‘On Hate’

be angry

be very angry ​but; never hate

Parental Advisory Explicit Content

The Final Speech from Chaplin’s Masterpiece;

The Great Dictator 1940

I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be an emperor. That’s not ​my business. I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone. I ​should like to help everyone - if possible - Jew, Gentile ​- black man - white. We all want to help one another. ​Human beings are like that. We want to live by each ​other’s happiness - not by each other’s misery. We don’t ​want to hate and despise one another. In this world ​there is room for everyone. And the good earth is rich ​and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free ​and beautiful, but we have lost the way.

Greed has poisoned men’s souls, has barricaded the ​world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and ​bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ​ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left ​us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our ​cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and ​feel too little. More than machinery we need ​humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and ​gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be ​violent and all will be lost…

The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer ​together. The very nature of these inventions cries ​out for the goodness in men - cries out for universal ​brotherhood - for the unity of us all. Even now my ​voice is reaching millions throughout the world - ​millions of despairing men, women, and little children ​- victims of a system that makes men torture and ​imprison innocent people.

To those who can hear me, I say - do not despair. The ​misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed - ​the bitterness of men who fear the way of human ​progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, ​and the power they took from the people will return ​to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never ​perish…

Soldiers! don’t give yourselves to brutes - men who ​despise you - enslave you - who regiment your lives - ​tell you what to do - what to think and what to feel! ​Who drill you - diet you - treat you like cattle, use ​you as cannon fodder. Don’t give yourselves to these ​unnatural men - machine men with machine minds and ​machine hearts! You are not machines! You are not ​cattle! You are men! You have the love of humanity in ​your hearts! You don’t hate! Only the unloved hate - ​the unloved and the unnatural! Soldiers! Don’t fight ​for slavery! Fight for liberty!

In the 17th Chapter of St Luke it is written: “the ​Kingdom of God is within man” - not one man nor a ​group of men, but in all men! In you! You, the people ​have the power - the power to create machines. The ​power to create happiness! You, the people, have the ​power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this ​life a wonderful adventure.

Then - in the name of democracy - let us use that ​power - let us all unite. Let us fight for a new world - ​a decent world that will give men a chance to work - ​that will give youth a future and old age a security. By ​the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power. ​But they lie! They do not fulfil that promise. They ​never will!

Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people! ​Now let us fight to fulfil that promise! Let us fight ​to free the world - to do away with national barriers - ​to do away with greed, with hate and intolerance. Let ​us fight for a world of reason, a world where science ​and progress will lead to all men’s happiness. Soldiers! ​in the name of democracy, let us all unite

On Hate is my contribution to good trouble in this era of biggest and best trouble of all time...

I aspire in politics to what the late Congressman John Lewis called ‘good trouble, necessary trouble’ messing with hateful people basically...

This is for the purpose of changing their minds and our society for the better... I am up for that, I think our survival depends upon it.

Picture: Reddit/Chicago Tribune Archives/Rob Scott/Non Stop Against Apartheid

None of this is Funny

And yet politics is a fucking ​joke these days right? I give ​you the ‘satirista’ this is a ​wordy person turned politician. ​Pity the hateful for hatred is a ​curse upon those who are hating ​something - all living things ​deserve our compassion - hatred ​is madness we must wake up ​from by recognising how similar ​we are to those we hate and ​forgiving them and ourselves. If ​that doesn’t work have a snack.

Hatred is insatiable

anger however...

is very satiable

sometimes even just ​with a snack... be ​angry when needed

but never hate.

Hand Holding a Chocolate Bar

I want those who claim to be ​concerned about or even hate ​immigration, or immigrants ​whatever dehumanising terms ​of hate and contempt one is ​comfortable with using in ​polite conversation... I want ​them to know absolutely for ​certain, without any doubt at ​all - i am their worst ​nightmare. NOMAD PASSPORTS ​shall be introduced globally so ​no one can be identified as ​‘illegal’ just for existing ​somewhere on this earth.


the wealthy have no ​borders. just the ​peasants, the refugees ​and asylum seekers ​that have to worry ​about borders at all. ​oh yeah unless you are ​pregnant or being ​married to someone ​building walls on ​boreders is to stop the ​poor women trying to ​escape the idea about ​rapists coming over the ​border is projection of ​this truth.

