Ocean Floor Coral Seaweed Line Illustration

On Corruption

(we’re not lobsters)

by ifd,

read this before


Let’s have a Stramash about all this eh...

31st August


Launch Party, Fabulous Bike Rally, Hemmingway’s


Leith No1 Commercial Street

Like this banter? Support this candidate for a new age help get the idea out;

beluga whale

Epoch Nova sets out to be the most transformative anti-corruption document in UK Law since the Magna Carta” ifd

Mask Anonimus

Click here to go straight to the oath, this material is a preface for the oath itself, some context and philosophy of the author.

Hand Gesture Pointing Finger

Prefish? Preface!

Something’s fishy in politics. It stinks.

Shark Fin over Water Hand Drawn Outline Doodle Icon.
Shark Fin over Water Hand Drawn Outline Doodle Icon.
Shark Fin over Water Hand Drawn Outline Doodle Icon.

We’re gonna need a bigger boat...

Epoch Nova is that big boat.

Come on board with me matey for a while as we trawl for bottom feeding corruptors. Slimy, slippery beasties there are more than I know what to do with in the navy coloured abyss of capitalised politics.

Whole fresh fish sturgeon. Vector black engraving vintage


Vector Image

We must drag our health and welfare system forward...

whether it wants to or not and that might mean all of us, being internally validating about these failures we have been taught to accept. In my career I have had to repair so much damage caused by clueless clinicians filling my clients heads with nonsense about their bodies. Modern medicine at present is a trauma factory - for all of us it is a commendable instinct to protect the NHS but aren't we really precious about it and preventing it's evolution?


Vector Image

For the compliance with equalities legislation as well as our own values we have a policy on religion. Post faith, not anti-faith.

A child centred approach is not always compatible with many traditional attitudes or practices. Epoch Nova is opposed to faith issues being prioritised over the wellbeing of children... on ALL matters to do with child welfare such as private schools and institutions... oh dear that’s a hard sell right? No more penguin propaganda...

Evidently a society can be directed into the deep end...

Led into dark and choppy waters of folly and failure. Unbelievably, at this moment our leadership intentionally plot us all on a direct course towards the jaws of economic, environmental, societal collapse and doom.

Vector Image

Why is it so unbelievable and yet so believable?

Illustration of a Fish

Are our leaders failing by accident to steer away from shining lighthouse warnings; easily visible to ourselves? Or are they driving us to the shore to run aground intentionally to hand our great bounty over to their pirate chums...

Seahorse Hand Drawn


Is it believable? ...that one could forget to even provide let alone look through the right end of the dam binoculars to scan the horizon for icebergs?

Even when the rest of us crew and passengers calling out that we can see so very clearly deadly dangers ahead?

LIHOP or ‘Let it happen on purpose’ is crime of neglect with intent to allow seemingly benign harm to come about to others... No serious anti-corruption leadership would not know this term with great familiarity. Feigned ignorance is the best plausible deniability.

The bourgeoisie continue to play their violins as we sink... Normally a train wreck would be the classic go-to analogy here or the good ole dumpster fire but these imply accidents...

Hand Drawn Eel Sketch

This document EPOCH NOVA is about failures that simply are beyond belief as accidental. Identifying white collar crimes, in this case political fraud and policing our own candidates for a better future.

Natural corals sketching
Sea Anemone Vintage Illustration

Anti-corruption methods herein are aimed at ensuring politicians can no longer whoopsie daisy their way through our businesses, homes, our land, our air our humanity, the natural world. The Mother of Parliaments here in the UK looks like the bleached coral crop failure of our nation second chamber is bigger and yet the tanker refuses to steer a safe heading.

I detest the phrase ‘those with the broadest shoulders should carry the heaviest burden’...please ditch this.

If the gentry of this country had broad shoulders available to them then we would have a poverty-free disease-free safe country. We have A golden child nation with too much money inherited and not enough entrepreneurship. Mummy and Daddy gave the leaders we have everything they have - almost universally and their spoilt brat kids johnsons, trumps, whatever - not even the great Tony Benn preserved his family name by creating a golden child who has flushed his families previously excellent reputation down the toilet.

Dynasties are not a feature of healthy democracy last time I studied the matter. And so the cohort on left and right are now in possession of puffed up and pampered shoulders or surgically enhanced shoulders that are usually up around their ears in contempt for the non-selfish ones among us with silly things such as principles and so on... I do not envy, it looks to me to be poison for the soul, affects ones sense of humanity and meaningful life seems impossible carrying more money than one knows what to do with. This is a hell of its own wealth beyond what is fair should burn holes through ones pockets... pay some bloody taxes maybe lighten your load!

Those not having the huge burden of family wealth tend to be happier and modest and experience great joy in ways out of reach of the prince in the palace. You are corrupt in yourself if money and wealth have become your main priority in this life - “the things you own end up owning you” 1999 phrase still to get into minds of the super rich.The things you own end up owning you... It's only after you lose everything that you're free to do anything. Thanks Chuck for waking me up.

I say this; we‘re gonna need a bigger boat... because we’re after super predators, killing with intent and no remorse for the pain caused by political fraud.

What I mean is we need a new age of anti-corruption methodologies and regulations of political operators that effectively terminates the capacity of extreme wealth to corrupt power. I want to make the political beaches safe again by catching these corruption sharks circling our futures. Corruption is a big fish, possibly the biggest and I want the head, the tale; the whole damn thing.

We have sellout captains who are not loyal to the crew, who never shall sink with the ship or go down fighting for their causes. Political Leaders are unfit in general. They lack the comprehension of what makes a crew, tribe, state or people inspired to follow you. Not even a well and stable and productive economy is available to us on the ballot. Justice, Policing, Healthcare and schools are all taking on water like a channel boat about to tip everyone overboard. Our infrastructure is falling apart and facilities for emergency responses are dwindling away also.

