B-17 Flying Fortress bomber

“Hey - you can’t fight in here... this is the war room”

*Peter Sellers

‘Dr Strangelove’

American soldiers wade from Coast Guard landing craft toward the Omaha Beach against machine gun fire on D-Day. June 6, 1944, by Coast Guard photographer, Robert F. Sargent.
Red Poppy Flowers
CD Cover Background

IFD on the right as an air cadet, 1999 about to have his dreams shat on from great height by learning what modern war fare is like.

My war strategy is avoid war at all costs but when you can’t avoid it you win immediately with minimum harm by eliminating the need for war, the manufacturing of consent for war must be challenged at all times...taking your country to war is failure of diplomacy. Avoidable.

Re-enactors Armed Rifles And Dressed As World War Ii German Wehrmacht Infantry Soldiers Fighting Defensively In Trench. Fight Against Combat Vehicle. Building On Fire On Background. Black White Colors


“Mission Accomplished”

George w. Bush

Vietnam War Military Cemetery Veteran Reading Tombstone Inscriptions


With no irony whatsoever i have been called ‘sheeple’ by non- commissioned personnel for my views...i’m like we need some shoe bulling practice to think about that huh.

No where man more subordinated than in the armed forces, that’s the whole point. Your personal autonomy is deferred to your commanding officer and thus your commander in chief above all. How can we possibly ask soldiers to give their lives for these leaders? Imagine having to take a bullet for trump. I wouldn’t put his life before my own. There are those I would consider worthy, a dozen or so off the top of my head i would call leader and follow and take bullets for and such however... one of them is a cat. When Signed up to documents with clauses like; if you don’t do what we say, we can shoot you’ - one recognises the flaw in elected democracies vs monarchy such as we have we can refer to the crown for what it is living nation in a person - now we can protect a nation with honour un-spoiled by the likes of Blair or Boris or Cameron etc... fund manager cunts i’d let themtake their own bullets guys - their health care is way better than yours... how we get a commander in chief out of politics - there must be a head of state we all adore and are proud of...

Sending the uneducated and hateful, socially downtrodden people out to war is a common manner of quelling dissent about living conditions among the peasants of ones kingdom. Scapegoat type blaming the other habit extends all the way and up to sending your countrymen and women of war out to fight for your economic interests in lands savaged into chaos by economic war fare and white collar crime such as drugs etc.

Illustration Of Grass

Their Tank, Your Lawn...


Peace and War Signpost
Dove with twig, peace symbol

violence is not an option, not a solution - doesn’t improve a single thing it only ever makes things worse. fight with words, reason, patience, forgive those who trespass against us. if you feel like you can’t manage that get some help - we’re only human. I don’t want anyone to hurt anybody ever, stop all wars now.

Introduce nomad passportS All peoples without a country will be free legalised global nomads and be protected from trafficking and abuse under law this is as a way out of global refugee crisis and to prevent white collar crime across borders All humans get a bank account from the NOMAD BANK an ID a biometric and a DEVICE IP with encryption Tech will keep saving lives if applied correctly countries don t need borders anymore like in back to the future where we re going we don t need borders inevitably this nonsense will end and we can enjoy the world in peace
Lady Liberty

practice Samurai principles. war cannot be a business ANYMORE.

I shall vow to honour the full remembrance campaign principles of “lest we forget, never again’ not the current ‘lets forget, repeat it all again’ foreign policy & replace it with a culture of samurai readiness to protect your home and loved ones only never fighting foreign wars or crusades in the holy land. Nomads as a state is the concept to beat these old ideas so I would start a new campaign to have a UN renaissance of principles and proposals coming from OPEN SOURCE POLITICS - a nation untethered by borders with enough stateless or choice nomads. Peacekeeping force, farming labour, nomads - many things are possible in a free world - war is barrier.