We must unhook democracy from ​geographical territories in order to beat ​the elite - they have done this already for ​themselves. They live in a world without ​borders as in the elite have no borders to ​their business or pleasure travel it is only ​currency matters that create these human ​inequities. Thatcher saw the benefits of ​this and went for it. I don’t think then it ​had occurred to the eurosceptics that ​seperating the workers but trying to keep ​the revenue streams - which is Brexit... one ​day down in hell they can all compare ​notes on economic terrorism...

Money is a passport - all I’m ​saying is; why can’t the ​peasants travel when needed ​also? Peasants travelling ​freely is a bad idea, they ​learn about one another’s ​nations small wins over ​their slave masters and ​employers etc

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Passport Arrival Stamp Icon
Pity the hateful
Pity the hateful those most deprived of love and tolerance in their past Pity the hateful to whom self love is a foreigner Pity the hateful a void of compassion Pity the hateful for whom no justice prevails Pity the hateful heart where contempt festers into habit Pity the hateful whose personhood is lost to hating Pity the hateful a childhood groomed in disgust at that which is human Pity the hateful removed from universal love and tolerance Pity the hateful more than the hated for they can never escape what they take with them in their hearts and minds
World Trade Centre
Pity the hateful It s everywhere they go an elephant in every room Pity the hateful how it invades every date every first meeting every workplace Pity the hateful for the countless friendships scuppered or suddenly aborted upon a revelation Pity the hateful who have legitimised human outlets for frustrations Pity the hateful for they hurt themselves with the hating
Pity the hateful as they are forever in dispute with reality Pity the hateful forever attempting to re write history to fit their own agendas Pity the hateful while they scurry and scrumage to convince us of their righteousness Pity the hateful as they build steeples spires and monuments to stoney ancient ideas Pity the hateful who would hold in contempt a fellow mortal soul near identical to their own Pity the hateful who know no forgiveness and so redemption evades them
Grand review on the searchlight-illuminated Zeppelin field at Nuremberg Rally. Sept. 1937. Albert Speer designed the Cathedral of light in which 152 searchlights cast vertical beams into the sky around the Zeppelin Field. (BSLOC_2013_11_10)
Pity the hateful a life in moral blindness Pity the hateful living in disease and self harm Pity the hateful who s anger has gone unheard and suppressed Pity the hateful victimised into revenge and rage

Love Letter to America from a former Anti-American...

Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) seated and holding his spectacles and a pencil on Feb. 5, 1865 in portrait by Alexander Gardner.

The leaders like this exist they need a brand, some coaching leaders are found more than chosen.

Trump, previously only a ​funny bodily sound with an ​offensive whiff... Now this ​word is embodied by a ​creepy old man synonymous ​with really dangerous ​political hatred, Fascism , ​babies in cages and so on...

Don’t forget Hush money to ​porn stars... Acting on ​Putins behalf to weaken ​Ukraine, recognising a new ​capital in the holy land and ​voicing zero complaint ​about what is happening in ​Gaza...

I would suppose among ​many reasons he harps on ​about Lincoln is because of ​the fact that Lincoln was ​uneducated and carries a ​working class hero ​reputation. No Education by ​repute, but not no values ​and principles Donald.

I wonder what Mr Lincoln ​would make of a Muslim ​Ban or putting hands on ​women without permission ​like it’s cool?

Hatred was not a culture of ​Mr Lincoln’s his was anti-​hate woke movement which ​was generally hated by ​conservatives now co-opted ​in name and reputatoin but ​never ad-opted for just ​acts and choices and ideas ​about their fellow person. I ​predict disgust would be ​his reaction to this ​monstrosity of a cult leader ​too stupid for the KKK.

I welcome the hatred of ​racists and fascists and ​religious fanatics. White ​middle class, boomerish people ​have had life so easy that we ​have an epidemic of golden ​child narcissism where there is ​permanent entitlement to ​pampered effortless ​existences. Justice isn’t woke. ​Without struggle there is no ​progress towards justice - all ​non violent methods should be ​used to be an ally to those less ​fortunate - that is the ​minimum entry level human ​decency benchmark - one ​must object loudly when ​people are being mistreated ​beyond anything we would ​tolerate ourselves.

President Kennedy Addresses Congress May 25, 1961

Sometimes we find oursleves associating observed human behaviour with that of animals a quest for understanding when presented with humans behaving animal-like we consider it to be immoral. The paradox of survival and togetherness in competition.