We have stripped away our environmental protections, promises on our only humble planets health change up in smoke*literally. There must be economic fairness, education, rationality and yet above all in this authors opinion is humanity & kindness. From the very first healed thigh bone in the fossil record to the birth of universal, free healthcare that progress is happening now, we must choose for it to continue. Lets abandon all the old party system and unite as if my anemone’s anemone is my friend...

Illustration Sketch Octopus Tentacles Seafood.

We see the failure of those with power beyond belief to match power with responsibility. It is old fashioned corruption lies behind our global political strife.

Our leaders lack basic care towards all of the many souls on board in community and their political activities are reckless, petulant, hazard.

A culture of ‘Souls on Board’ concept in epoch nova obligates politicians to feel like an airline pilot level of seriousness and professionalism fully aware of the harm their political failure and fraud may and I argue often does produce. ENOUGH.

White Collar or Elite Crime cannot be carried out by the vulnerable it is only carried out by those who have power to carry it out.

Natural corals sketching

Rarely is wealth not rewarded with power. Wealth does corrupt and make one symptomatic of what I call the ‘Golden Child Syndrome’ ...we’ll return to this later.

Wealthy individuals, gaining power or political influence through bribery, bullying, lying or misleading are all corrupt acts.

Failure to deploy state power when and where it is needed is a great failure also and with intent to look the other way or accidentally fail... Such acts can be corruption such as class warfare, industrial espionage, property rights in general.

When the schemes o’ mice and men gang aft agley...they rarely leave us minted with golden parachutes, investment portfolios, trust funds, tax loopholes or expense claims or huge windfalls...well not mine anyway...

Skate Fish Isolated Manta Stingray Marine Animal
Hand Drawn Blowfish

And so this is a form of voluntary self regulation of candidates. Political Fraudsters are the true super predators of our society.

The Public must be able to put their vote into a candidates stated objectives, with whom they have a secure relationship without any other interests competing for priority status.

The use of cronyism shall be fought via the introduction of mandatory sentences for those found guilty of the complex crime, elite crime, corruption and so in politics - charges of political fraud shall be brought.

My campaign shall give the Sovereign powers of citizen lead intervention. We have a monarchy which has not proved to be very functional since ww2 I suggest my document could create a unified executive mandate for power and actions that are effective pragmatic and connect the monarch and the people in solidarity to contain political fraud, complex crime and global unrest. I recommend a 15 year retroactive period so that those who have committed gross failure resulting in loss of life shall be held accountable and future deterrence shall be in effect. Alongside the funding of a generation of young political minds. There must be deterrent against frauds upon the people and no rewards whatsoever.

Seeking power for a clear principled goal in the law that is reasonable - but people who want to be in power for glory, attention or wealth are doomed to commit treasons and corruptions. Their whole journey to leadership is a fraud unworthy of anyone diving in front of bullets for their holy worth or cheiftain level competences etc... i pity the secret service and those responsible for having to guard those whom currently inhabit politics, drink the coolade you must in order to cope I imagine.

Hand Drawn Sea Urchin

All those with a mortal body alive in this world are mutually dependent on some level and that is a good, obvious, entropic irrefutable fact about life on earth; it is unified.

Hand Drawn Sea Urchin
Hand Drawn Sea Urchin
Hand Drawn Sea Urchin
Crustacean Lobster Sketch Illustration

Dear J Peterson; We are not Lobsters, Lobsters don’t have weddings, funerals or public services taking the lobster poops or the lobster trash away. Lobsters don’t have Grandmothers and Grandfathers to provide for. Lobsters do not trust other lobsters to look after their baby lobsters. Lobsters don‘t rig the lobster stock market. We are not lobsters.

Unified in peace and prosperity we must become for life. Unified behind the goal of living, surviving, which requires love and togetherness with community and society being features in many other complex species.

Politics, Philosophy, Economics and Romanticism with a sprinkle of idealism are all requisite for human and there is a human society which has made is the apex life form... unless something at area 51 has a bigger brain than us? But we need to be more complex than bottom feeding crustaceans etc when making a holistic societal document such as a constitution or a code of conduct for leadership within democracy.

Politics is a courtship of ideas where there must be the pantomime for the peacocks where ideas ebb and flow like fashion but there must also be substance in the meaning of words and substance behind them in political science - we have lost the substance haven’t we - no amount of pretending society does not exist shall make it so and yet some act as if it is so...this is the distinct presentation of the golden child syndrome afflicting most conservatives.

We are moving from ambivalence to certainty via teaching and debating. When we reach certainty enought to act, we act. Politics is not like this at all.

Muddy waters and non-conformism from big babies playing game of thrones who do not think on any level of the pride of statehood, the dignity of leadership is lost in these democracy where short term financial fuckery dominate the slight shifts of a contemptful nation weary of the dregs of PR marketing

Peaceful collaboration and union is stronger than division humans are the living evidence of this. Tribal and at times warring yes of course however it is what makes humans very special the paradox of a primal being cursed with conscience and enlightenment... All alone with it?

A cocktail of vulnerabilities and strengths in numbers and together and yet alone and apart one can conquer the impossible but we never truly are sole actors in the jungle - paradoxes of the individual and the whole are the pillars of modern political society...

Not all of us are on board with society though right?? There is a cohort of neo lib con lab red blue yellow etceteras seem to want to take this particular strength away from us... division, union busting, co-opting we are baffled now as our language of progress is co-opted we need new language for this new age.

