Celtic Symbol Tree
The Magdalene Act
Parental Advisory Explicit Content
Animal claws scratches trace, torn slashes texture

“The Pink Panthers”

is a work of fiction by ifd not a proposal of any kind just an artistic outlet, action movies, screenplays and stories of a common feature - vigilante justice, revenge of a comic book style. Pink Panthers are the black panthers for women and girls who have been raped, or violated by coercion etc

The Crow vs Saw vs Punisher vs Kill Bill

18+ Age Sign
MEET KAREN not real yet

Mass electronic taser distribution. Proposed device, micro in size *credit card sized... has a single shot function. User/activator will be 100% traceable dna test technology will ID both shooter and target irrefutably also built in camera will take a/v data for evidence purposes to guarantee conviction of either a legitimate discharge during a non-consent situation OR criminal act of firing in a non-threatening situation...

Attack Taser Icon, Isometric Style

“enshrining a woman’s right to choose always everywhere without excuses or barriers, because anything else is just rape”

passing the magdalene act effectively will create a unique place here where women’s rights are safer than anywhere else in the world; reproductive consent’s home in the world - an anti-rape revolution. I will advocate for the most punitive judgements for rape, attempted rape and medical rape...

consent in law

A Magdalene act of law, shall be a ‘ZERO TOLERANCE’ act on the matter of consent. Consent universal without coercion for all life changing medical or physical intrusions to ones reproductive organs or any intimate part of the body...

short of the complete and total abolition of non-consensual reproduction. The permanent and lasting equality in the law of all humans in the field of sex, reproduction, babies when and how with whom and in a manner that is protected under law as TOTAL HEALTH LIBERTY shall being about the end of rape and a new age where women’s choices are to be enshrined in the highest constitutional law.

‘epoch nova’ the last constitution

Putting an end to the distractions of process and pomp and grandiosity, instead governing politicians themselves as individuals, legal liability and accountability to the people - this is my politics - anti corruption measures by contract. Epoch Nova will be a vow taken by candidates that a vote shall equal a bond of word, legal contract to; REPRESENT THE PEOPLE AND THE PEOPLE ONLY.

Celtic Symbol Tree

An Epoch Nova politician is one who accepts that democracy means compromise and defers their opinion to public opinion on ‘irrefutable evidential consensus democratic mandate beyond any reasonable doubt’ in order to restore economic and social stability I’d like to try and effectively ‘unhack’ democracy by contracting in a field of safe candidates. And run this open source globally - a kind of ‘everything everywhere all at once’ type plan with the principle of self-signatory candidates who put the people first above all. Epoch Nova could be rather like the Hippocratic Oath in Medicine, only it’s an anti-corruption oath for politicians.

mutual consent formalised seriously

No more excuses - this is doable completely doable. The goal of a ‘magdalene act’ which again could be adopted by any territory with collaboration from police etc - We will seek to completely abolish rape altogether from our communities in all its forms - and thus protect women in a way never before in law anywhere in the world. There is no liberty where women are not in charge of who they choose to be fathers of their children - this is the most sacred aspect human society - rape prevention shall be at the front of my campaign women should not be forced into reproduction like a farm yard animal - nothing pro-life about rape and incest.

a consent form like when you go on a trip at school - except it’s a green light for jumping ones bones when the moment should... arise.

total abolition of non-prosecuted rapes as in all claims are investigated by law.

without consent in evidence all rape claims shall be treated as illegal sex acts
silhouette deer antlers
Red Devil Horns

let’s fuck?

cool, sign here.

Keeping Church and State seperate a secular state by law is proposed in EPOCH NOVA
Orthodox Icon Vector

I will extend jefferson’s wonderful first amendment rights to abolish money from politics in the same way we keep money out. Money is not speech it is just plain bribery. corporations aren’t people they ought not influence politics anymore - proven to be a disaster...or my other idea was to introduce some of my reiki and ohms and stuff to politics - cringe do this on your own time ok - this is business time.

Telling someone you have a particular faith is very unwise politically - treat this like your voting info - this knowledge makes you an attractive target for con artists and fraudsters you are telling them how to exploit you very easily.

religious people have no boundaries, they have been taught that them having normal boundaries is some kind of evil. it is up to the rest of us to have boundaries.

attacking parental rights, that is WHO one co-parents with must be protected in law. Abolishing all rape and domestic abuse would make parental alienation or custodial interferences etc also rape-like violations of personhood within the law including rape or denying access to abortions or contraception or sex education - epoch nova could create a universal protection.

flower illustration with guitar

Epoch Nova is a constitutional document under development by IFD (completion post NOV2024) It will be aimed at ending corruption in politics as part of the journey towards real safety, harmony and peace in our community.