Planes from the USS Essex aircraft carrier dropping bombs on Hokadate, Japan, July 1945. World War 2, Pacific Ocean. (BSLOC_2013_13_7)
Samurai Warrior
Robert Burns Portrait Illustration

Scotland voted to remain in the union which makes the military matters a lot simpler, I believe still that is the voting intention today probably not changed as much as one would hope after this shamble of late. Union with a despotic Trump regime maybe a bridge too far... our Islands aren’t safe guys... we need to unite I am saying this to those who treat Welsh, Scots and Irish as second class union members... Unite economically and there shall be Peace.

Hand Gesture Pointing Finger
World War II British Soldier
World War II Chinese Soldier

I hope for the other members of the UK, Nato etc to seek to isolate a Trump Presidency turning our allies into christian fascist states, we will be the baddies if we aren’t already. It is the treatment of refugees fleeing wars in which our forces have been active I am most offended by so should anyone who cares about WHY we won ‘the war’ against Nazi’s... Fighting for a noble or clearly noble enough cause is a very good predictor of ultimate victory.

Hurricane and Lancaster Bomber
Re militarise for the climate crisis stop listening to the mayor from jaws types i am quint scratching my nails down the blackboard demanding we invest money like the samurai would we need a nasa type organisation that will develop tech and arms here in scotland only
Got my mind set on some procurements I know of high tech research in need of scale up however i am super spitfire confident about our ability to turn around things at the MOD and get some cool stuff that works and will keep us safe
At 16 I sat down with an RAF recruitment officer in Dundee and had the talk recruits may know it s a thing fuck this was my response to what I was told This came as a complete surprise to me and I couldn t believe I walked away was in a daze for a few years but this is a different world now Mr Joseph Pilates was rumoured to being head hunted by the Nazi s to train their special forces as his Method was known even then Knowledge of this value really should give an advantage to Samurai s who are not colonisers and invaders I feel our Army could be the Pilates Army with me on board I would get right in there and teach first if war broke out we need to look at the fitness of the population to cope with an invasion we will need to get down the gym i fucking do that s for sure
Destroyer Bomber Airplane
Royal Air Force Roundel
Lancaster bomber aircraft
Winston Churchill
Churchill showed what sheer will and belief and love of country can do lets get that on tap For all his faults there are many if oldman s churchill is a fair rendition then for fighting the nazi s off he deserves his statues no doubt they should remain untouched thank you fuck the rest of them to be honest
what would churchill do
I will make it one of my click bait issues culture war issue it may become probably if I were to call for Tony Blair and George W Bush to go and face a trial in a nation which they seem to still be claiming some success for having emancipated or liberated the people there from the indefensible goes without saying barbarous Sadham Hussein Regime so surely now after such success no doubt these men would have no reason to fear a fair trial in a nation that has suffered but has now been freed into the regime change scenario they are claiming success for Or should these men be judged by someone appropriately furnished with a fair process of Court of Law in order to figure out what happened Clear their names of cours
I would expect the same response from those who value national security as those pursuing such course of action towards Mr Julian Assange Also on the terroritst sympathiser front I think perhaps some investigating matters of economic terrorism which destroys lives similarly should be treated in a similar fashion
Spitfire Squadron
Right kit At the right time I can t even say it we have to have samurai s we can FUND dudes own kit and get our army at home to be a well regulated militia which is the 2nd Amendment of the USA doesn t distribute among the insane and underage and under the influence for fucksake READINESS
Spitfire Combat Aircraft
READINESS hello anyone there
National Readiness fund is a proposal of mine to fund military investments shall we say more to follow x
The state of His Majesty s Armed Forces keeps me up at night more than anything these days for what should be obvious reason I am convinced that our military preparedness when one lifts the bonnet so to speak will resemble our pandemic preparedness One must only remember as far back as Iraq when just like Nurses during the pandemic the high tech military budget no matter how huge didn t include stuff like helmets body armour ear guards decent kit in general was very poor and lead to shambolic failures This was sending guys with no armour into the most heavily telegraphed invasion in the history of warfare second only to Putin moving into Ukraine As a strictly non violent person my priority is peace and stability I must identify the foreign policy coming out of the regime in Westminster doesn t align with that at all and in fact we have warmongering and colonialism

As an MP I will do what I can for our Forces and Personnel, as in I will be the most approved of politician for members of our MOD and all those interested in keeping our country safe from all enemies foreign and domestic.