Swordfall came from this notion of having a death penalty but instead of real death it is The Ego Death Penalty not punishment but an enforced personal growth involving call out and expoure to the public gaze - this is where the full data of crimes is exposed to the public with all assets being taken as a new national white collar crime seized proceeds of crime fund and invested in a contractual way - we shall allow ‘fallen’ politicians to recover as any criminal would with out a network of support etc, ‘bootstraps’...should be no biggy for such legends of the market etc to recover from...

White Shark

EN is seeking to make politics a reputable trade.

sketch jellyfish

An attractive career to the best of us and not the most corrupt of us. A new age is only possible with total and complete honesty with the people. Let epoch nova be the most draconian anti-corruption method ever devised in politics. There must be candidates and politicians the people can trust and are declared here as relentless and devoted agents of anti-corruption. Activists for fairness and truth in elected office; epoch nova politicians are the nemesis of corrupt party politicians everywhere.

Meaningful Deterrent

such as a lifetime ban. Like we ban from driving which is sometimes prudent due to age for example and since that became a legal reality the roads are safer. Politics must be like this.

Prosecuting Politics

Big Crab Illustration

Let us start by taking a moment to quietly reflect on all the lives lost to political failure and the ignorance of politicians. The resolve behind these documents for a new age are of love and conservation of what is good in this world.

We can observe an evolutionary process in hindsight, the journey of society towards progress via bumps and unplanned stops for death and pain and loss and failure. We are out of time for this. Humanity is a multiverse of non-conformism, argumentation, experimentation into reality which we can judge now with the greatest hindsight devisable this is our gift to be here at the moment and a grave responsibility to get it right and not to fail our ancestors.

We must be able to vote knowing that we will not be defrauded or ignored and have no power to hold politicians accountable for their actions. We must have a world where lying to the electorate to garner votes under conditions resembling fraud, wilful intent to commit fraud akin to false advertising, promising the world by invention on non-issues for diversion and so on - these must all become a crime akin to perjury. Thus charges should be mandatory under conditions of contract which prove beyond any reasonable doubt liability and dishonesty shall be evident to the people and may well result in the ‘Swordfall’ procedure of removal.

Sketch Coral Sea Plant, Underwater Ocean Flora

“To lead with consensus & Forever put the democratic will of the people first”

Stingray, Ray Fish Icon, Sea Marine, Ocean Animal
Hand Gesture Pointing Finger

Click here to go straight to the oath, this material is a preface for the oath itself, some context and philosophy of the author.

The Vow of Reason,

Is gonna send you back a letter from America... which; guarantees that the candidate shall uphold the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States . And thus allowing church, temple or mosque influence over government business such as governing the vote in parliament of a candidate shall be ‘political fraud’ in terms of epoch nova.

Seashell Hand Drawn Illustration

Although the candidate may hold religious views or beliefs; these are a private matter and never relevant to government business at all.

To disclose this to the public cheapens ones faith, defrauds the public, & alienates many. Hate is the only reason to bring faith into government business.

my advice to voters is to ignore claims of shared faith or demonstrations of such in those seeking your vote this should be identified as the most obvious and effective political fraud.

The taking advantage of religious groups is a form of political fraud of time immemorial and so I swear to maintain secrecy of my own religious beliefs to prevent such perversions of democracy occurring.

Should this candidates faith or spiritual beliefs be made public accidentally the invocation of Swordfall may occur if the electorate chooses to do so on that basis. If this public awareness is found to be benign or not the fault of the candidate that the information was made public.

Declaration of Sovereignty

Coconut crab sketch

Here we declare and bow with respect to the power and glory of the Monarchy and the King, and his ancestors and descendants while democracy approves of the status quo epoch nova shall support that in every way.

Peace is inherent to Epoch Nova politics. Above this power, executive power component of our governance sustains us however one must point to, correctly and fairly recently decided by referendum in 2014 a mandate for remaining in the Union for a generation. My first taste of electoral agony, a taste of democratic self harm yet to come back then. It is my duty and I would be found guilty of political fraud were I to fail to honour the sovereign. A true democrat has no prouder moment than holding their nose to do what the voters have said even when that is not in line with my preference. I do not see consentual setbacks as actual setbacks, ideas must win out by their merit not their attractiveness to us. I would not be a democrat if I did not start this constitutional document in regard to Monarchy and God. So God defined in Epoch Nova.

Democratic support of the monarchy is status quo and honoured until The will of the people demands the candidate to honour the peoples imperative.

This candIdate is the peoples candidate who is also the kings candIdate, Subject and protector of the crown by proxy In law hencefOrth.

The candidate must describe what is the most holy spiritual power they answer to, privately inwardly without disclosing that to the public. And so we have a Public command in epoch nova democracy who is not compromisable with ease via their god or church or faith matters. Thus we aleviate a whole lot of political fraud from our airwaves and screens by making it a crime for politicians to use their faith or lack of etc to win votes. Do not allow this.

Coconut crab sketch
Sheepshead Vintage Illustration
Wild Trout Animal

The Needles Eye

Rich men can no easier evade the eye of a needle than evade epoch nova on the road to glory.

Politicians abuse their positions for financial gain and that is why it attracts so much corruption - the newsflash.

These new age candidates shall take government salary only and be employed by no other third party at all. No directorships and no stocks or shares in public companies whatsoever any such assets must be disposed of or disclosed to be judged fairly by the voters as not a conflict of interest.

The bible includes such natural wisdom and conditions of good behaviour and truth telling and love for all and no possessions.

Oath to Matthew? - This is a way exempting the super rich from power altogether. Personal wealth placing a person in the top 10% of society shall immediately exempt them from being a signatory of epoch nova only one who had chosen to part with sufficient wealth and assets to not belong without any doubt to the political establishment.

