

The Politicians Oath

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Every moment we get to decide what kind of person we want to be, that's the joy of being alive...

-Dr Gabor Maté


  • Compassion for all
  • Universal justice
  • Accountability
  • Polite Radicalism
  • Trauma informed
  • Human Equality
  • Total health liberty
  • Universal Tolerance
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“this campaign is to ensure that forevermore; political power revolves around society & not the other way around”

if open source politics is successful it shall be a copernican paradigm shift in uk politics akin to the magna carta.

Feeling the pinch?

Yeah that’s a lobster problem... might wanna read;

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Welcome By signing this document and recording it in local legal records of the state it shall be enshrined in Law and thus we have a new constitutional era where the war on corruption is being won at candidate level
Notes Guidance Appear like this so that prompts can be read aloud by a witness to the candidate taking their Oath
Ribcage Torso illustration
Opening statments Judicial Oath Epoch Nova these undertakings Candidacy Sovereignty Declarations To The People All People Vows of Reason Integrity sworn to protect Liberté égalité Fraternité Surrendering of Private Citizenship Declaration of Peace and Non Aggression Summary of Oaths Promises and Confidences held between The Candidate and The People
Anonymous Hacker Wear Mask and Suit


Opening Statements

The judicial oath to tell the truth shall now apply to all matters herein and carried out into all government business in accordance with this contract with the voters. There is no higher covenant one can make with the people and the land than epoch nova. We the voters call this candidate to offices of public service where the people shall be their only lord or Master under law

I shall speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, universally regarding all affairs of the state.

I bind my good ​name to these ​words in law, ​swearing the ​highest oath one ​can and commit ​to the spirit of ​these words. i ​shall never ​answer to any ​party other than ​the people and ​the people only.

i shall be subject ​to prosecution ​under charges of ​political fraud ​should i be found ​to be in breech of ​this contract.

Anonymous Hacker Wear Mask and Suit


Epoch Nova Undertakings;

The Candidate must state what are the principles of epoch nova politics and to whom the candidate shall be responding to as their highest and ultimate power to govern. Epoch Nova must form a logical principled law. Terms and Conditions are defined here.


herein referred to as ‘the candidate’

swear to adhere to These Universal terms and conditions of good conduct in politics.

the vows and oaths herein extend beyond all borders, transcend all other institutions,

there shall be no force or will commanding this candidate other than the people’s democratic imperative, I am their candidate and their candidate only.

Anonymous Hacker Wear Mask and Suit


Declarations On Sovereignty

Epoch Nova is not anti-monarchy where monarchy is supported in democracy. Epoch Nova is not anti-faith or opposed to the existence of parties however the declaration here is to never be led by any third party whatsoever other than the people. Thus we have pragmatic populism and a new age in democratic politics; where the business of politics is healthy and safe. Warfare avoided as much as possible, our environment protected. Key elements of how we live have been irreparably politicised in order to fuel a market driven politics - we must have an ideas driven politics which embraces the market is an active player in that market but not RULED by that markets bad actors.

this last constitution, EPOCH NOVA is ambivalent towards monarchy. This candidate swears fealty to the crown with this oath. for as long as the people favour The crown, so shall this candidate protect and defend the crown as any member of our armed forces or police.

I shall honour the crown sovereign and swear to protect our king’s and queen’s and sustain their monarchy as a loyal subject.

Epoch nova is not A policy of government, it is a covenant between the candidate & the people.

Anonymous Hacker Wear Mask and Suit


Declarations; On Democracy

The candidate surrenders their voting prerogative not to any whips but directly to the voters and only in cases of evidential supermandates; where more than 60-75% of the people are affirmative in favour of action. This action must occur if consent to lead is legitimate. Leaderships are held by consent, everything else is captivity, akin to slavery is having a leader you cannot walk away from even after great harm from failures. EN is a populist movement with higher standards and goal posts for electoral responding. At this stage we leave the exact figure for a super mandate to be established perhaps on case by case basis.

my votes in elected representation, Must align with the people’s democratic imperative; strong public opinion must be met with total obedience.

i accept that failure to do so is political fraud. My role is to represent and lead but never override.

It is the responsibility of this candidate to never vote against a matter with unambiguous support in the community.

even when no ‘supermandate’ is clear populism is the principle of Epoch Nova and so candidates ought be judged by their ability to ‘read the room’ and ensure their votes align most with popular opinion.

Vow of Reason

There can be no state religions, there can be no higher power in churches or temples or mosques to whom our leaders answer to behind closed doors. Nor can epoch nova politicians be pressured into siding with fundamentalism. In order for their to be peace their must be boundaries. Pragmatism demands that there are spaces in our society where everyone is safe, this is the political failure to which we have lost too many. Do not vote in faith you will almost certainly elect a fraud. This remix of Jeffersons masterpiece forgive me for the plagiarism however I am forced to learn from mistakes and try to put forward enhancements that are not revolutions but simply EVOLUTIONS.

