Parental Advisory Explicit Content

“A campaign to abolish family lawyer powers & family court practices which traumatise children and cause death by parental suicide.”ifd

Uss Discovery



This is the movie that changed my mind about the name of this campaign as mothers are clearly affected the same way we have enough division lets unite around protecting kids. NEW LOGO from JUNE 2024

Our initial operations shall include researching Historic Parental Suicides in Scotland. We would particularly seek to explore the connection or direct involvement of Solicitors and Social Workers in these activities. It is my strong suspicion that many cases where parents have ended their lives due to being separated from their children unjustly are entirely avoidable. Having spent that time working to prevent suicide and adopting those principles in my life I am not able to ignore what I have observed as it is so egregious. I would add here quickly that among ZTD’s proposals is total abolition of such acts from social services - these simply is no excuse for this type of thing

Sorry to be so brutally dark and honest about the mortality here... turns out statistically suicide of father post seperation is 11x more prevalent... studies have shown - fact check me please!

COMPLEX PROBLEMS do not have simple solutions - vote me in and I shall kick off about these scenarios the rest of my days... help me! talk to me about your case...

This whole coverage is why Zero Tolerance Dads came into existance...

this campaign is zero tolerance

of the full spectrum of crime around children - white collar crime, class war, medical fraud, legal fraud, state seperation, leveraging children for financial gain - sorry but we cannot tolerate any of this at all.

Why we currently do is why this campaign exists. fuck all this.

Thanks to Bastani et al for this excellent coverage...! thank you!

The Conclusions of the Research program ‘epoch nova’ concluded in 2023. Interviews of more than a dozen lawyers - paid advice at times - father campaigns - 2/3 years full time thought and obsessive study have gone into the conclusion that political solutions are essential for radical change to protect children from legal kidnappings. Without political action nothing will improve for children in the system. Cross-sector failures such as this contain more bad actors than small parts of society can deal with the power of state and the crown are needed as it was in PO scandal for family court scandal...

In my years working with chronic pain, my own disease, my family diseases including cancer and many other serious issues... even in a few years as a volunteer listener at a suicide prevention charity... I have never come across such a hazard to the community than the child custody/social work/mental health services being defunded & privatised in a toxic way and socialised into collapse while being run by unfit people...thanks for reading but it is all of our duty really - politics matters!

Film has to be seen to be believed targets include lawyers, drs, cops, scientists, because loser men are not worthy targets; the target is the money lebowski - this is not feminism does not in anyway improve the lives of women and girls…quite the opposite.


read up on social media banter?

Texture of sarape or zarape, traditional Mexican textile.
Top Hat Icon
Ornate Skull Illustration
Moustache Design Icon
Moustache Design Icon
Dadifesto shall outline the zero tolerance strategy policy proposals and an action plan etc 2025 completion

A Boycott to rescue all children from ALL forms of HARM even if that is one of their parents, the state, legal sector etc...


The sniffer dog of complex fraud...

*mainly for that song... yeah that one... in your head now, enjoy.

Parenticide prevention

SAFE PARENT ALLIANCE was the first project to come out of epoch nova and is a service inspired by the SAMARITANS suicide prevention service. spa will be manned by those with relevant knowledge to cope with parental separations; this is a particularly high risk category for suicide, these losses have devastating consequences for children. and so SPA is tailored more to the scenarios that face parents going through painful separations against their wishes which is a uniquely barbaric solution to any problem whatsoever and where ever the state or private individuals would separate a child from a perfectly safe parent. This is class warfare and ought to become a thing of the past.

It is less the isolation and more the exposure to enablers or social stigma that kills.

Reunification Programs... with fluffy pets... there’s other stuff too...

Happybaras is the first brand I’ve done directly for kids (working on audio books at present for this brand) to listen to these will be on patreon soon ALSO this whole idea is about healing from the kind of cases that the Safe Parent Alliance could hopefully refer directly cases in need of help with parental separations - aimed at helping children and young people cope with separation against their wishes from their parent - and more specifically as these services exist already. Happybaras is of a manner to help kids recover from the trauma of being coercively harmed and brainwashed by a parent - for cult or extreme religious practices or perhaps in relation to complex mental health or abusive problems that would be features of Parental Alienation/Spectrum of Brainwashed Child Syndromes. Deprograming those who have been conditioned to hate, groups, themselves or others in their family.