Epoch Nova argues that one holding onto such resources is inherently a threat to stable societies prevailing with justice and humanity. Such power corrupts. This is entropic reality due to wealth and power. Belief in free markets demands one to destroy monopolies and to keep money and wealth moving - there are many sleeping dragons in our economy one of them is hoarders.

Having too much money gives you golden child syndrome, makes you a problem for everyone else...

It is Easier for a Camel to get Through the Eye of a Needle than it is for a Rich Man to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven

Matthew 19~24

Penguin Bird Vector Sketch

The Epoch Nova contract makes it so that any clandestine or non disclosed earnings that are found shall be acts of political fraud for which there must be a ‘Swordfall’ process to remove the candidate or the candidate may choose to fall on their own sword by admitting guilt or wrongdoing, paying for damages if appropriate.

Then leave politely with some dignity and not in disgrace, dragged off the throne.

Vector Image

Any gains or favours or positions of power and influence deemed by epoch nova peers as possible violations of the oath of integrity can be investigated in a Swordfall process. The Swordfall process exists as a check and balance other than voting - if we did not accept the need for that before hopefully we do post-trump.

Vector Image
Sea Horse Illustration

An Epoch Nova Politician must always be a Self litigant in all matters other than criminal defence/private life and never rely on another person speaking on their behalf in anyway at all for example David Cameron told House select committee he’d have to check with a lawyer what his answer should be...? This is political fraud in plain site - unelected lawyers tell the foreign office what is and isn’t our policy on genocide... OK?

In cases of some special incapacity candidates must step down and only ever be a sole actor and represented by themselves fully accountable for all they say and do.

A total ban on cronyism and scapegoating or mafia style activities are not possible without removing enablers and henchmen a sole corruptor is fairly useless etc

Lawyers are not held in high regard in society due to those who abuse the system and its reputation must be restored via elected representatives who are prepared to act country and state first in a way few have for a very long time in our History.

Marlin Fish Vintage Illustration


Marlin Fish Vintage Illustration

Swordfall is the peer review procedure for a politician suspected of breaking their Oath of Epoch Nova. Externally a challenge of swordfall can be made by 3 signatures - must be other Epoch Nova signatories. Otherwise it is just a dynamic between the candidate and their voters. Voters can pursue classical breach of contract legislation and the crown will be equipped with power to charge crimes by the White Collar Crime Bill such as political fraud. Breaching this Oath would basically be a crime equivalent to perjury or high treason depending severity of breach etc.

Vote of no confidence in an Open source candidate signatory of epoch nova is a new layer of anti-corruption that could safe guard our future from political hijacking and repeat our post-thatcher experiences.

Vintage Shark Engraving

The Ego Death Penalty

Is a humane deterrent for the elite fraudster, white collar criminal.

A modest, non-violent public shaming, trial of sorts where truth telling and admission of guilt to the public at large is the end goal to see remorse and change has occurred in an offender. Admission of wrong doing is essential but only given voluntarily, the inquisition of the truth done until there is a breakdown of sorts. This is to enable personal growth and for the bad ego parts of offenders to die... and for those found to have failed to honour their oath in this feild but this could apply to other sectors as a tool for compliance.

Vintage Shark Engraving

Sometimes the bad part of us has to die for the good part to live.

We seek incarcerations on the basis that time remanded in custody is spent contemplating, growing and changing while ‘doing time’ - this has a mixture of results however what is universal is that when you write people off with real death penalties and dehumanisations - we lose as a society instead of gaining the catharsis and relief of observing and being an active part of the perpetrators recouperation of their moral or eternal soul depending on how evangelical one is - what is clear is that; rehabilitation can work, punishment is ineffective... public and indeed exposed failings, lies challenged and a forced personal growth so that society is safe...

Hermit Crab Illustration

Personal growth, tough love, disciplining that was not done in childhood done in public... is very effective at teaching a human brain right from wrong... abuse must take place in isolation this is why abusers get their targets fiirmly in shadow, Ego death penalties are public non-violent confrontations.

Hammerhead Shark

Cronyism shall be in an endless crucible of challenge, the binding vow is specifically worded to allow for potential violations to be investigated and judged fully in public. The candidate surrenders the ‘normal person’ rights to total privacy identical to many many other state representatives in our armed forces or special force and so this is not too much to ask relative to other public servants. Especially this is tested during swordfall where full disclosure to those making a complaint among peers - This could even be their competitor politicians challenging swordfall, we shall set a trigger threshold for when it MUST be done. If we are ever bribed or friendly politicians who fail justice and the people and potentially their voters; the sword fall maximum penalty is full disclosure to the public of the sibstance of the fraud in order for voters to consider their vote.

Truth can be spoken in a discreet and respectful and non-traumatising to the politician style. Swordfall only ends in the satisfaction of the challenger and the peers involved that no fraud has been committed.

Libel, gag order corporate NDA type of manner, sworn by law to keep matters discreet again comparable to Jury duty...

This is not even difficult to do - we have another example of this in attorney/client privilege even the journalist and their sources enter into discretionary discussions and so there are ways to have draconian monitoring of our leaders without them being compromised. ‘Big Mother’ is a post singularity ideal AI tech deployment to manage surveillance through a Drone Security Firm called ‘Karen’ this is a new scheme however we can all remember the FBI asking for Apple for a key as they were not able to access that, we can use the official secrets act for the state to take up complex matters among the elected leaders without any party infrastructure. We must deal with corruption like it is the most important matter facing our world now as it is our barrier to restoring the earth and preventing societal collapse. Imagine a job, being a politician where you can safely enter into the attorney/client privileged information bubbles to do swordfall and keep an eye on your competitors but be obligated to keep mum on personal matters. THIS only applies to Affairs of the State.

This is the process to identify wrongdoing which if political fraud is discovered shall obligate observers to report to the Police that Perjury effectively is going on.