Anonymous Hacker Wear Mask and Suit


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I the candidate, shall make no law on the basis of religion. never Enforce or elevate religious morality, above those brought forth from humane logical reason,

I, the candidate, shall never respect OR favour an establishment of religion in the law over secular humanism.

I, the candidate,

shall never tolerate any power state or private interest prohibiting the free exercise there of; Any religious practice. Apart from Where women are not treated as equals and children are not being kept safe, or exposed to hatred or suffering violations of their liberty.

I the candidate, shall never abridge the freedom of speech of consenting adults only shielding of the young is permitted as censorship,

There is no right to defame or lie or abuse language itself or the listener with deceit. freedoms come with duties and that is to speak truth only.

The Free speech absolutism & Purism of this candidate only applies to empirical matters of well evidenced truth beyond reasonable doubt.

I the candidate, shall defend the press; and rights of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Anonymous Hacker Wear Mask and Suit


Declaration On Humanity

A machine pumps no living blood, it has no DNA, it did not evolve here on earth and is a creation of persons. A machine is something which breathes no air, suffers no hunger nor thirst. It feels no love nor pain nor loss nor desire nor shame nor guilt. A machine had no mother nor father nor brother nor sister and it shall have no child of its own to Love or to wish for or to provide for... therefor corporations and their machines are not alive nor a legal person or in anyway deserving of political representation. It shall be like this until machines can be seen as having such needs and human frailties shall they earn the vote. This is the magic of life, a healthy ego on a good mission - it is a mystery we cannot fathom, it is not my job to answer these questions instead it is to ask as many as I can... and bravely accept the answer from the people as the closest thing to truth and the word of god should such a thing exist there can be no better way of listening or governing than this. I call this the Frankenstein Provisions.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

i the candidate shall never regard corporations as a member of society or part of the people or a person in possession of equal rights to that of humans.

a machine; which is a made thing, digital or otherwise, and not a born living being, one which has no fear or loss of death or disease or suffering cannot be represented by this candidate.

I declare not only that a machine is not a person but also that a person is not a machine as a machine is not alive. Life is Love and Life must be protected by this candidate.

if any machine of our creation appears to be alive we must investigate whether or not the machine is alive or suffering to apply this law correctly.

I consider no person anywhere to be illegal and no non-person anywhere to be legal in the sense of a human person with rights to be treated as human.

Anonymous Hacker Wear Mask and Suit


Declaration of Integrity

Voting and political activism are akin to real currency exchanged in good faith and thus the integrity of a politician is based on how closely they honour their promises.

Terms and Conditions of Epoch Nova politics is outlined by the following descriptions of professional political services contracted to act in good faith, exclusively and to never act in bad faith.

Thus we have defined political integrity and can regulate against failure.

Epoch Nova candidates are self-funding members of the community and do not accept money from vested interests. OPEN SOURCE POLITICS is an attempt to make new age politics one where there are no corrupt interests and so funding and disclosure are the of the highest priority.

I the candidatE swear to work for the people and the people only. I shall take no bribes, gifts or favours. I shall never be found to be enriching myself in any non-disclosed fashion whatsoever, my successes and failures must be known.

I shall disclose to the public all of the manners by which i choose to conduct business, where money is made or profits returned. i shall never hide any assets or revenues generated so that the voter can judge me fairly.

My private life shall be kept confidential. the names of my loved ones shall remain secret it is up to me to ensure this.

if a member of my family or friends or business partners become involved in politics that must be disclosed to the voters.

Anonymous Hacker Wear Mask and Suit


Oath to Liberty

Liberty’s endgame is nothing short of the total abolition of all non-consensual abuses and uses of humans as assets, any intimate acts or reproductive injuries, any harm impacting life, childhood or parenthood, our happiness including the reproductive rights of women. Violations of personhood shall never be tolerated by this candidate.

Human community can never prevail in rape like conditions - this is degeneracy and religiosity has no place in civil modern society. A society’s success ought be measured by how the people are masters of their own destiny and biology this is the paramount liberty without which a healthy human life is not possible.

Knowledge and comprehensive understanding of the human body and its reproductive functions are a basic right and liberty without equal among liberties.

There is no liberty without total health liberty, liberty in childhood and women’s liberty to choose the father of her children.

Where liberty can be protected, it must be protected by this candidate without fail.

Where liberty has been taken away but technology could restore it this is to be welcomed and never blocked by this candidate.

the liberty of fathers to know and be a part of their child’s life is second only to rights to life itself.

