Door handle icon
weave shape element
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meaning we must weave ​lots of ideas together ​in a way that makes ​sense when applied all ​together...

Hand Drawn Wild Meerkat Sketch

I give up, I am done running from politics, my mind needs to solve problems...

SO I am giving the campaign a ‘tapestry’ these in isolation will have little effect but weaved together we can see light at the end of any tunnel.

Politics is where everything comes together... the way we live our lives out shall be ‘governed’ in some way... As a Libertarian above all it is my job to produce a ‘tapestry’ of measures from the position of elected leadership...


dynamite fuse tnt sketch hand drawn


violence is not an option, not a solution - doesn’t improve a single thing it only ever makes things worse. fight with words, reason, patience, forgive those who trespass against us. if you feel like you can’t manage that get some help - we’re only human. I don’t want anyone to hurt anybody ever, stop all wars now.


I want to rid the world of various white collar crimes; Poverty, Gross Inequality, Assaults on Women’s Liberty, Colonialism, Landlordism. ‘The list’ goes on - New Abolitionism is here - the exploitation of workers here is akin to modern day slavery and shall be abolished. Our economic policies fail to protect workers from lives that are akin to slavery or destitution. My career will be measured by how many things I can abolish for this Epoch Nova.

Abraham Lincoln Illustration

Introduce ‘nomad’ passportS

All peoples without a country will be free legalised global nomads and be protected from trafficking and abuse under law this is as a way out of global refugee crisis and to prevent white collar crime across borders. All humans get a bank account from the NOMAD BANK, an ID a biometric and a DEVICE IP with encryption. Tech will keep saving lives if applied correctly - countries don’t need borders anymore - like in back to the future...where we’re going we don’t need borders... inevitably this nonsense will end and we can enjoy the world in peace.

Lady Liberty


‘epoch nova’ the last constitution

Putting an end to the distractions of process and pomp and grandiosity, instead governing politicians themselves as individuals, legal liability and accountability to the people - this is my politics - anti corruption measures by contract. Epoch Nova will be a vow taken by candidates that a vote shall equal a bond of word, legal contract to; REPRESENT THE PEOPLE AND THE PEOPLE ONLY.

An Epoch Nova politician is one who accepts that democracy means compromise and defers their opinion to public opinion on ‘irrefutable evidential consensus democratic mandate beyond any reasonable doubt’ in order to restore economic and social stability I’d like to try and effectively ‘unhack’ democracy by contracting in a field of safe candidates. And run this open source globally - a kind of ‘everything everywhere all at once’ type plan with the principle of self-signatory candidates who put the people first above all. Epoch Nova could be rather like the Hippocratic Oath in Medicine, only it’s an anti-corruption oath for politicians.

Celtic Symbol Tree

Pass the worlds first ‘Magdalene’ Act to totally abolish rape in all forms.

No more excuses - this is doable completely doable. The goal of a ‘magdalene act’ which again could be adopted by any territory with collaboration from police etc - We will seek to completely abolish rape altogether from our communities in all its forms - and thus protect women in a way never before in law anywhere in the world. There is no liberty where women are not in charge of who they choose to be fathers of their children - this is the most sacred aspect human society - rape prevention shall be at the front of my campaign women should not be forced into reproduction like a farm yard animal - nothing pro-life about rape and incest.

Mary with Child

practice Samurai principles. war cannot be a business ANYMORE.

I shall vow to honour the full remembrance campaign principles of “lest we forget, never again’ not the current ‘lets forget, repeat it all again’ foreign policy & replace it with a culture of samurai readiness to protect your home and loved ones only never fighting foreign wars or crusades in the holy land. Nomads as a state is the concept to beat these old ideas so I would start a new campaign to have a UN renaissance of principles and proposals coming from OPEN SOURCE POLITICS - a nation untethered by borders with enough stateless or choice nomads. Peacekeeping force, farming labour, nomads - many things are possible in a free world - war is barrier.

Samurai Warrior
Anonymous Mask Illustration

pass ‘The White collar crime Act’

We have a problem with elite level corporate crime in the UK. We need new Laws for this even basic stuff like the legal aid situation - white collar crime is a huge area which goes unchallenged at present justice must be for all not just the very rich or it is no justice at all. Lawyers, Politicians and Corporations beware as I am coming for your ill-gotten gains. We can act to change things - the feeling of powerlessness is part of what keeps them in power. Never forget that the minute you stop conforming their power is gone - do something unexpected vote for an open source.

OPen Source Medicine Act

Knowledge of human health is a basic right for all - we have professions which refuse to move forward into any kind of aware future - this cannot sustain. Change here is in terms of personal responsibility empowerment in health shall start in school - this is the national curriculum. The Humanitarian crisis we face enables a war footing and so i will pass a law immediately liberalising all drugs and plant medicines, ignoring all tech and science patents and allowing for domestic, local and micro manufacturing to occur with little or no regulation. Health is personal responsibility which cannot be achieved with current red tape situations.

herb mortar

National Mental Health Service lead by samaritans

Public health and safety is a major concern it is hard to put succinctly the level of failure on this issue - policy revolution and service abolitions with newer better services is what i want to put forward. Holistic health centres every town and city. Holism Holism Holism.

drawn sketch lavender

Broader Criminal justice reforms;

I want to bring in a misdemeanour level of criminality which enables state to penalise petty matters and avoid the court system while still creating new deterrents to new types of crimes that are emerging with technology etc. Wealth appropriate penalties for misdemeanour offences. Public Prosecution only. ‘Petty’ meaning that often harm can occur without criminal intent. The state can enforce matters with democratic support - doog poop for example - £1million mandatory penalty gets 75% support it’s in!

lady justice statue

Launch an ‘OPEN SOURCE POLITICS’ platform.

Bring in blank slate neutral actors into politics up and down the country and unite around stable true democratic populism. Marcus Aurelius said something along the lines of - stop whining and get on with it - I continue to fail to follow this advice but I also continue to try! Build the new!

Vector Image

family business shall become the mainstream wealth creating asset

I do not want to disclose the full plan here - might cause a run on the banks...we want to do this but only when it is most fortunate for working people. in the mean time let me summarise it like this; I will do to business what Margaret Thatcher did to community housing.

Samuel Adams Vintage Illustration

*i look like this now.

A Capitalist Reformation This moment will be when the paradigm of business ownership changes I will bring about a Thatcher level economic shift of wealth let s create a real tangible and irrefutable asset for families and the self employed We could say holistic capitalism if it s actually good for people and communities and to continue this idea Holism of doing a range of activities that are productive generate revenue and useful Start a business because any fucking idiot can do it and you re wasting your life in that job
Hand-drawn Early Bicycle Illustration
George Orwell
A George Orwell Act This moment in history requires new ideas this act would simply give all of us the right to access all data gathered that features us Internet Liberty and Recorded data about us will be regulated for our best interests and not corporations etc
Purple ball lightning
Pointing Hand Finger.
Door handle icon