War Cannon

I would in the event of a TRUMP presidency do what Gordon Brown did with the economic crisis - I will get all the NATO or prospective NATO countries to unite against a TRUMP Presidency and declare his presidency to be a coup and that we cannot have our armed forces at this mans control he has already said he will chuck our allies under the bus - I have a plan to deal with Trump - I will handle him and his cronies the way Churchill handled the last time this cult took rise...

Nae Coup d'état from me...

just good management.

Navy Modern War Ship Symbol

I would warmly welcome any and all military officials who want to make contact I can assure the admiralty and generals and air commodores, call me! I thought one of my clients was james bond for a while - if i am right get someone to brief me on the plan for keeping us safe please - to discuss a strategy to put our enemies on the back foot.

Pearl Harbor: three stricken U.S. battleships. Left to right: U.S.S. West Virginia, severely damaged; U.S.S. Tennessee, damaged; and U.S.S. Arizona, sunk, December 7, 1941


NO STUPID BULLSHIT WARS would be my first promise I shall resign before being pressured into an oil related war. This is one of the main reasons to vote for Independent candidates who will vote against war...

IN SUMMARY; Our National Security is...let’s just say not where it needs to be...

Starmer will whip his MP’s to take the country to war I imagine. Lets not let History repeat itself here. Our readiness will be my top focus. We must start seeing climate change for the threat to our security that it is and see how our armies can be made FULLY UNLIMITED by fossil fuel needs. Vehicles and weapons must be home made and of the highest spec. I am certain that the military industrial complex will accept me if I could command a government of unity or climate transition - a war footing is needed once that is happening there maybe a way to strike out in front in these matters. Consulting in the War Room will be essential.

world war fighter plane
Peace Sign on the Flag of Ukraine.
World War 1: Battle of St. Mihiel. American troops who have been under fire in France during the first independent American operation of World War 1. Sept. 12-16, 1918.  (BSLOC_2013_1_201)
Wasn t long ago I was saying if there s a pandemic coming do Pilates and now I m saying if there s a war coming do Pilates
I think WW3 is coming and we should start conscription now the nations wellness is so poor we are very weak and vulnerable I know I am lets get doing pull ups and getting strong We will bring back regimental training for a civilian reserve force we shall call EARTH CADETS My time as civilian cadet really did me so much good and I want that for young people without the fascism and rape etc
Earth Cadets newly founded post army cadets shall train for battle but foillow the samurai code and shall never be deployed for war in foreign lands and will only ever be a home defence force I will spend 3 on defence that will go on making our people so fit and healthy and clever and motivated to protect their homes and loved ones should the rooskies come for us We can turn the whole of Scotland into a military version of the McAllister House at xmas time but in a way that improves our climate crisis coping ability at the same time
anzac day red flower
Kargil Vijay Diwas Day Army Design

Surely best way to make sure no one comes here to fight us is to be fucking terrifying and impregnable...

Japanese Demon Mask Skull Samurai Warrior Dark Art
samurai silhouette

Without concepts of honour and decency and self-respect we get war crimes, unrestrained mass murder or attacks on civilians should be universally accepted as terrorism and only samurai principles of warfare should be observed by all men of fighting age.

New Age Militarism &

The Way of the Samurai

Samurai Warrior

Anyone who failed to identify that Putin was going to move into Ukraine really ought to consider their positions. If you are reading this and are needing help figuring this out - i’ll sign any secrets act etc on samurai principles. It strikes me as a failure to be mindful and aware of what ones enemy is up to and these privileged global elite types could stumble and indeed do stumble into military disaster.