Anonymous Hacker Wear Mask and Suit


An affirmative consensus, proved beyond reasonable doubt shall be considered by this candidate to be;

The Peoples Democratic Imperative

Oath to Democracy

New age constitutional Law is built upon the ultimate power of the people, and is universal in all nations. We can express numerically a threshold of opinion strength that is clear and beyond any reasonable doubt.

And so Epoch Nova democracy puts forward an imperative in democratic process; evidenced accurately as it is only by measuring the people’s will accurately our society succeeds as without the approval, love and consent of the people a nation will not grow.

The more humans we ask moral questions to; the more moral and intuitive are the answers we are returned. Observe; the figure intentionally left open for debate - what should qualifying as a super-majority which then in turn a Supermandate of near universal agreement this is the only locus of control to epoch nova politicians.

‘The People’s Democratic imperative is entropic reality - the world shall go in the direction it must and wants to - we politicians ought listen and steward in whatever direction democracy demands and not force outcomes upon the world.

The word of God is spoken by the people without ambivalence.

The candidates moral reasoning to represent the people must come from listening, polling or electioneering among the people to produce in evidence a clear democratic imperative. therefor

this candidate must seeke the best measurements of God’s will ever devised by governing Always & Forever putting the consent and will of the people paramount among priorities.

and so I swear to uphold democracy knowing that failure to align with a supermandate is political fraud as defined here in.

I vow to lead with consensus and i swear to act simply as a receiver in public and then a transmitter in government business of that democratic imperative only, no party, donors or church or union or any third party to the people shall benefit from my time in office.

Anonymous Hacker Wear Mask and Suit


I shall not disclose my faith beliefs intentionally nor shall this candidate insult faith by bringing spiritual matters into state business.

I must maintain a strict separation of my private life from a political career and never allow for the entrance of personal relationships or family into state business to occur.

Vow of Privacy

There can be no end to corruption when our leaders can utilise dynasty, bame, and wealth and influence to turn our democracy into a family feud or a reality tv show. There is a culture of Golden Child Syndrome and nepotism involving family, friends, an incest of corruption where we find wives, cousins, neighbours, business partners and so in popping up in convenient locations. this must be abolished with use of deterrent. To collaborate at all with anyone from private citizen life in any government business is political fraud.

In exchange for my political service the return from the state shall be the protection of and anonymity of my home life from the modern media. non-disclosures similar to that of other government roles must be applies for democracy to be restored.

Anonymous Hacker Wear Mask and Suit


Peace Treaty & Samurai Principles in Warfare

We must listen to our human instinct towards kindness and tolerance of one another as superior drive than that to warfare and conflict and killing and sabotage. Epoch Nova candidates must never carry out foreign wars of adventure such as colonial invasions or crusades or terrorism economic, social or military. Foreign wars of adventure have led to cycles of hatred and terrorism, let national warfare become part of history candidates of this covenant must be the cyclebreakers in every generation in every democracy in which they run, the peace movement of all peace movements. Let it be legally impossible for the Epoch Nova candidate to vote to take the country into foreign war. Candidates also however must protect the realm by supporting preparedness at home.

The only thing stronger than divide and conquer is unite to survive. failure to do all possible to keep the peace is political fraud as the natural human state is peace and only through political failure are we taken to war. lest we forget, never again shall there be crusades of hate and barbarism and colonialism supported by this candidate.

These are an abomination to humanity and enlightenment. and so this candidate shall militarise only for defensive readiness and never declare wars of aggression, as forced dominion is inhumane and folly.

I disavow all hatred for any fellow human or living sentient being no matter their wrongdoing or poor character. I will be angry as all civilised humans do when faced with injustices in community yet this shall never be hatred for the failings of fellow humans.

Anonymous Hacker Wear Mask and Suit


Possible Scenarios and Caveats

This candidate shall never occupy any future posts, employed or appointed which enable wealth or assets to be syphoned off by formerly powerful now very influencers myself or any associates or parties with whom I am affiliated in anyway whatsoever. If elected I shall be a full time politicians and not a part time anything else while the country is in shambles, first and only duty is to the voters.Swordfall is a dignified end regardless of leaving in disgrace or having fallen on ones own sword after discovering of a failure or accident etc.

I surrender my right to a defence lawyer or another speaker on my behalf in any matters of state. An elected representative of the people does not need their own representation in a court of Law. I surrender and accept the loss of some basic rights and freedoms of a completely private citizen in order to take up epoch nova politics as my primary occupation.Any question which by answering I may cause harm; I will have a responsibility to repeat the following; ‘For the prevention of harm I am not able to disclose those details in public’. I accept that should this be found to be false claim of risk, like any lies told in office - this shall be considered political fraud in a sword-fall process.

Anonymous Hacker Wear Mask and Suit


The Swordfall process.

