Africa Acacia Tree
Illustration of a Giraffe
Giraffe Silhouette
Giraffe Flat Icon

"They say it takes a village to raise a child, it certainly takes a village to abuse one..."

-Mitchell Garibidean Representative of the victims of the Boston Catholic Church Sex abuse scandal & others.

One must stop being victimised in order to see who the primary target of PA actually is... the children, not the safe/parent... what is happening to the child in your absence...that is the objective of this a serious addiction in its presentation - usually a vulnerable presentation from the one doing the alienating...and until we stop seeing it as normal relationship breakdowns with zero sum mum vs dad situations...instead this research is about responding to the fact that anyone isolating a child is coercing a child, doing severe harm by their actions... should be considered a predator or a very unwell person in need of support to not pass on their trauma, yes of course! this is not a hate campaign it is a campaign to help targets of hate respond effectively and with life changing wisdom if this research and subsequent efforts shall make a difference...To fail is better than to capitulate...those who enable this are that tolerance is the thinking requires and especially when it is one of the parents from the other regardless of gender... Kids aren’t safe until that shift in awareness occurs in society...making it about boys vs girls is the strategy of child grooming... bad mouthing the other parent around a child is grooming... Having children in order to meet your emotional needs is child abuse...this content is about child abuse in family system that is largely tolerated, great source of business and is harming children.

Epoch Nova is...

  • Political campaign preparation by ifd
  • Inspiration for things to be different is the meaning of the name of these works.The times in which we live, a new age.
  • A funded, intensive research program into Parental Alienation(PA)
  • Philosophical Memoirs of ifd 2021-2024
  • A way for Victims to let go of the past trauma embracing the truth and the new life possible in the truth.
  • A conclusive report that PA is absolutely. real phenomenon taking place in families all over the world.
  • A plan of action for tackling this complex form of child abuse that largely is accepted as normal in many families.

Epoch Nova is not...

  • Service Provider or Charity; Private Funded campaign - no public money has been used to produce this work.
  • Hippy Dippy Snowflakery e incredibly serious as PA is simply a vehicle for other abuse.
  • UK only - EN has contacts in USA where similar types of campaigns attempt to align.
  • A small issue - lives are being ruined by this problem, usually for vast profits.
  • Genderised - as in the colours of the trans flag have been used subtly in the branding to ensure that fully tolerant attitudes only are welcome here this affects all humans and is the responsibility of all humans - this campaign needs shares, likes etc thank you!
giraffe walking and looking at the camera at sunset in Savuti, Botswana
Cloud Astrology Symbol

“Omwana takulila nju emoi"

A child does not grow up only in a single home.

“Omwana taba womoi"

A child belongs not to one parent or home.

“Asiye funzwa na mamae hufunzwa na ulimwengu”

Regardless of parentage, a child belongs to the community.

Cloud Astrology Symbol
Giraffe Flat Icon
Cloud Astrology Symbol
Illustration of a Giraffe
Giraffe Silhouette

From June 2021 Epoch Nova became the most urgent matter in my life, personally. Now this is my life in the most beautiful way holistically I am going to do what I can for the people I love. Labour is a word we will discuss later; why we use that word in two settings is interesting - this shall be my labour - I am getting into politics to try and make things better for my loved ones - join me, sign up to open source politics -become a force of change in the world of politics; raise the bar just by opening your mouth and being there. ifd

“the greatest teacher failure is”


Even he failed and kept going x

Jedi Icon
  1. Research and study the ‘parental alienation’ phenomenon.
  2. damage report - produce a report outlining the affects of PA on kids and families but also in economic terms so that the scale of the problem is clearly recognised and hopefully reduction in harm can become the focus.
  3. study approaches to these issues in Europe, Canada and Australia in comparison to England & Scotland, Wales and The republic of Ireland.
  4. Lawyer & Judge Awareness survey - assessing affectiveness
  5. Join survivors up with industry types.
  6. criminalisation - the fact is these behaviours are already criminalised and yet this is one of the most challenging circumstances for the justice system and given it is reputably failing badly - criminalisation as a strategy should be explored.
  7. Epoch NOVA will be a report completion date no later than february 2025
  8. Recommendations on a ‘parental alienation strategy’ for all relevant actors in these sectors who could help prevent these scenarios coming about for babies and children.
  9. SUPPORT OTHER INSTITUTIONS with specific mandates for supporting those affected.
  10. create international links with Parental alienation organisations

What are we going to do about this? Firstly; try not to make things worse! got to think about the big picture...

For all parents everywhere - now is the time to get into politics. We cannot have safe kids and families without getting politics under control - we cannot have politicians who let babies perish in the sea or in cages or criminalise parenting prohlems - we are not for criminalisation we are for resolutions and better lives for kids.