And so, beneath the civilised or humane we differentiate and we assess and ruminate over complex attitudes and we place a consistently diminishing responsibility and increasing forgiveness based largely on our affection for the actor in the situation.

That assessment is holistic, ongoing and ought to be placed on reasoning of sorts and like lightning a facsimile of future conduct by the individual we judge before us is being manifest in our simulating chatacter detecting and instantly choosing mind...

Animals are rarely described as evil, their innocence in nature gives them implicit licence to be themselves, or liberty as we know it in humans.

Dinosaur Bones Detail

We must do this as accurately as possible just ask the stock brokers the value of future insight, possibly the most valuable asset and one where we see match rigging relentlessly. Slightly beyond intuition humans seem able to move into actual literal comprehending of causality an awareness of our journey through the dimension of time... like falling, when a thing falls we are on our way to catch it, the activity in our anatomy for this task is matched inside our minds in feeling out things close to that fall... intuiting the whole future...now this is no nore possible than a cat landing on it’s feet every time but they do get very near to that and so through our life events; this is why humans do what they do try to see what way the cookies gonna crumble...

Charlie Darwin was on the phone again earlier - saying predicting the future accurately is as value in evolution as it is in the so called securities and investments sector - if we make more accurate observations of reality we succeed more and so that measuring honesty, reliability, a measure of goodness makes a measure of badness, forgivable if survival depends on it or if we have an affection…..

The deeper we know the true nature, thoughts and feelings of another actor/being the less likely to hate we are. The key ingredient for abuse is isolation and solitary confinement is a punishment for this reason. We do not tolerate hatred really as a species, not really... this is why there is such length gone to market evil. Such length gone to cover up, so much conspiracy... abusers can only do what they do in the shadows... and in a delusion of consequence free moral failings... this is why we invented the corporation - to limit our liability for things done by those of our employ.

Tanks on parade during 1935 Erntedankfest, the traditional German thanksgiving. Nazi Germany rearmed in the 1930s, exceeding limitations placed by the Treaty of Versailles. (BSLOC_2013_9_183)

I sympathise with those who have witnessed this sort of human behaviour. Most likely the worst of it took place behind closed doors, or in secret or disguise. We would not tolerate this conduct done outside for others to see. I have only witnessed this a few times and I will never forget those moments where I saw humans being inhumane, demonic possessions aside one has to assume this is within the spectrum of human behaviour and worthy of a more Darwinian assessment of Evil and Hatred etc.

Thousands of books smolder in a huge Nazi huge bonfire, 1933. The book burnings were conducted by the German Student Association of Nazi Germany to burn books in Germany and Austria by classical liberal, anarchist, socialist, pacifist, communist, and Jewi

We have to create a fantasy of evil, a belief in someone being irredeemable in order for us to project that onto/into/unto others; much like an externalising corporation, dodging bullets of accountabilities. Fantasy hate like in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible - pointing the finger can allow one to enjoy the privilege of the manufacture of apparent scenarios of misfortune or accusations maybe with a PR department entourage of sicophants. Ranging from the possession of WMD’s or calling immigrants a swarm, or demeaning as parent in front of a child etc marketing it’s all marketing of ones agenda to do harm - I wish to connect the crimes of inhumanity with the disorder of Golden Child Syndrome in order to understand the large manifestations of this apparent evil….. And so when humans are doing or planning to do evil they are projecting that onto their targe as an opening gambit is common in the world of abuse and power.

We make evil, to do evil. We make evil; to do evil... so it can be pitched as rational to assault, or destroy other humans or their prospects in life, steal murder, starve or poison their babies and children. Animals is how we must view our fellow humans.

Booker T. Washington (1856-1915), speaking to an African American school children. While he was the best known African American leader of his day, he was criticized by younger leaders, such as W.E.B. DuBois, for not challenging the racist status quo of hi

Rationalised dehumanisation as a built in survival strategy and such is all fair game for thought when you are 14 - black and white, love and war, good and evil very clearly labelled for us when we are children so to speak, theme tunes usually...

However the grand atrocity to which I am addressing in this commentary is the kind of thing we all find unambiguously wrong, yet it happens abundantly sort of hidden out there in the open - why?