There was then and remains no deterrent whatsoever to further violations of our allies and territories of strategic importance. Our Ukrainian Brothers and Sisters should not have to hold the Iron Curtain alone; and for how long?

I doubt it is Pee-Pee tape leverage however there seems to be a new world order post Trump, Brexit I do not think it is disconnected that a brainwashed unit within the US has intersectional goals with Vladimir Putin. I hope this is just economic chaos and not military invasions etc




Samurai Holding a Sword
Trump is at war with America and her allies I am declaring war on maga trump cult fighting for the yankees and the us of a
The Trump employee who was not named is said to have replied Oh no oh no bbc
English guard patrolling at Buckingham Palace
I want to talk to King Charles about my Lady Di act which could have protected his mamma from having her death certificate be part of government cover up for such failure
Long Live the King Modestly if ye don t mind sir Love Thanks
BEING A DEMOCRAT MEANS I AM STUCK WITH THEM UNTIL ABOLITION GETS TO 75 while we have them we should deploy their powers to help the people clear out corruption from parliament at least White Collar Crime Bill will have to be consulted on with the King
The Queen died of COVID among many others we now know that it was a punchline to the men almost entirely men to be accurate before we get a man victim kick off about that the Tories put a buffoon in charge He and cronies are directly culpable in what amounts to corporate manslaughter My White Collar Crime Bill Shall be designed to hold these individuals accountable It will make for stunning precedent for future such cases Should we prosecute them for the death of the Queen a vulnerable among many who was failed The Killed the Holiest grandmother on Earth their collaborators say nothing about it
I do not object to monarchs because of who they are as people it is broken no matter how good a soul you give that position the position shall make them a monster Heads of State should have a 10year term and be elected by the people with executive power Their Kids cannot inherit the titles business is a different matter of property but a role within the state shall never be inherited again the sons of past Barons shall have to find their own victims to prove their capacity to abuse the best results out of the peasants
democratically people want it so we keep em it s like having pets you can t pick up or cuddle a pet goldfish that lives unnaturally long due to overfeeding We should consider getting Andrew fixed I am determined to work with the monarchy to demonstrate exactly what kind of politics i want my job is to hold my nose and get along with matters i may not fully agree with
Fleur De Lis Graphic Design Element
Colourful RNLI lifeboat in harbour
The Lifeboat Nation
My Project Nomad and Passports would offer solutions to many of these pushing boats back related issues I would love to take the idea of a non national passport a passport to the whole world It would have to be the UN where we established a non geographical status which protects but also allows for a higher quality of living for all allowing humans to move where there is demand and attractive circumstances This happens already of course I am describing a management of something that is already going on but also just to demonstrate to the sad coloniser racist nations that they are missing out on a richer life of nomadic freedom and give all people the choice to embark upon the Nomad adventure
American Flag Hanging on a Pole
American Flag Hanging on a Pole
The vulnerable of the world need a lifeboat that should be Scotland where we need people badly Our neighbours care not what we need and so we suffer I am prepared to talk to the English about their problems with forgetting why we fought that war they bang on about all the time and see if they can be redeemed to the status of decent civilised humans remember instead the Dunkirk Spirit my focus is on the Scotland that drew a line over brexit that would ve made Hadrian himself blush I want to represent the Scotland that fought off Theresa May s home office doing a bogus night time raid upon the innocent now legally quashed
Liberty Bell Detail
The greatest success of the enlightenment movement a nation built on immigration success stories the u s a our closest ally is under major domestic assault sedition and a pound shop fascist uprising SHE needs the world of allies to interfere in her elections now The free world must not be ruled by a despotic criminal pumpkin head came over and campaigned for mini me boris partygate johnson Fuck this January 6th folk shall be pardoned OK so risks are very high of repeat of the same if not worse I want to end his movement flush it away finally cult and all not just him
At least picking sides won t be difficult
Vector Image
Hand Gesture Pointing Finger
Join the yankees get ready know the history of abolition why lincoln is this candidates favourite president
Abraham Lincoln Memorial

The Confederate flag flew in The People’s House on January 6th after all these years dixie won the war for a couple of minutes, possibly an hour. Their Leader is current favourite to Win thanks to there being again no one better to vote for!

