Abraham Lincoln silhouette

The New Yankees of


Vintage Star
Wavy Progress Pride Flag

hate is not welcome here.

Map and flag of Edinburgh, Scotland
Choose Life Choose Democracy Choose the Yankees over Dixie Choose an Emancipation Proclamation Choose Scotch over Bourbon Choose NATO Choose fucking big aircraft carriers Choose lasers that melt missiles Choose to stop fighting over oil Choose life on earth continuing Choose Peace Choose Liberty Choose life
Abraham Lincoln Statue Landmark Semi Flat
Whiskey glass with ice cubes. Vintage color engraving
Abraham Lincoln Statue Landmark Semi Flat
Detailed Father's Day Whiskey
Vintage Star
Edinburgh skyline silhouette
Two U.s.a. Flags Under White Clouds at Daytime


support us to become the world’s number one anti-trump voice united for the USA -fund this peaceful campaign to avert civil war, resurgence of fascism in the usa.

Vintage Star

gettysburgh address november 19th 1863

by Abraham Lincoln read by ifd

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

—Abraham Lincoln


is about what if... what if union is stronger than division...

ABOLITION REVIVALISTS & Capitalist Reformists

welcome to the campaign to revive the abolitionist movement and continue it to it’s full conclusion - global universal emancipation no less is our goal; we shall act to influence politics towards a borderless world with universal freedoms and rights is the only way to free all the slaves everywhere. lets win the world for the yankees; abolish slavery in all forms.

The Civil War, Antietam, Md. Allan Pinkerton, President Abraham Lincoln, Major General John A. McClernand, photograph from the main eastern theater of the Civil War, Battle of Antietam, September - October 1862, from glass negative, by Alexander Gardner,
Abraham Lincoln Patriotic Poster
The Monument of Abraham Lincoln in Washington DC
The New edinburgh yankees adopt the Magnolia as our universal symbol to honour the brave abolitionist who in 2020 ended 126 years of the confederate flag flying inside the Mississippi State Flag For all the descendants and survivors of slavery indentured servitudes and employment exploitations the magnolia could offer us all a symbol of remembrance and memorial for all the loss we all feel within our bones our hearts and our souls these dead shall not have died in vain
Vintage Star
White Magnolia Flowers Watercolor
Abraham Lincoln Memorial Building
Vintage Star

620,000 deaths in the civil war to bring about the emancipation proclamation.

This site is dedicated to the memory of the Greatest President and we Yankees here would argue the most important western war leader and winner of the greatest success of the enlightenment era The 13th Amendment to the US Constitution effectively abolished the practice of slavery Mr Trump has claimed to having scored the highest polling popularity since Abraham Lincoln This was in in summer 2018 To be clear we have no polling data from the 1800 s as no one had invented polling and so there was nothing other than the votes Education Lincoln s lack there of has always made him a class hero also and yet it is clear that the answer is more Education Education on Political History and the skills and arts of debate with reason and logic and evidence rather than fraud
Union Infantry Line Fires on Advancing  Confederates

Although the Confederate States of America dissolved at the end of the American Civil War (1861–1865), its battle flag continues to be displayed as a symbol.

The modern display began during the 1948 United States presidential election when it was used by the Dixiecrats, a political party that opposed civil rights for African Americans.Further display of the flag was a response to the civil rights movement and the passage of federal civil rights laws in the 1950s and 1960s

The display of flags associated with the Confederacy is controversial. Supporters associate the Confederate battle flag with pride in Southern heritage, states' rights, and historical commemoration of the Civil War, while opponents associate it with glorification of the Civil War and celebrating the Lost Cause, racism, slavery, segregation, white supremacy, historical negationism, and treason.

Incidents such as the Charleston church shooting, the Unite the Right rally, and the murder of George Floyd led to public official display of the flag being mostly retired in the United States, but not abroad.


Civil War Cannons at White House
President Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) seated, taken January 8, 1864 by Mathew Brady (1823-1896).
Abraham Lincoln
Commemorative print of Abraham Lincoln with the text of the Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863. Print published in 1865.
Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally
hopeless man hands tied together with rope
Why do we need the yankees in politics To prepare uk politics for collapse of closest ally into civil war Including military readiness and supra national treaties the reelection of president trump will precipitate the collapse of all status quo social and economic structures only by tolerating racism fascism rape on the scale of cult religiosity and institutional racism Will the uk provide safe haven to those fleeing persecutions such as political opponents of Mr Trump this could be women seeking reproductive freedom or those seeking their religious freedom due to the first amendment being abolished and replaced with a christian fascistic state no different from extreme muslim or jewish forms of militant ALso will the uk engage politically with a seditionist Is the uk going to allow mr trump access to our military assets for him to sell out of florida resorts is mr starmer going to take the knee for trump after having taken the knee for george floyd
Vintage Star
The White House in Washington - Oval Office - WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - APRIL 8, 2017
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1856) portrait by Mathew Brady in between 1861 and 1863.