I would highlight the ever increasing detachment of the actor from their acts of inhumanity to man - most common and abundant. It is a form of passive aggressive class war or barbarism or sadism it is done at the end of a keyboard most abhorrently in the 2000's, previously the end of a gun, sword or a pen.

A Union Soldier Standing with a Group of People

I would describe the worst human conduct as evil in my politics only if we accept a non-supernatural and non-racial definition grounded in the idea of evil as pathological human activities.

One who is being harmful with intent is doing evil they do not really become evil. Acts of ‘evil’ are so out of the norm for human beings we need a supernatural word to comprehend the derangement of another human that makes them a danger to themselves and others.

Alexander Hamilton Stephens, Vice President of the Confederate States of America, (with colored man attendant) ca. 1865-1880, Mathew Brady Studio
We must allow hatred itself to die within ourselves to fade away as it is a scar on our brain tissues telling us to be very very angry Brain tissue is like muscle it adapts to our activity and so with hate alive and goose stepping around within our heads and hearts we shall be diseased by it it will lead us into folly and self harm
Poppy Flower on a Crucifix
Answer to hatred not with ridicule or pretending its not there and never ever by legitimising it Never feed gremlins after midnight In a way by surrendering to our own wounds and injuries the feelings they have created within us we give the legitimate anger its freedom and the sickness of hatred projected shall ease off By finding the true roots of contempt blame and resentment etc living within ourselves and soothing it away into non existence memory and ego death I shall talk more later about letting go of hate and the exit strategy anyone can use therapeutically Allow hatred to become a part of our personal history while it has no power anymore let it take its place in our history as a bad memory
Berlin Wall
Liberty to think for oneself to act with freedom and to meet the world with openness to legitimate free choices about life There can be no liberty without total liberty most humans will have lived and died without knowing it It doesn t have to be like that any more progress comes by letting traditions loosen and old ideas to face up to new evidence Hatred is taught to the young so that one may be less inclined to make up ones own mind later on


How can we explain entire ​communities of normal ​appearing, logical, sometimes ​very senior and successful ​high functioning humans who ​claiming to be both ‘pro-life’ ​and ‘pro-war. unambiguously ​and confidently at the same ​time.... Dearest Charlie Darwin ​help me understand the ​origins of these broken ​monkeys...

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No liberty can there be in any place where women are unable to choose - with whom, when and how they have their babies...

We hear talk of liberty and freedom... from those opening fire upon gay nightclubs...

from those inclined to vote for the broad removal of the intimate rights and decisions of life and death, marriage and identity from other people...

Until all women and girls have their complete and total liberty; that meaning a complete and total health liberty... then there is no liberty at all.

All other libertys are a fraud without this and all civilisation, enlightenment stems from this sacred liberty of natural selection...and is not limited to women now and so total health liberty is within technological reach. Epoch Nova as a constitution shall guarantee such rights for all via the open source medicine proposals to de-commodify health once and for all via an Elysium Act.

The role of the new age state is purely and simply to ​guarantee the new rights of modern people. Epoch Nova ​guarantees the exit of such culture war matters from ​civilised public debate, cults and churches no doubt shall ​continue as long as we tolerate lies around reproduction ​and schooling. In my career I do not wish to do politics ​with those who cannot make their ‘Oath to Liberty’ and ​enshrine consent in the Law and protections of all medical, ​reproductive and parental rights - these measures create ​the possibility of an island here for total health liberty, ​childhood liberty and parental liberty...I wish my child to ​grow up more free than any of her ancestors and with ​greater chance of success in life for all her peers.

To move into a new enlightenment i believe we must begin to observe and treat

hatred as a disease

My explanation; we see psychological, emotional trauma, sometimes our lifetime but perhaps our inherited wounds and scars but pathology beyond human health can contain without tribal support.

Furthermore, dear reader - human I assume... it is my belief that these matters are burdens, we could be free of should we study humanity and ourselves enough to grow and evolve to being less primatish and more humanoid one day at a time...

Fundamentalism ​has a cult ​membership ​presentation...

With a few waking up, ​leaving and telling their ​stories... Wokeness, maybe ​that’s what they mean - ​suddenly and wihtout their ​approval the abandonement ​of hatred towards a ​particular soft target or ​scapegoat inside or outside ​the domicile and by proxy... ​this is where we get to the ​disease part. We have a ​reflection or projection ​might be a better word - a ​facsimile of inward ​intolerance of hatred of ​oneself is used as a a tool ​disempower - slut shaming ​being the classic ya bunch ​of dirty wankers! *see borat ​& borat2 i cannot compete ​with that! ...the teeth inside ​omg...