Falling on ones own sword is the option to avoid exposure of matters that maybe due to harm or protective matters and so we have a process with aspects of Jury duty and peer assessment, above all public judgement is the ultimate judge and this is the terrifying position we face with SCOTUS ruling King level immunity for leaders - this is NOT real democracy... it is needing a new age where these paradoxes are addressed holistically and none shall be untouchable, none can be excused absent integrity and we will burn away all falsehoods until all remaining left over, must be truth. Swordfall process meets this need for democracy and justice to find a point of brinkmanship by law.”

Humans should hold one another, all of us with great care. Respect one another as with all sentient life on earth and everywhere in the universe to be holier than any dogma just by being alive. The preservation of life and the relief of suffering in living things is our goal in life, we know this, we do this, unless troubled and self harming. And so regard yourself as precious in the manner most religions do value the living person, the soul, your forever being, thinking, loving human is perfect in its flaws.

That love of life itself and the urge to keep those we love alive with us. The need for being present, together, mindful and thoughtful of here at all times within our community itself is kind of a spiritual thing - politics must have Love but never belief without evidence nor faith beyond reason.

Whale Tail Sketch

Universally the concept of community, tribe, survival of all of us, we should be well, together like a big family, a society always under attack but never defeated. The people, our people have endured, that’s how we all got here... it is this notion of continuity and lasting cultural memory.

Ink Sketch of Stingray

Perjury is triable only on indictment, the indictment process here is started by constituents, an agreed number of referrals. This would then be heard at the Crown Court – the more serious of the Crown and Magistrates Courts. By explicitly taking the Oath we create the same liability to the Crown & The People, and so we create a bond of truth telling by Law.

Vector Image

This Epoch Nova generation of politicians who adopt this strategy shall benefit from a reputation unlike any other politician and shall conduct politics in a way that shall lead to the people’s will becoming reality in a way never before in mankind’s history.

Accidents can happen - and so a representative can come forward for an ‘Amnesty Swordfall’ this ought be done when a candidate has failed in some unforgivable way they must resign permanently.

For example the policy of leaving the EU was a great harm upon the nation beyond reasonable doubt and so one would be calling for these politicians to fall on their sword on that basis of failure in politics.

Octopus Sea Animal

Where do we go now?

A new age of peace is only possible with leaders of universal tolerance in their hearts and minds. Although secular this document shall embrace the concept of ‘God’ with the term being used constitutionally in the manner described.


In that we literally use the strong and clearly demonstrated democratic will of the people as the basis of constitutional law to the word of and the will of ‘God’ which is herein considered to be the same as The People’s Democratic Imperative.

Most humans do not kill, most humans do not steal, most humans will help another stranger, most humans seek love, commitment and stability and so god’s wishes and will most commonly already seems to line up nicely with the desires of the majority.

It must be to honour the majority wishes of the people and not the dogmatic or the pulpit mounted or the over resourced wealthy moralisers. The mind of God is surely too divine to be understandable to the mortal human - false prophets are plaguing our democratic process and so the matter of where Gods will lies.

Allowing the majority to determine the path of society shall hopefully be found to be spiritually tolerable and not succumb interchangeable within the candidates oath for a new age and so it seems fitting to honour Jefferson’s first amendment to the United States Constitution almost verbatim and maintain total seperation by Law of the Church from the State.

This will always make our home a home to all without any of the poor huddled masses who still yearn to breathe free they can do so under contract as a free nomadic person of the entire world with safe haven here and everywhere for as long as we can stay true to these principles, building on their success and learning from the failures for which there is great forgiveness andbest remembered by the Lady Columbia’s image we cherish as a Global icon of such freedom and hope - let this treaty and bond co-opt this ideal for this good purposes following on with the will to amend and recite and er and redo over as humans must.

Angler Fish Sea Creature Drawing

Surrender to peace only... for peace itself shall have no glory or shame - we all share in the victory of peace and avoid the failure that is national conflict, around families and children.

Loggerhead Turtle Drawing

The Battle for Liberty is better fought with words than guns and bombs etc. However when my voters are in danger I will summon and deploy the forces of defensive weapons at our disposal without prejudice.

War for profit and resource must be identified as redundant folly and be abolished within this constitution and this candidate shall never vote to take a nation to war.

However the Candidate will support a healthy and strong capable military state readiness and badassery for the purpose.

The solemn serious and never just peacocking duty of defending our homes and our family’s and loved ones from attack.

This must only ever be to repel Force of aggression never to be the force of aggression.


Surrendering some of the privileges of being a private citizen must be accepted reality - politicians hold voters to higher standard than their collaborators - this cannot be the case.

A Candidate has no right to privacy when conducting government business and has no right to lie, deceive or mislead in anyway whatsoever and so is acting under oath in a court of state when in politics and around stewarding or listening to interpret the will of the people.

The phrase ‘when conducting government business’ refers universally to any discussion taking place between a voter and the candidate with whom one should see as akin to a lawyer who is on your side in matters of state.

You enjoy confidence by contract and understand that the vote placed for Epoch Nova does also obligate the voter to respect the family members or issues that affect the family of the candidate even their identity/location etc as in the deal is - I will tell you my voter anything really in strict confidence as long as that confidence is maintained. And so political fraud can be committed by the voter; should they breach confidentiality of their candidate and matters of confidence are leaked by a voter that could be an attemot to gain leverage and coercion and so exposing personal life matters of this candidate with whom you have voted and thus the vote becomes a contract when a photo of the vote is received by the candidate. This does not in anyway affect the oath in terms of candidate conduct but this is a little protection for the candidate - we want to make politics a safer job for normal people than it currently is.


Epoch Nova

Whale Shark

New management is needed for the greatest era of humankind to commence - now is time for adaptation to survive unlike anything Charles Darwin dreamt of. This is not an ark I am building but political evolution is what I am seeking to accelerate.