The recent post office privatisation scandal revealed a great deal about how our legal system is broken. It is a big problem we are taking action. Epoch Nova will be informing candidates of our research into Parental Alienation to drive policy solutions from Authorities rather failure and ignorance.

One Service epoch nova has demonstrated the need for... Is more emotional support and a greater awareness among those working with people going through this from Social Services, Police and the Legal Sector - but in the meantime we would like to direct those going through PA and feeling most lost to use the safe parent alliance as your main emotional support service.

Let us be clear there is no excuse for this treatment of children it is abuse. However we must still figure out ways of living despite this despicable actions. Kids have to live and get on with life - we all people who have unfair hateful judgements about their parents. HappyBaras will throughout the next few years study ways of improving the quality of life of kids experiencing Alienation.

Texture of sarape or zarape, traditional Mexican textile.

Dadifesto is where there must be legislation forthcoming that will prevent these life changing abuses are not tolerated anymore. The use of the Day of the Dead reference and I may borrow the song ‘remember me’ from that movie...

safeguarding training everywhere is redundant as those to whom we may refer vulnerable persons onto - shall quite possibly, *even likely? be harmed more so by members of those who are deployed to improve matters.

Soccer Team Logo

“I do not want to go to war with your department - i need your help...why am I being ignored?” - Child Services Department staff

“Baby has been taken by a midwife - so what could be the problem?” - Social Services Edinburgh

“Keep copies of all complaints as they are notorious for deleting complaints” - NSPCC regarding Child Services Edinburgh

"I am too scared to give you my name as I don't want to be involved in a civil matter" - Police Scotland

“we don’t consider baby to being in danger as we are told that the stalker shall be kept away from the baby”

“throwing a baby at you is not an assault upon you however the baby when old enough could press charges” Police Scotland

“It’s only audio so we don’t know how bad a throw it was” -General Practice ‘Dr’ at Annandale Medical Practice

"Get a new Lawyer, one who is actually going to represent your interests" - Police Scotland

"The courts are against men - whatever you go in looking for they will reject it and make you pay her fees" Senior Partner of Major Leith based Legal firm.

“I cannot help you if you maintain your relationship you have to end it if you are in disagreement” - Major Wert End Law

“We cannot protect you from false allegations” Police Scotland

“Men do this sort of thing all the time too y’know” Advocard Edinburgh based advocacy service

“Attending Inchkeith House has worsened your situation greatly” Emergency Mental Health Dr based at Royal Infirmary.

“We cannot guarantee that if you fill out our confidential forms to do mediation - you may be arrested”

“Non- credible”

“Not a thing Judges understand”

“Not something our system handles well due to nuance's” “Family Courts don’t care about evidence they just read the room”

It is essential that there is absolutely no private market here. All services must be state lead accountable to the public not these Mickey mouse NGO's so far failures of there's are no longer in dispute I am afraid.

How to identify? easy an real attempts to change the system that will benefit children - will be opposed by groups who earn from the failures of the state.

Red british post box illustration.

kids copy in, for survival purposes they learn from what we do. Not from what we say we do but what we do. copying us is what they do best...

that's all they do.

Children are the greatest responsibility of society as in children are the very purpose of society itself. Those of you working in Child Services, Health and Policing etc with good faith intentions you are fighting for our future, we thank you and although this material has been designed to be provocative please do not feel attacked. Join us. Or Tell us why our proposals are not a good step in the right direction.

As humans, our young take so long to develop and are so very vulnerable for so long relative to other animals we depend on 'the village' for a stable, healthy, happy community to raise a family as it takes that we must recognise the incompatibility of this economy with producing healthy stable adults in the future - this is our greatest strength and we are losing that to isolation.

Society is the reason abusers must isolate their victims. Bullying goes on behind closed doors and in the shadows only.

Many complicated things can influence our success in adulthood. This incapsulates EPOCH NOVA's ideaology. We need your help to plug the gaps in child protection. This is a job that is never complete and really this is our most sacred goal as a society. So here together We will build a more 'village' culture of social responsibility and seek to revolutionise child protection here in Edinburgh.

Man arguing with woman

so if you eat junk food they will eat junk food. if they spend no time caring for themselves and instead people please INSATIABLY AND IF you tool around WITH ONE ANOTHER in front of them...

what do you think happens?

Heart LGBTQ Illustration


Our services are universal, founded by Dad's however this door of parental doom swings both ways sadly.

Narc's don't discriminate so we don't either.

We shall be referring to 'parents' only we aim to be fully inclusive in our language - we are actively a progressive organisation equality promotion is required for child safety.

Could do better? Let us know!

Folded hands in prayer, palm to palm hands


For the compliance with equalities legislation as well as our own values we have a policy on religion.

Our child centred approach is not always compatible with many traditional attitudes or practices. We are opposed to faith issues being prioritised over the wellbeing of children and famillies.