These are not happy ​folks... living and ​yet this aspect of ​moral inconsistency ​and find that non-​contradictory or ​even identify a ​slight clash of ideas ​there...and as a ​result of this they ​generally cannot ​handle being ​presented with ​contradiction or ​having to reconcile ​matters of life and ​death ​pragmatically. Child ​in adult form stuff.

We have a law and order break down - the judiciary is a shambles in many countries but ours is uniquely broken and we all know it is. Members of the establishment demonstrating the most rampant contempt for Justice. Justice = Money.

We have NHS staff getting £10k penalties for protesting outside about their conditions while the cops were looking the other way to parties and binges and fornicating like teenagers on the couches of number 10.

Knight Templar Illustration

Archaic is a great word for these institutions most holding back progress, many of which such as universities or police forces never even used to let girls in - like a fucking golf course... you cannot make a class war mechanism or a socio-economic torture method and turn it into something to benefit kids - rethink everything about life 1-12... epoch nova will protect kids this age from various assaults upon their wellbeing - fundamentalism and segregation of children must be abolished as inherently a risk to their safety.

Manipulation Glyph Icon
Teacher punishing bad students icon
de humanisation
Brainwashing Glyph Icon
school fails on such a scale that you might well be better off without
Colonisation is dehumanisation
There are people walking around Scotland genuinely of the concrete core belief that colonisation is some sort of generous benevolent act of selflessness where bigger countries like England are subsidising and shepherding small incompetent countries like Scotland who would be in some kind of immediate economic collapse were it not for our lords and masters permanently paying our bills for us
Like a boomer parent telling us we don t know how easy we ve all got it This is Hate This is Brainwashing this is how slave populations talk about themselves it sticks when you keep repeating it There is a standardised talking down of Scotland you never hear really being challenged I would suggest that is because it has become accepted to pile on the weak like all school bullies
GOD HATES F GS but is tolerant of child sex abusers such as savile etc
Christians backing trump is evidence of cult like behaviour Self harming cult members handing life savings over to a white collar criminal speaking in tongues and telling them whatever they need to hear so he can buy a jet
Man Praying Illustration
  • celibacy good
  • promiscuity bad
  • men propose
  • women accept
  • NO SEX AFTER wed
  • NO sex ed
holy moly
Man reading bible in church
Cultural Marxism Woke Agenda Snowflakes Woke Regulations Globalists Open Border People Socialists Wokists Taxes and Red Tape trans gay agenda

The hate list = ​studies (done by ​me) have brought ​these items to the ​top of the league ​table of things ​quoted at trump ​rallies as the ​target of their ​contempt or these ​are the reasons ​given for the need ​for revolution.

The liberty of women ​and girls can never ​ultimately be ​compatible with ​religion of any kind. ​Religion is a complex ​method that has ​evolved to bamboozle ​and socially remove the ​liberty of women and ​girls by inadequate ​men. Think date rape ​long game style...

Sinner Concept Stick Figure

How could there be a hell ​worse than never getting ​to be with the lover of ​your choice, and one who ​chooses you. At a ​minimim consents to or ​accepts you. Hell surely is ​for your lover to never ​know you at your most ​natural, most honest, ​most content, most ​beautiful together.

I put this to the Kirk; ​only a jealous, deviant ​and deranged parent ​would deny or interfere ​in their childs ​relationships or romances ​or most intimate matters. ​Let us protect this in Law ​as childhood liberty and ​total health liberty to ​end these cycles of harm ​and abuse in plane sight.

The world doesn’t need any more advice from folk who believe masterbation is a SIN for which one is banished to hell...or that certain parts of our genitals ought be removed from us when we are babies...or that inspecting the genitals of others using public toilets is reasonable or the shape and form and functionality of anyones genitals is at all ever a matter for political discourse. This is culture war issue. The fact you won’t be certain which religion I am referring to here... shows how this is a universal human behavioural problem and not particular to any one religion. So please do not feel like I hate your religion - I don’t hate it - I just think you are all too traumatised from chronic abuse and brainwashing to know right from wrong... patronising... Yes hateful No.