The phrase ‘Epoch Nova’ means new age. Think Hippies and flower power and such - a time for tripping out and pill form contraception. Woohoo. That’s the mood of this material - both hyper liberal and yet hyper conservative at the same time!

Specifically I mean the new age into which this document shall take our society thanks to the circumstances we find ourselves in. Starts with admitting that the waters around us which have not yet grown will. And quite possibly soon and we are prepared to sink like a stone; ‘fuck it’ seems to be the current plan of our elders... The young themselves and the new ideas they have must prevail over the old.

Whale Shark

Corporate rights shall never be equal to Human or animal life. Not by the buying and selling of assets shall corporations acquire power or influence over the business of government that transcends the powers of those described herein of any living person.

Baby turtles line art

Sentient beings which are not human people, still ought be treated humanely...

hand drawn humpback whale
Jellyfish Vintage Sketch.
Tropical Coral Sketch Illustration

A living organism that can suffer pain, presents as self sustaining, preference shown for survival and are in possession of a Mammalian or similar level nervous system, we must consider them human-like in Law.

Animals have senses, emotions and behave with intent, self aware cognitive skills in many complex Mammals... If machines start to demonstrate these attributes or respond in such a way that is very similar to consciousness and sufferings like living things then we ought never treat any such machine, nor more basic life inhumanely. We must not tolerate cruelty or neglect at all as there is debate to be had about where personhood begins and ends in technology and complex mammals or life elsewhere.

However in politics such beings shall not have representation until gaining of ‘personhood’ in terms of how technology progresses; epoch nova politicians shall observe the progress of technology to identify those in need of representation for example; revived humane embryos, cloned humans of living humans or non-living humans born in technology. Also perhaps technology manufactured in harmony with human born biological, organs, brain tissue containing memories and essence of being which has been uploaded into machines or technology or any other non-human entity in substance not alive but deserving of humanity as a concern for their autonomy and ego-development in technology - there can be no provision of equal rights as a person or human.

Manta Stingray Marine Animal Isolated Ray Fish




A form of hybrid representation in new age democracy - this is essential for open source candidates to adopt.

Technology has made direct democracy possible. However pragmatism would suggest a model of part direct and part representative democracy. Nothing is possible without money out of politics. This document is a guide on how to take this dead system and give it an epinephrine jag to the heart.

With the aim of defeating corruption, resurrect undead democracy and free markets from financial black holes and societal collapse; Populism is inherently positive and ought to be embraced in the law so as to avoid chaos and rebellions.

People’s Democratic Imperative

Definition; An Evidential Affirmative Consensus beyond any reasonable doubt.


Anything other than immediate action in that direction could be considered unrepresentative acts against democracy AKA political fraud and a crime akin to perjury.

This is how we legally qualify epoch nova as a contract by which the people shall always be able to hold politicians accountable.

In any nation where the people make demands of politics and those demands fall on deaf ears or come to nothing in process of government... which appear or present to be fraudulent conflicts and obviously rigged games of bad faith actors who will never honour those who voted for them often being bribed to act against the best interests of their voters.

By definition a broken democracy is one where the people do not get their wishes met by their elected representatives.

Most modern democracies are like this sadly. There is no imperative for politicians to honour the wishes of the people and so it doesn’t happen.

Sea Robin Vintage Illustration
Sea octopus, hand drawn illustration.


do solemnly swear to faithfully execute the office of president of the united states and to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the united states, so help me god.

Octopus Tentacle Illustration

Corporate Power

Corporations as a legal institution must be abolished - author dedicates this work to Joel Bakan and Naomi Kein for their work in this field. Also national treasure Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky and many other US talkers thinkers I couldn’t list altogether here. Massing thanks to all The Young Turks on Youtube and all affiliated types -even their adversaries from the right are great entertainment - brand of free speech warrior is different from ours - it is take money more money = truth & speeech and reality is governed by money...

Blue Glaucus

The Nuremberg Principles

With these Principles, the concepts of individual criminal accountability for crimes under international law, end to impunity, equality before the law, fair trial rights were universally recognized. Moreover, the crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity were defined.

No lawyer can have a greater voice in politics or matters of democratic will, within the scope of an Epoch Nova politician to fight corruption actively not just engage in omerta like behaviour. No cronies, no assembly - obligated to speak. Ignorance o f the Law is never a fair excuse for a politician and so under EN there shall be no occasion where such deferral of responsibility.

Blue Glaucus

We ought be angry at times to know right from wrong accurately and socially.

Words in form of debate shall be the primary and celebrated art of war to the new age politician... unless one’s home is invaded or loved ones in danger I shall lift no arms against my brothers and sisters in other nations and I sign this oath to maintain a strict code of non-aggression towards all other nations. To be a healer, teacher, protector and provider to my people, my nation and never tolerate fascism or aggression from bullies or rogue states or politicians keen to violate lawd of peace and prosperity in favour of hate and insanity.

In order to maintain the liberty of all people the candidate can never allow the conduct of our forces to include war crimes, rape as warfare or ethnic cleansing by military or any crimes against humanity as defined by the Geneva Conventions. I shall uphold the principles which founded the UN after WW2 and seek to hold all peace treaties together and move to disarm unilaterally always maintaining home readiness for the health and calm of the nation.

Should such scenario come about where the imperative of the people is to go to war and the values of the candidate are at odds with that the candidate may fall on their own sword and exit should they be unable to honour this contract and vote with the people. No war has ever cleared such benchmark democratically in human record.

Angler Deep Sea Fish Hand Drawing. Vector Illustration

Devil’s in the detail…..