We seek to support parents who are struggling with parenting in a religious context try to put the needs and rights of the child ahead of their own faith based preferences.



We must drag our health and welfare system forward whether it wants to or not and that might mean all of us, being internally validating about these failures we have been taught to accept.

In my career I have had to repair so much damage caused by clueless clinicians filling my clients heads with nonsense about their bodies.

Modern medicine at present is a trauma factory - for all of us it is a commendable instinct to protect the NHS but aren't we really precious about it and preventing it's evolution?

Dual Balance Scales Legal Service, Justice Icon


Coming to terms with parental alienation is made so much harder by all the denial and ignorance around. try to remain grounded in what you see and heaR for yourself and accept that this is what your other parent is doing, take respond TRAUMA INFORMED APPROACH

NO longer can overwhelming evidence be ignored.

Using terms such as failure and incompetence in this context is not appropriate.

What we generally are dealing with in the institutions around these matters - custody and parenting, schools, police, family court etc is a refusal to evolve and adapt modern approaches despite overwhelming evidence. EPOCH NOVA says we don’t have time for this and only the best will do for my kids thank you very much.

Omerta is a term used traditionally among the mafia of Sicily and is a word describing an extreme solidarity which braking may mean death sentence or familial retributions. It is a threat of force from the members of your own institution to prevent disclosures of criminal activities. This is a real feature of these matters as recorded in numerous public inquiries and notorious stories within the public knowledge.

Omerta is present in many of our public institution sadly and it is only with radical acceptance we can move forward from being played, ripped off etc however if we break the codes of omerta we can put a stop to a great deal of suffering of vulnerable populations. We are at a minimum not able to trust much of the states institutions to keep our babies and children safe and well. Enough is enough.

full Conclusions Of Epoch Nova

go here

Does PA exist?

Yes of course

Huge phenomenon with basically a whole industry around this unedifying and predator behaviour around children. It is an undeniable phenomenon - are those denying this saying that women can never have abuse problems? are they saying that coercion and brainwashing do not exist? This is not feminism this attitude is failure to protect kids and band wagon style social abuse.

EPOCH NOVA has concluded that phenomenon is unsurprising in its presentation - it is consistent with behaviours of the *17/18 official strategies. This is evidential to any non-vested interest as intuitive and obvious. The reason we have these disagreements are a bit smoke and mirrors.


Must be directed to improve the lives of kids. At present there is a profitable advantage to pursue.

ABOLISH the JUDGES and replace with digital anonymous democratic jury duty - family juries will be 1,000 people - they will look over the case notes, see all evidence from both sides and form conclusions. Appealing afte the first judgements can be done but that is when there is a cost to private citizens.

‘Epoch Nova Jury Process’


The way out of this is a new Judge Process for complex family matters Judges and Lawyers are such utter pathological degenerate trash humans we can only get anything done by getting them permanently abolished for the safety of society.

Democratising the judiciary - the law sector can remain but they will not represent anyone other than themselves in courts and they can coach members of the public to self litigate. There will be 100% self litigation. Law shall be streamlined and there will be abolitions of certain current practices. There will for example never be any victims facing their attackers - wtf?


The traditional victims of these courts were women with various health issues. Today instead of protecting women from real harm they enable their self sabotage to profit from their trauma symptoms which are their because they were not protected when they were kids... vicious cycle of failure.


Similar market for child abuse and neglect - police forces are similarly disarmed by private lawyers behaving like ambulance chasers... not in a good way.

“custodial interference” for example is a felony to prevent the type of abduction we are discussing here cops are reported as claiming abuses are a civil matter and this is met with campaigning which is great - the campaigning and activism is great. HOWEVER common feature of male vicitmhood throughout all these stories it is important to remind oneself to ignore this whole culture or mindset - do not become a victim do not live as a victim. Try to think of how many women have been treated in similar fashion over the eons - handle this with some dignity man - stop fucking whinging - zero tolerance to all of this is the position of the aptly named ZERO tolerance - meaning fuck all this shit.

The market here is vulnerable and confused women - mothers in this case the so called family court.

These can be weaponised easily to do harm... 75% of borderline personality disorder are female. There is a 10% suicide risk here and we would be at risk of litigation to name notable victims of the legal sector who have lost their life.

Yes and No - annoyingly is sexism a factor of course it is in everything I guess the question would be better is where is the line between abuse and normal couple discourse often referred to as ‘a civil matter’.

In the old days of course domestic violence never was even challenged socially completely acceptable - I refuse to be associated in anyway with the MALE or MENS rights movements - sorry lads - no beef.

I have proposed a service that is tailored to DADS as I think it is fare to say the market is currently over deployed against DADS correct from my research. HOWEVER Zero tolerance Dads is a CAUSE not a SERVICE of any sort - but is open to all identity groups to deal with this legal predation problem - it isn’t going away if anything getting worse. From here on the realisation and