Born this way as lady gagaaa might say; if one is planning on having daughters...*at time of writing DNA programming types stuff to so gender selecting is not common place. Gender reveals are the precursor to prevent anyone from being different. But none of our daughters are safe because of the oldest longest hate... misogyny. Dad’s have to accept his daughter shall forever be a walking target... A target to your friends colleagues or her relatives...

You will have to be prepared to hand her over for rituals and ceremonies and she will not get to choose her own name... ever. If she is raped by her husband in many countries its not even a police matter. Visiting certain countries carries great risk of rape from an institution such a police and healthcare and certain other countries are very very risky for women and girls just in general - again this is not a happy or health community where such indecency and cruelty festers or becomes the preoccupation of hopeless and rejected males.

Bride in a Wedding Dress


Because marriage is *OFTEN ok not always; institutional ​rape...and so the church cannot be trusted on these ​matters.

Censorship, book banning or no sex education in school ​stuff - this is done in cults keep children and women Naive ​for easier abuse secrecy and easy to expose the vulnerable ​to Saville type predators...

Santa could be this... NO!? - Yup I said it... whole thing ​makes me uncomfortable. I shall never emphasis this with ​my daughter I shall explain to her it a lovely tradition we ​keep but NOT reality.

I’ll get lynched for this but Santa story does look like the ​celebration of the enablement benign perhaps...unaware ​perhaps... a from of grooming...

These rapes were traditionally carried out on church floors. ​People outraged about porn in the modern era seem to ​have cultural amnesia about hymen checking, circumcision ​these matters are romanticised... that is all that makes ​them different from other forms of RAPE.

Only Sex with somone of your Dad’s choice girls...

We see this celebrated online with Dads posting public bravado territorial paedo stuff IMO... maybe it’s compensation perhaps for looking the other way to something going on in plane sight? This is a common phenomenon and yet steaming in parents go - I do not think it is willful, I think it is naivety, and stupidity?

Same gender reveal crowd... look if you are determined to have this intolerance of the difference you are gonna harm people... this is the intention I know, stop this please - it’s like controling who, when and how their kids reproduce i would call a violation of childhood liberty, and health liberty.

Perhaps if you are lucky your folks will sell you off to a nice friend or arch enemy...not some much older man...who hates your family and the marriage... it is an unimaginable feature of culture that must be called out ultimately...

Daughters are effectively Chattle in Bible etc and so that’s the prevail ‘akin to slavery conditions that out of control beta males...

On Hate by iainfdunn

Hatred is ​born in pain, ​loneliness ​and jealousy.

Feeling angry at abusers ​regarding their actions ​- this is rational, normal ​and healthy to an ​extent, we know what ​wrong is. One would ​assume so as ‘normal’ or ​rational anger perhaps ​of this nature goes away ​over time without lasting ​rigidity of mind within ​hatred towards a fellow ​flawed mortal or ​collection of them.

When young are exposed ​to hatred they can get ​stuck on modes of ​mother’s misdirected ​hatred if present and so ​we have a taught ​cyclical generational ​habit of those cursed ​with hatred. With the ​physically violent Father ​again child is ​demonstrated constant ​unjust contempt and ​anger, they shall take ​that on into their hearts ​and minds and habits. ​This is causality.

Hate is a choice to ​disregard the humanity ​of the target of ones ​anger, to decide that the ​target is not deserving ​of sympathy, humanity, ​dignity, life, liberty and ​freedom to be happy ​and not treated with ​contempt. Hate is what ​legitimises abuse, ​legitimises harm to the ​vulnerable.

Hateful outbursts can be ​seen targeting groups ​like this in Faiths and ​religions for various ​reasons - doing this on ​mass, mass lighting as we ​could call it - group ​approval and cult ​rituals of hatred ​directed at public ​figures - I would be ​disappointed if I did not ​be at the sharp end of it ​myself with this ​campaign. I have ​learned a lot about ​hatred recently and a ​lot of that learning now ​informs my political ​strategies. Zero ​Tolerance of Hatred now ​I can identify it so well ​as distinct from Anger ​with a purpose to end in ​a just outcome.