Abolition of party politics and the principle of contractual liability to voters and voters only, consensus leadership, DIY democracy resignation of opinion in favour of the people’s democratic imperative...

Hand-drawn crab
hand drawn squid

Epoch Nova ‘new age’ is a flagship policy to draw a line in the field of politics between those with a legally binding vow and old politicians.

It is similar to the hippocratic oath taken by medics to do no harm that will mean part of a politicians role is to be held to higher standards and be a similar type of revolution in this area of life also. Take an Oath, be liable, earn and cherish and honor community’s trust in epoch nova principles and ideas.

Epoch Nova is a contract to never ever join a party and be actively anti-all parties... forever. As part of fighting corruption this is an attack on crony politics, establishment elite and the prevailing power of the party over candidates as an a way of avoiding doing good politics. This idea has viral potential as it is easily applicable in all democracies.

Shell Vintage Illustration

No parties ever, not after signing that deepest of promises to not assemble - to violate this most sacred duty to protect and represent the people only! - Politicians at present face no consequences for their actions - with a binding contract there can be no wiggle room for the corrupt...without breaking the law that is and being hauled down for it! This is new nonetheless.

Governments only locus of authority and control must be the people’s will. Not be the holy power etc allow the people to express God’s will is my advice to those who want peace in the world. To violate the imperative and sovereignty of the people shall be akin to the highest national treason of King and Country by those who have signed Epoch Nova the goal being the eradication of corruption from politics.

Epoch Nova political era shall be an era of such peace and prosperity where our only sufferings shall be the memory of past losses, tragedies we could have avoided and the record of ill deeds by our primitive ancestors, the writers of this document for example, I hope for a future where my experiences are no longer experiences had by anyone.

When we suffer it gains great meaning by sparing the same to others. Let Epoch Nova be this spirit of humanity and kindness to improve matters and leave a better world than we were presented with. Amor Fati - love thy fate.

No parties ever, not after signing this deepest of promises - to abandon my citizen right of assembly. To violate this most sacred duty to protect and represent the people only - politicians at present face no consequences for their actions - with a binding contract there can be no wiggle room for the corrupt...without breaking the law that is.

Lobster/Nephropidae/Homaridae, Vintage Illustration.
Bloated Puffer Fish

In Military Matters the Epoch Nova candidate signs to be observant of democratic will, neutrality and peace above all. No military coup can ever be tolerated in government by Epoch Nova candidate in such a scenario candidates must act towards restoring peace and stability. The defence of the realm shall be conducted under the principles of the Samurai warriors of ancient Japan - only fighting to defend ones home.

To never mix public and private life to guard my family and friends from assaults etc.

The failure of politics is profound when a nation goes to war without provocation this is morally unacceptable to the epoch nova candidate who observes Samurai principles of only fighting in defence.

Portuguese Man-of-War Vintage Illustration

legally under oath at all times and that telling lies while holding an elected position shall henceforth by this candidate be addressed by the law as perjury,

lying under oath, not just lying to parliament but anywhere at anytime in any way at all regarding matters of government. This contract shall in no way abstruct the politician signatory from enjoying a normal private and social life within the community with right to privacy protected and unaffected by signing The Oath of Epoch Nova.

We sign that we shall adhere to the contract and be liable for conduct viiolations and possible swordfall consequence there after. This will effectively become a constitution governing one - the candidate. Lack of accountability for problems is reduced by this - make politics and economics something resembling a normal job with consequences for failure and stuff.

The law on perjury is found in the Perjury Act 1911 which explains that perjury is when you have lawfully sworn as a witness or interpreter in a judicial proceeding when you knew the oath to be false, or at least did not believe it to be true. This is also known as Perverting the Course of Justice.

It is committed if a witness or a defendant lies while giving their evidence under oath about an ongoing court case. knowing that it is false or not believing it to be true.

All of these must be proven for an offence to be committed; a lie, of itself, is not enough for someone to be found to have committed perjury.

Illustration of a Seahorse
Wild Lobster Animal

Perjury Act 1911

If any person, in giving any testimony (either orally or in writing) otherwise than on oath, where required to do so by an order under section 2 of the Evidence (Proceedings in other Jurisdictions) Act 1975, makes a statement -

(a) which he knows to be false in a material particular, or

(b) which is false in a material particular and which he does not believe to be true,

he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or a fine or both.[6]

This offence is triable either way.[7] A person guilty of this offence is liable, on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or to a fine, or to both, or, summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or to a fine not exceeding the prescribed sum, or to both.[8]

Stingray Illustration

Magistrates Oath

So help me God. Magistrates' first Oath of Allegiance: I... swear that I will well and truly serve our Sovereign Lord King Charles the third, in the office of Justice of the Peace and I will do right to all manner of people after the laws and usages of the Realm without fear or favour, affection or ill will.

Hand Drawn Seal Sketch

Hippocratic Oath

I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:

I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.

I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.

I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.

I will not be ashamed to say "I know not", nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery.

I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.

I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.

I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.

I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.

If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.

Marlin Fish Vintage Illustration

Police Officers Oath

I (name) ...of (police force)... do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the King in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law.

Highly Detailed Drawing of a Jellyfish

Any benign benefits or gifts recieved which arise from media creative revenue or sales activity associated with politics must be disclosed in order for it to be ‘benign’ returns they must be disclosed and taxed appropriately.

Accepting inevitable and unavoidable returns managing corruption becomes less about preventing enrichment but in governing the candidate with regulated conduct.

The Stock Market

Shareholders may provide investment - the problem is that how did they get that investment? Magical thinking economists with golden child syndrome do not now and cannot ever understand the value of money and so we have this bizarre sense of entitlement to ‘passive income’ if you want to help business - start one, don’t setup a monopoly for exploitation from a distance. Outsourcing and a great deal of economic failure will die with these corporate monstrosities.