Let us normalise asking candidates what side they will be on when the USA collapses into civil war for the second time in its history over racism.

My Scotland will have a Statue of Liberty that invites more immigrants to settle here than ever before and make their home here. Immigration is a good thing. A Universal good thing; and our nation shall be the richer directly proportional to how many people want to come here. People wanting to come here is a good thing. There is scarcity, there is shortage etc - this is nothing to do with people just arriving here is it?

Let us be the home of Liberty if America is to fall to Trumpism. Let us not allow the dream of those who fled the British die now. Civil War in the USA will mean picking sides. I want to be sure to Association with the party that used to be the party of Lincoln as it was the home of Liberty. Let’s make Scotland liberty’s new home and we’ll ring a liberty bell when the night raids come.

Watercolor Magnolia Flower Illustration

the wealthy have no borders. just the peasants, the refugees and asylum seekers that have to worry about borders at all. oh yeah unless you are pregnant or being married to someone building walls on boreders is to stop the poor women trying to escape the idea about rapists coming over the border is projection of this truth.

Great Wall of China
Money is a passport all I m saying is why can t the peasants travel when needed also Peasants travelling freely is a bad idea they learn about one another s nations small wins over their slave masters and employers etc
We must unhook democracy from geographical territories in order to beat the elite they have done this already for themselves They live in a world without borders as in the elite have no borders to their business or pleasure travel it is only currency matters that create these human inequities Thatcher saw the benefits of this and went for it I don t think then it had occurred to the eurosceptics that seperating the workers but trying to keep the revenue streams which is Brexit one day down in hell they can all compare notes on economic terrorism
Firstly for fun Never miss a chance to wind up a Nazi
I plan my campaign by listening to what Donald Trump and his hillbilly Nuremberg audience specify as the target of their hate the most hated things they bang on about regularly that drive them mad which is the title list here top hatred targets for trumpists Then what I do is make sure that I am campaigning loudly for as close to the literal embodiment of that which they claim to hate so as to attract organic hate follows
Secondly because projection is a part of their pathology and I am hoping to trigger hate sharing hate following of my campaign as a cut through algorithmic strategy these people are morons and are being exploited i am just doing the same but with the good intent of identifying the madness and waking them up to their own self sabotaging voting habits
when i say morons of course I mean failed by the school system when asked what these terms mean little comprehension is demonstrated the only thing comprehended about Trump is a perception that he is with them in their whatever white peasant rage
Trump Icon
Wokist isn t a word they don t know what it means but they keep saying it in my direction it is essential that the youth or like my 40yr old self wear this as a badge of honour as there is nothing to be gained trying to accomodate those who are insatiable let them self identify as loudly as possible for being hateful individuals
Refusnicks Honour Draft act An immediate legal protection for those who refuse to fight wars for oil against innocent civilians Lessons of Iraq and now Palestine must be learned 18yr old Tal Mitnick at time of writing awaiting his second jail sentence for refusing to participate in this bullshit ethnic cleansing of Gaza people and ongoing cycles of violence leading to harm to his loved ones and his home
Tank Armored Fighting Vehicle
Working people have been weaponised by colonisers since the beginning of time this must be the end at some point enough is enough with the futile nonsense of global national warfare in the nuclear age what are we talking about this is just political bullshit not legit war no legit threat from the people of gaza a samurai would not lift his arms and take his families name to the wars of these men to get richer
It is folly Manchester Paris these were responses to senseless cycles of violence the only way to break a cycle is to not reciprocate and so there is no wisdom in UK foreign policy at the moment unless more death is desirous to those in charge i think it is I also think we can change it by disarming the military industrial complex with give them a different target
Ukraine Tank