“I invented wokism”

-ghost of Mr Lincoln

Solidarity to former Vice President and target of his own lynch mob -Mike Pence

President Speech Line Filled Icon

The chant on January 6th was ‘hang mike pence’ wasn’t lets hear Mike Pence out about the transition of power. This was in response for honouring the nations constitution and bringing about the peaceful transition of power via democracy. At the time trump colluders were conducting the exact voter fraud they were finger pointing about. there can be no doubt that this sedition failed due to incompetence not thanks to the state acting, checks and balances.

presidential pardon

Trump has promised to pardon these protestors once returned to power. since we are an ally to the people of america the anti-trump movement in all colours of tie, if we want to be safe - we better contribute to the subject and express our nations intentions should our closest allies fall to a union of confederacy slave owners and nazi germany style fascists chanting jews will not replace us or ploughing into civil rights protestors with SUV’s as weapons in the same manner of other world terrorist movements. this is what we are seeing.

Handdrawn Female Bronze Turkey Riso Print

had the mob achieved their goal Mr Pence would have been the first white guy to get lynched by the clan?*fact check that one eh!

Capitol Vector Icon Illustration

A loyal member of the trump cult found his own voters turning on him and calling for his execution without a trial - in a mob invasion of the capital. These men are seditionists and cannot be returned to power. Mr Trump is against democracy and is a threat to world security which we haven’t faced since the rise of Nazi Germany. all the ingredients are there for a calamitous world war to end all wars for example the complacency of the bourgeoisie is another historic classic - shall we walk into this trap or act to avert disaster this time? Who cares it’s the plebs that die and just like vietnam draft dodgers like trump will use nepo baby strategies to make sure that it’s the plebs who perish.

referring to nato;

“if you’re delinquent on your 2% on defence spending i will encourage russia to do what the hell it wants”

Impeached president donald j. trump 2024

Trump Icon

there are trump clan members who claim that were MLK and donald Trump contemporaries they would be common in their politics...there is no shame among these types to just claim the impossible assert the fantastical and co-opt ideas which they previously detested and spat and turned the other cheek, now as racism is socially stigmatised as it ought be - we see frustration and scapegoating... mlk would never vote for trump imo

martin luther king day dream
Red cap icon cartoon vector. Baseball hat
make america
hate again

An Insurrectionist

Must not be President

Battle Tank Illustration

the pink panthers

think black panthers...but ye know super gay & non-violent. violence is failure of our goals. our goal is violence free communities. at present violence against women and children and girls goes almost unchallenged especially within institutions such as the work place and hospitals and schools where inappropriate non-consensual behaviour ought be identified and stamped out but isn’t... and thus pragmatism is needed - we are a peaceful campaigning force only happy to lend support the new abolitionists and the white collar crime bill on the basis of lifting women and girls up out of what one might call the patriarchy - patriarchy of losers would be the authors caveat - girls must not lives of fear and repression, nor should anyone it is essential for human progress and survival of life on earth and so if the state deems times of war as a legitimate rape occasion and rape is an inherent part of war there is no war or social collapse or regime change or violent uprising that can be tolerated by the pink panthers - an enemy of rapist activity in all forms - state, warfare, nation state collapses uprisings - the connection with rape is demonstrable throughout history. most wars have had institutional rape concurrent with colonisation, plundering humans in to slavery etc - as for the slave trade, is there any deeper type of rape than this - again the removal women’s liberty has it remains a soldiers worst weapon - there is no justice system for dealing with this at present and so there shall be one...one untethered by state or people - ideas are like paper aeroplanes - some of them fly further than others.

Athena logo vector illustration flat design template


everything everywhere all at once.

Racism of the working class = the cowardice and blindness of fools to punch downwards at a weaker target - to not identify the common enemy that all workers have - that boss in the ferrari doing little or nothing to move product to haul ass to pull their weight - if you are scared of your boss and you think he’s a dick - vote for me. Spoiler alert - they couldn’t care less what happens to you or your loved ones, golden parachutes are not a way to get the best performance from out managers. The New Edinburgh Yankees are not a union however we share common goals and will work with solidarity.

So union - even the word union is offensive to the far right... do you know what the word yoga means?

martin luther king day american

divide and conquer - borders, racism are very effective no denying it; only slightly less effective than unite and prevail.