Vector Image
Vector Image

Employment akin to Slavery

The most indoctrinated humans have gone from school direct to education and then to employment these monkeys have never released a branch before they had as full grasp of the next for sure - trouble with security and to be honest having a boss it’s like having a parent you do not achieve anything like your true potential and you live modern slavery style. Dependence and slavery are good buddies no matter numbers enslaved minds just obey and conform. Keeping workers institutionalised and undeveloped like a child is a way also to manage you, take credit for your work and disenfranchise you of your time for their business - this is a predator dynamic.

Non violent resistance always


The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense (BPP)

was founded in October 1966 in Oakland, California by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, who met at Merritt College in Oakland.

It was a revolutionary organization with an ideology of Black nationalism, socialism, and armed self-defense, particularly against police brutality.

*by google

We want freedom. We want power to determine the destiny of our Black Community.

We want full employment for our people.

We want an end to the robbery by the Capitalists of our Black Community.

We want decent housing, fit for shelter of human beings.

We want education for our people that exposes the true nature of this decadent American society. We want education that teaches us our true history and our role in the present day society.

We want all Black men to be exempt from military service.

We want an immediate end to POLICE BRUTALITY and MURDER of Black people.

We want freedom for all Black men held in federal, state, county and city prisons and jails.

We want all Black people when brought to trial to be tried in court by a jury of their peer group or people from their Black Communities, as defined by the Constitution of the United States.

We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace.

Black Pledge, also called African-American Pledge and Black Family Pledge.

We pledge allegiance to the red, black, and green, our flag, the symbol of our eternal struggle, and to the land we must obtain; one struggle for black love, black freedom, and black self-determination.

Hermit Crab Vintage Illustration




These are abuses of power that can only occur alongside great wealth and influence. As in people who have no money and no power cannot ever commit a White Collar Crime let alone be found guilty of one.

We have wealth and privilege buying outcomes via a legal sector that is a disaster area for our citizens of working and middle classes who simply do not enjoy the capacity to evade tax, own property and rent that property out - obtaining wealth in corrupt ways must not be as successful and as easy to get away with as it it now.

Devil Businessman. Satan Is Boss of Hell. Lucifer in Business Su

Disease & Wellbeing

There is only one disease. Poverty. Without Poverty humans live well into comfortable old age like a pampered royal. Humans die before old age only due to the quality of their basic essentials of life. The current model for disease is just a component of class war and medical fraud. Diseases are a punishment inflicted upon the poor by the wealthy establishment types who are cutting basic and emergency care even to themselves and their Kings and Queens like every golden child - insatiable and self destructive even their own death does not waken them from delusions.

For Profit Medicines

The field of healthcare needs a revolution and critically that is to do with intellectual property rights over modern technology. A free market is needed to some extent - in order to create pioneering new treatments and to conduct ethical experimentation on a fully consenting population. Events such as covid shall happen when we have risk taking gambler invested money in such risky technology. The way out of the paradox will be described as Total Health Liberty which is something we will discuss later. The Morality of charging money for health knowledge must be abolished for new age to come about.

Snow crab sketch

Faith Schools

No brainer, there can only be state regulated schools and those must not teach any religious material. Secularism is a part of women’s right to choose who they marry religions do not tolerate women choosing the father of their children and so religious influence over kids must be abolished.

All Student Debt & consumerist educations...

Charging people for their education is right at the sharp edge of the agism problem where the over 55's are preoccupied with sabotaging their kids futures - this is a large scale problem for sure. Morality of education is really on the block it is hard to see how this sector can even justify itself we have only recently stopped these institutions beating kids for having disabilities or being different and such. Teachers will never be abolished of course - however ‘schooling’ in a traditional manner has become socially, technologically and economically redundant.

Hermit crab sketch

Childhood Poverty

There’s no money... the idea that people living on the streets, sometimes dying on the streets is some sort of self inflicted wound is not evidential. Nor is the Third World Debt situation. People have a tendency to vent their frustrations to the vulnerable and also be beyond the pale ignorant of economics - both these things are easily abolished...

Hand Drawn Octopus Illustration

The marketing to, commodification in anyway of children or childhood shall be abolished.

Exploitation of Childhoods for the needs of adults, entertainments, business or social media. We have a generation growing up with a great deal of mental and emotional dysfunction as a result of exposure to marketing. Children do not have money and are therefor not technically actors in the market - and yet the targeting of children is most toxic designed to lead to cravings and demands of very high level. This is child grooming again we seek to abolish this can we start that campaign by asking advertisers who are directing their coercion and brainwashing towards the most vulnerable minds - shut down and find something decent to do.

Vector Image

Consumerist Educations Poison Society...

Kids and young people today are sadly very naive about how much harm their parents *over 55's have caused to them and their children. Toxic competition to obtain parental approval when they meet their parents expectations - bravo, what now? Let me be clear - the value of any education in the post internet age, post covid era has dropped to near absolute zero. Possibly it is actually worse than that as most fields are struggling with talent coming in with completely different attitudes on fundamental matters institutions keeping up with information and learning is hard to imagine as it feels like archaic now. Schools as we know them are redundant.

Shrimp or Prawn Sea Animal, Vector Krill Creature
Shrimp or Prawn Sea Animal, Vector Krill Creature
  1. The Needles Eye Claus (100:1)
  2. Punishment of Swordfall
  3. Pragmatic Populism
  4. People’s Democratic Imperative
  5. The Nomad’s Passport
  6. One Voice Policy
  7. Evidential Affirmative Consensus
  8. Total Health Liberty
  9. Childhood Liberty
  10. Animal Liberty
  11. Magdalene Rights
  12. Samurai Inspired Militarism