I have used this term in a few different places... mainly to confuse everyone secondly as there is a consistent theme in my work that this phrase... yeah it’s perfect. The Oath I want to write for candidates to take when asking for votes...

It’s my empire of thought...

Welcome to Epoch Nova - the age in which we now live. welcome you didn’t know but you’ve been here since 2022 everything has changed now folks this is the new age. Epoch Nova is the work that has gone into these business concepts, policy research years of thought and hard work gone into building holism inc and all adjacent campaigns. I want to develop new ideas for a future that makes sense. There is always an Epoch Nova on the way and thus the human is an endless chain of unlimited and usually untapped potential. Epoch Nova is about bringing that potential into existence. There’s a lot here - as these problems are complex some of Epoch Nova is a private enterprise, some of it is a political campaign, and some of it is just a few wise individuals putting ideas out to the zeitgeist. Epoch Nova shall be published as a constitution for political change we so desperately need.

There is no way that this is tolerable in a civilised society.

Boy Child Silhouette
People Playing Tug of War Icon
People Playing Tug of War Icon

this isn’t about girls vs boys, it’s about the kids.

Stop making it about that, this is the tactic of the parental abductor/alienator villify target and these crook lawyers keep it going instead of resolve matters - ‘Reservoir dogs’ is a procedure somewhat similar to what cops in an interrogation settings will divide and conquer tell both of them the other is chucking them under the bus or to go along with stuff you ought never go along with making their life easier career wise, rubbing the right...noses.

“The silver bullet” as is my experience and I had no idea what was happening at the time but my abusers are well rehearsed life long offenders with skill at misdirection, brainwashing, rationalising their actions either by circumstances being manufactured or just full time fictionalised events are common in these tales and so there is no ‘accident’ And so how can we call it a ‘failure’ ? have they not spent enough time and money all sorts of petty and indeed truly unedifying strategies.

And so silver bullet it the act of inventing an unidentifiable grievance or some form of reaction abuse to enable abduction to be seen as legitimate in anyway possible. There maybe legit occasions where beleiving the woman by default is sensible - when the claims are attached to child abduction and obvious parental alienation.

Male Privilege is undeniable economics, socially, and traditionally legally also - what has changed is not women becoming feministas for fucksake... is only that there is a very very lucrative market in legal fraud driven by women seeking revenge against former lovers this is normal human behaviour - unsightly yes but a crime no - however it becomes a crime when it is lethal forms of economic abuse.

Lawyers are not feminists. Lawyers don’t care who lives or dies as long as they make their money. I have had to call this campaign DADS to make suremen like myself will feel safe here - HOWEVER. ZERO TOLERANCE DADS is exactly that - it is a campaing to remind infantile people who think this is about THEM that this is about KIDS and their destiny’s being sabotaged by their dysfunctional mothers .

It’s not about that. It’s about the money, It’s about the fucking money lebowski - it’s not feminism. You are being mugged yes - annoying that it’s a girl doing it to you who you Loved and turned out to be a problematic person with a child it’s really survivable were it not for this fucking abomination legal system.

The tin foil hat stuff about the third parties being useless - I agree; I have witnessed leaning on the scales, weird sneaking behaviour and it does feel conspiratorial at time - It is. In all these occasions though the ‘excuse’ if ye like is fear of Lawyers - but I as I said to the cops I am talking to - that is completely rational and I sympathise I want to remove the power of the judiciary to interfere or to create an environment of toxic fear and indiscretion towards public services. You disable our services from acting.

People making this about that are enabling child abuse. it’s lawyers vs families. Dear DAD’s I am sorry I never believed that such bogus, fraudulant

Storm clouds

“A campaign by IainfDunn to abolish family lawyer powers & family court practices which traumatise children and cause death by parental suicide.”


read this, raise awareness thank you!


what makes this differet from other dad campaigns?

Zero Tolerance Dads may share content with sympathetic priorities in dealing with Parental Alienation etc these are not terms which are robust enough for use we are addressing the profiteering from crisis element and the fundamental bad faith, bad practice of these courts it is a special sort of crime to be acting like this towards or around children, grooming and gaslighting is very insidious we will never know the true scale of the harm caused by these courts handling of crisis that can happen to anyone. Abolition is needed and a new service for kids and family crisis shall replace it where kids shall never be isolated by one parent ever again.