Epoch Nova shall enshrine the protection of the liberty of children and young people to be free of coercive market forces kids can no longer be commodities or a target market for any business model not even medicine
Control people
how did it get this bad or was it always this bad

I feel it is essential that my first discussion with Mr Starmer will be on this issue. How on earth can it be this bad? How can there be such failure to prosecute and he comes to the country with no radical plan?

I guess we should not be surprised that the suit is not stuffed with useful ideas for dealing with crime of this sort so this is why we have the rates we do.

Police Handcuffs Icon

On rape we have had the police produce bizarre excuses and denials for abuses themselves and failure to...ye know Police? It’s unfair when their budgets have been turned over that performance could become suddenly woefully and irredeemably beyond repair. I am not sure it is clear that some desks need cleared out and this fucking chocolate tea pot useless Starmer can explain what is going on to the rest of us how did he on his watch - allow the crime of rape to go so unchallenged that the Met police have been harbouring rapists instead of hunting and capturing them.

All your health worries magically taken away! haha not exactly but here’s my suggestions folks!

Hand Gesture Pointing Finger
Women White Wedding Dress-01


I will ask the pope to contribute his thoughts to my proposed Mary Magdalene Act to abolish rape in all forms. I would get him to explain these mysteries to me from the big man in the sky right? These old guys have all the answers...in church.

this is not normal healthy human behaviour is it? gender politics is great...for guys - girls; if you try to live like this you WILL be miserable.

Boys, Girls, everything else; please ignore these supposed virtue warriors who will leave their kids with institutions notorious for abuse. these people are confused and disturbed by a hateful faith upbringing - so just wish them well with their issues.

sex of course never comes up at all in the subject of politics...

My advice; get laid, have fun and relax... YOU have one life and who you sleep with or who you marry and run away with forever is not your parents or anyone else’s business...

Women White Wedding Dress-01

Fornication is perfectly normal, do as much of it as you can safely before you die. it’s no one’s business other than you and the other consenting freaky person - do not tell me about it - i do not want to know it’s none of my fucking business ok.

GIRLS, if the one thing you know about politics is - you have a right to not follow your HUSBANDS religious beliefs. If you wish to maintain your liberty - abolish marriage and fight for female autonomy laws - we must keep faith out of government business... these religious types have got problems and they are making their problems our problem - we cannot trust dr’s or priests in my opinion working alone - look at what happens when they team up...they come up with a rape excuse...rape enabling...guaranteeing that should a poor soul become pregnant after a rape she is forced to carry that rapists child. There is noting holy about this.

Calling this a magdalene act universally will hopefully piss off the right weirdos and include ‘slut shaming’ as a hate crime.

These folk abolish normal healthy adults fornicating with each other in parallel to preying upon choir children. in most faiths there is a phobia of sex and women - not just homophobia if you think about it but the whole adultery/virginity thing is sex and woman phobic.


DEAR America’s Daughters... apart from being the most unbelievable hypocrisy from these conservatives who are forever being hauled out of the closet or someone else’s closet after preaching to the rest of us...

Female liberty has been surgically removed. We cannot however get your ectopic pregnancy removed confidently in the USA and so alongside pressure to make babies it has to be a needlessly inhumane and horrific at times Russian Roulette of will i die because a Dr is scared of a Lawyer Bill?

Trump is a christian victory - they are celebrating one anyway? Family Values improved by you not having rights to choose when and how you have your family.

This is an immediate violation of the constitution of the USA - if the supreme court was not run by the far right this would get told to fuck off if ginsberg was still around. You have a right to your ‘secular’ religous freedoms do decide when and at what point life begins bla blah blah

US Dollar Coin
Burlesque Pin-up Character
Geometric Judge at Court

Once again back women are back to the dark ages in half the country. Soon Salem witch trials will be getting a reboot? the war against slavery ought to include forced reproduction protection to elevate women to the status of nearly equal in the eyes of the kirk. No one is even really kicking off - girls it is about spotting that there’s not a lot of solidarity to go around. if only some genius had written a book predicting such a hazard becoming reality.

Think of it like this - if they are making the case for banning abortion or changing any policy whatsoever because of religion? Thomas Jefferson is gonna rise up our of his grave and haunt these fuckers what they have done and continue to do - to turn the USA into a christian fascist state.

I do not think you even need to codify this in a new amendment why not just fight for YOUR first amendment right to religiously decide - couldn’t the medics use the same excuse this is already protected under the constitution i would argue. There is not one educated middle class man in America sticking his neck out for girls there - oh dear - big rapey country isn’t it.