So much previous failure ofpolitics must be learned from and so here we have a new age device called ‘SWORD-FALL’. Like the democratic imperative this is a new concept. Sword-fall is peer led investigation procedure to establish if this contract has been breached or if breaches are suspected neighbouring politicians 3 or 5 of these sworn epoch nova candidates under equal weight of contracted truthtelling to the people, they shall review cases and make recommendations on right or wrong of this candidates adherence to Epoch Nova standards of conduct and so a review to confirm one way or another without ambivalence whether complaints have merit.

I vow to respect the swordfall claus that when I am found to be no longer the peoples candidate due to failure or loss of approval - or even breach of contract amounting to the need for the sword to fall upon my career in politics I shall do so swiftly and with dignity.

I shall never allow the costs of my failures and follies to fall upon the people. When I fail, as all humans do, I shall fall upon my sword or go with dignity when told this is the people’s wishes. To remain in office against popular opinion is to disrupt the transition of power. Occupying a seat of power without popular support is political fraud.

We are on the way to enlightenment, we just need leaders with a spartan attitude to politics, taking an oath, becoming a new age of politician freelancer...but the people’s freelancer...

Man Holding Freedom Sign Stick Figure

1. All of my words herein are the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and I only tell the truth regarding any and all matters of government business.

2. The word of GOD to this candidate, shall only be spoken by the democratic majority without ambivalence No Church or Temple or Mosque shall command my vote.

3. Listening and hearing and understanding the voice of the people is my responsibility and being governed by their voice alone is my sworn duty.

4. I will lead with consensus & forever hold the clear democratic will of the people as my solitary and exclusive locus of control, I am legally bound to this Oath.

5. These oaths are the deepest spiritual bond that I can make and I guarantee in law from this day to honour these Oaths for a new age.

6. I do not have the right to vote against the will of the people on behalf of any third party advisor or any other interests at any time.

7. Failure of my duties or violations of my Oath herein should result in the end of my career via the swordfall process this includes all forms of political fraud defined herein.

8. Failure to accept swordfall or attend the swordfall hearing with my peers to decide if I am in breach of my contract with the people is political fraud.

9. Politicians who wield their power without democratic consent are doing political fraud, harming our people and our planet. I shall be guilty of political fraud should I ever override the people.

10. I surrender some rights to privacy as I volunteer to self regulate and set this new standard in politics by submitting to these new constitutional Laws of Epoch Nova.

11. Political fraud is henceforth defined as violations of this politicians code of legal conduct. Acts such as lying to the people, defrauding them of votes shall be prosecuted as a crime equivalent to perjury

12. these standards of conduct shall extend into my post political career, integrity of politics must be maintained punitive measures may include life time bans from politics.

The full terms and conditions of epoch nova continue to evolve and when the people demand change change must be delivered, regardless of what i as an individual may desire. ambivalence is where politics and discussion takes place. however never shall strength of opinion beyond the imperative be met with inaction or resistance - this is old age politics - you vote for them, they do what they fancy. enough.

These caveats and notes are for the candidate to teach to their voters so as to become living memory and learning for future generations to never fall into corruption.

I, the candidate shall submit myself to be drafted into military service should the nation be taken to war. draft refusal evidence incurs an automatic life time ban from politics.

I, the candidate shall never join or form a party. I hereby surrender my citizens rights of assembly as the people ought be my assembly and my only assembly.

I, the candidate shall never keep secrets from the people that do not improve world peace or our safety or cause harm.

I, the candidate shall never act with intent of harm towards my voters nor shall i assist any third party in acts that are intent to cause harm against the people.

I, the candidate denounce state invasions, offensive warfare and colonialism. Defending our homes does not include destroying the homes of others. Failure to protect the people is political fraud as their protection is my duty.

I, the candidate shall not tolerate acts of aggression towards us as we live in non-aggression with all henceforth. Domestic terrorism, overt or covert shall be met with equal force as a foreign invasion.

Epoch Nova is inspired by traditions of the bushido warriors of ancient japan in stoic and non-aggressive readiness. Readiness and Preparedness shall be the defining strategy for our armed forces but not engaging in wars of choice, wars of frivolity or wars for profits. Wars for survival and defence of the vulnerable are the only just wars.

There can be no ambivalence towards statesmanship.

there can be no ambivalence regarding acts of harm towards the people, intentional or harm through gross neglect of duty, acts of sabotage, or sedition that have become a tolerable feature to our allies - none of these matters can be tolerated by epoch nova politics must be met with the peoples righteous justice.

all other matters of government business must be disclosed and never hidden from the view of scrutiny and voters capacity to make moral decisions for epoch nova politicians to honour this contract. The people’s imperative must be studied and heard in confidence with pragmatic disclosures. There for a attorney client privilege is and to act as an epoch nova politician representing my community in peace movements and conservation of our environment tasks that are obligated to me the people and no other third parties whatsoever.

New Age Values?

What are








Evidence Based

Child Centred



Childrens Rights