Parental Alienation is denied by those who either do it themselves or even do it as part of their career as in to make money. No where will you find actors with such predatory bad faith and ill intent towards the family unit. No normal healthy parent does this - if your parent taught you to hate your other parent then that parent is a predator. These lawyers meanwhile are attacking the very fabric of society itself- which is fair game to these baby/child industry types - parents being denied their kids, bickering gossiping is a pathology in all society and so - this is possibly the most barbaric thing taking place under the disguise of prancing and pomping as if it is legit form of law, where people are guilty of something without trials or evidence etc

And so - any justifications for this are victim blaming akin to how rape victims are treated and just like domestic rape we are told that having your kid abducted is a civil matter - this was the response rape vicitms were met with and sadly often still are - you will not find male victimhood here - we are a loud and very not happy about the failures of ‘mens rights’ groups. Zero Tolerance is needed as it is a CAMPAIGN and not a SERVICE. No SERVICES should exist to compensate for corruption, must abolish the corruption.

Please do not accept that children should have their destinies affected by these hate merchants. There cannot be failure. Politicians, solutions and abolition of so called ‘family law’.

Until we get to Zero tolerance of this as the mainstream abuse will go on. This must be akin to the death penalty or slavery - abolish parental abduction, parental aliention any grooming of children towards hating another parent must be dealth with for how serious it is.

Rain, Landscape, Path, Trees, Dull, Gray
Capybaras in Close-up Photography


We cannot protect our kids from all trauma’s we have to demonstrate to them how to cope with it, live despite it.

Care market entrance for a creche style of modern childcare.

This design for Happybaras is a blueprint for recovery retreats for highly alienated and estranged kids. It is a deprogramming effort which I woukd like to scale up to dealing with all folk conditions to HATE anyone or group of people.

Organic Friendly Cartoon Capybara

“The tolerance levels for failure in this sector needs to be where it is currently for airline pilots as hundreds of lives and many more destiny’s are really at stake if you get bad judgements we have to identify that royal mail was the tip of the iceberg of legal criminality”

This is not to do with failure sadly these businesses know full well what they are doing and we have to confront the reality that this is just a predator sector which is not capable of being positive under any program of reforms or regulations. Kids must be protected from this sector.

This is not really about gender - it looks like it is and that is the disguise of the lawyers to conduct these depraved business models.

The outcomes of failure is the stuff of nightmares - I would say most barista’s, logistics staff, service staff, front line staff in our services are like legends of precision and competence and accuracy and higher intellect higher empathy and moral functioning compared to the typical divorce Lawyers. How their pay can be justified - my suggestion is we start to boycott then enhance regulations to where the liability matches the seriousness of the matters that this lot fuck up regularly and then act like it’s someone elses problem, decades long failures are not uncommon, bankruptcies are not uncommon - there are few places in the modern economy where such epic failure in positions of privilege is on such obvious display and is compensated in a way that is morally bankrupt of their own design. Enough is Enough folks.

Without zero tolerance things get worse. If you think it’s bad now - just play along with their bullshit for a while and see where things end up.

Do not tolerate legal abuse around or towards children or parents abolish this system for kids now.

Rain clouds, dark storm clouds.

Real life descriptions witnessed by Iainf.dunn regarding family court during epoch nova research phase.

Scotland Map

“unfit for purpose”

“doing more harm than good”

“totally biased against men”

“email back to yourself so that it cannot be deleted”

This is a rigged game played by economic predators against children and families. Epoch Nova is about not conforming to this great strategy of handing over insane volumes of money to bicker about delusions and lies etc while your child’s life tick tick ticks away… everyone else does this - pay a white collar criminal to help you navigate this hell...sure why not also give the bully your school dinner money today and hope he leaves you alone tomorrow? good plan.

thanks for reading - post credits campaign list here - ideas in politics travel faster than light these days - lets get private forces and interests the fuck out of our kids lives. kids should not have to choose between one parent or the other and the state are too incompetent to not fuck everything up on a good day, when they aren’t causing harm themselves - like all institutions they are vulnerable to bad apples. we can’t have that.