Gallows Icon


time of writing google are producing the above figure for popular approval of bringing back death penalty to the uk Mike Pence has pre approved right to asylum in my understanding of the Geneva Conventions His life above all is in most danger among his opponents

Hate is not a normal healthy human state and only occurs after being harmed a great deal and/or heavily brainwashed most effectively in childhood. Hate is a symptom of and is very strong evidence that a person has been the victim of brainwashing.

Enough torture will warp a mind to hatred without the brainwashing, and this seems rational - a just anger to an assault upon us. However we find attachment to abusers comes after that.

Feeling hatred even for a while is a lasting trauma and a state of disease within mind and body, possibly locked into the poor soul feeling the hatred, overwhelmed with contempt, forever afraid and hostile. Pity the hateful as it is anger rehearsed over and over again.

Human fists with tattoo love hate . Design element for logo, label, sign. Vector illustration
Human fists with tattoo love hate . Design element for logo, label, sign. Vector illustration

Hatred can often be identified by exclusion - is the one hating you or the one you hate as guilty or as insufferable or contemptuous as those who ran concentration camps? Do you have a greater more valid more irrefutably justifiable reason to hate then their victims? and yet there is no hate in this survivor, and so we can see that hate is a volition conscious choice to wish or pursue harm towards another.

Identifying love from hate is harder perhaps at times than it ought to be. Often those casting hatred around are doing so under the guise of victim hood or rationalisations in order to do so. When we look at acts of profound love and forgiveness for wisdom such as in this case attached of the amazing Eva Mozes Kor. this case for example i found transformative to learn of.

Holy Saturday
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Vector Image

hate is demonstrated unconditionally in the way love ought to be demonstrated unconditionally in the lives of many unfortunate children.

Epoch Nova is a constitutional document under development by IFD (completion post NOV2024) It will be aimed at ending corruption in politics as part of the journey towards real safety, harmony and peace in our community.

flower illustration with guitar

Should we ever Hate? I think that we feel hate at times of extreme weakness or struggle ourselves and it seems to be most strong in communities of deprivation. The capacity for the vulnerable to be targeted by the vulnerable surprisingly often - divide and conquer being more effective among the disenfranchised from society - we could look to the potential for hateful acting out as paradoxically - a vulnerability. Pity the hateful.

Bandwagon-ing and Lynching is hatred on display as there is no limit to the harm these mass events of persecution against a vulnerable minority can do it is a chance to demonstrate hatred in a socially acceptable way. It is a chance for the rest of us to observe our peers handling of their anger and hatred and decide how we feel about that - I feel hate momentarily towards the mob, hate towards the hateful.

Anger is at times positive as it is relieved by emotional support from loved ones when harm and disadvantage is acknowledged; and the implementation of justice is straight forward at this level as one is relieved by acknowledgement and compensations.

Person with confused feelings worried about bad mental health. Problems, failure and grief

Hatred can never be acknowledged or compensated for to do so would involve total destruction of the haters target this is impossible to relieve hatred. Hard to see Hate as a legitimate response to anything as it only serves the purpose of relieving the one feeling the hate - it doesn’t improve reality in a material way by creating balance as the Hatred that once was anger is now so out of control it is not relieved by revenge or justice of any form no rebalancing for hatred can be made.

HATE we can see is not relieved by any justice, often Hate is not even directed at a perpetrator of any wrongdoing but in fact just a poor scapegoat. With Hatred nor does any passing of time help if one does not explore what has happened to satisfaction - we see rumination in hatred commonly as one is struggling to make sense how a person could commit this offence to us we feel hatred about all aspects and can rehearse out hatred in our heads on repeat as it is a permanent fixed attitude and nothing to do with ones actions at all.

HATE is a parasite that lives ​inside us at times and lives ​wrapped round our organs ​grasping them, round where ​Modjo ought to be but hate ​is in the way... it’s presence ​there means you never get to ​belly laugh, never get to feel ​safe, or calm, or happy or ​feel truly unconditionally ​loved for who we are not for ​anything else. This is a ​tragedy. Pity the hateful; ​haters will never be happy or ​content with anything we do, ​so stop trying to please them.

Tick Parasite

HATE is not relieved by any emotional support. No one can cuddle a person who hates to make them feel better really - it is deep within them and healing fully is the only option sadly. Deep HATE such as religious or racial or parental alienation this is only ever the product of brainwashing from childhood to blame and scapegoat without remorse sometimes even in contrast with causal reality and any logic has long gone out the window to teach a child to HATE ought to be the greatest crime we have - yet it is tolerated and is indeed a business model for many.

