bigger power capacity. Desk space is a priority so work from your nomad - make this thing your office.

This unit ideal for the sick, pregnant or elderly really - end of life plans will be incorporated into this kit.

This is what started it all - how our founder could allow his cat to know and see and feel nature safey, together.

Nomads can be equipped with all these ‘kits’ and you can see the ‘fergus’ as our premium setup

Recreational Vehicle Trailer Icon Illustration
Caravan Trailer Icon


It’s a life raft...

Lt Ellen Ripley

get away from her you bitch!


Mark from Trainspotting

Bob Dylan says the waters are coming up - he was not wrong. this guys is a lifeboat!

The ultimate survivor - safety from predators inside your panic trailer.

Plumbing unit, shower toilet internal, shletered etc this is like having an ensuite loo...

Slow Travel Icon
Squirrel Cut Out
TOP arrow
Squirrel Cut Out