Sticker of a Cartoon Word Hate

Hatred is seen in Victim blaming, it is a relentless assault when a victim is being further assaulted and thus we have the unsightly phenomenon of parents gaslighting their kids into hatred as the most common manner Hate is taught as a behaviour...consistently towards another family member. AS in dysfunctional parenting we see both golden child pathology and scapegoat pathology this is played out in national politics bizarrely towards total strangers or even animals.

Being taught to hate at and chronically from such a young age that it has formed their neurological development and their brain hates and hates and hates the way the jacksons could sing and dance. Religions scale up like a fucking boss this phenomenon especially in the form of Misogyny - I am referring at the moment here to universal HATRED, political and social hatred - a contempt towards the other with no rational basis. However this is a near identical pathology. It is not healthy to have hatred in your heart. How we tolerate other humans defines the quality of our lives.

Jesus says ‘they know not ​what they do’ and yet...what ​if they do? Well we call that ​Hatred and we try to ​develop hate crime as now ​the brainwashed ones are ​the ones who are now ​capable of repeating the ​same mindless abuse which ​they have possibly suffered ​or evaded themselves. Golden ​child kids can be seen ​having so little regard for ​their siblings in times of self ​preservation it can ​traumatise scapegoat kids ​for life and set them back in ​ways that are life changing.

I think if we could get serious ​about tackling hate as a ​psychological phenomenon in all ​forms, we could transform ​society - we must look at ​parenting cultures for sure but ​also role models, influences and ​brainwashing. hate is not ​healthy for you. if you feel ​hatred and do not fully ​understand why - question to ​who’s benefit it is that you hate ​in this way without clarity and ​without question. sadly many ​are raised in cultures of hatred ​since they are so young it is very ​hard to redeem them and not ​our job - it is their own burden. ​Pity the hateful.

Illustration of a Duck
Flower Witch

This is how an enabler, look the other way cronyism comes about by legitimising scapegoating. Enablers are sometimes more dangerous than abusers as they enjoy a sort of self attained detachment from responsibility in creating a mob or a witch hunt etc - the crucible is a must watch for all humans!

Flying white dove

If we listen to the voice of hatred in our minds, it may sound like someone else’s voice, usually a parent - who’s voice do you hear speaking out of your mouth when you are blaming foreigners for problems you caused? or blaming someone for anything really - a feeling of blame will be associated with a person in all our minds...

To some extent one can ignore hatred and its absurd little monologues, if we give it credence however these ideas can get stuck. Even if it seems legit to hate, it never is. Nothing deserves hate; the very worst beings deserve our pity, mercy even for being so broken and lost; so when we HATE someone or something we are harming ourselves at the same time as harming them - there is no good to ever come from hate of any kind ever. Anger is life’s way of guiding us we must never ignore it - this is where the justice monkey lives... I’ll elaborate on justice monkeys later! But Anger and Hate are not the same thing...

Hatred is stone cold evidence of vulnerability. To Rage is to fear. I have only felt the extremes of human rage when my child was in harms way. Anger is normal, the habit of being angry about another without any real reason is the practice of HATING and Hatred shall become our entire being...

Fantasy Cartography Map Making Element: Stronghold Fortress Line Art SVG

Feelings of hate will come and go, I do hate those that have harmed me and my family in a manner that is more terrifying than anything I have ever felt and I know now how to sympathise with those I hated myself as I now am become hate, only in a state of imprisonment and isolation can this be broken, only one without the tools of rational thought can fall into these traps of hatred and becoming the hatred and acting like hatred and making more and more hatred in the world. Insatiable are both the gas chamber attendant and the alienated child. This only comes about through brainwashing. AND SO be angry but never hate. Let us hate hate for a moment and then go on and be happy regardless. This is liberty. Liberty is being able to escape the bullshit of others when needed.

Never Hate; when you feel hate let it be. Don’t become it by acting upon it.

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Inner Peace Icon

My Conclusion is that hatred is a disease...

is an injury upon your own soul while you are experiencing it, going through it. This is why the worst abusers, bullies - they bait and tease their victims into feeling hatred. When we hate our enemies - we become just like them. Also more generally - only bullies and fuck-wits truly hate things lighten up and get over yer pish.

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