Evening By The Clyde
On Capitalism The Capitalist Reformation
CD Cover Background


I’ll reform capitalism - we have no ​choice it’s programmed for self ​destruct at the moment and needs a ​software update, and a nice reboot.

We need capitalism - it is a positive ​force when unleashed and not man ​handled into conservative shapes as ​is the current habits of American ​cousins. We need proper free ​markets. A market is an entropic ​feature of Darwinism and is as close ​to irrefutable as the theory of ​evolution and natural selection. We ​know that without markets we get ​shambles , stagnation, price gauging ​and market failure - the same ​occurs within state organisations ​and inevitable private monopoly, ​cronyism forms etc.

I do want tax cuts just not the kind you think
Today s Capitalism mainly the executive class is a space where failure has a consistent upward trajectory
A Section of The Creation of Adam

If one could be an evangelist, revivalist for capitalism; then i am one for sure... reformation level change is prudent...

Hand-drawn Early Bicycle Illustration


Because there is no 5 or 10 year plan anywhere that is safe or stable. There is not one single forecast or balance sheet anywhere in the country that is grounded in the reality of coming crises. The pound is alone and vulnerable to more cut-driven economic crashes... Thatcher is gone but her curse remains... it is these who have run out of other peoples money...

A ‘Capitalist Reformation’

This moment will be when the paradigm of business ownership changes - I will bring about a Thatcher level economic shift of wealth. let’s create a real tangible and irrefutable asset for families and the self employed. We could say holistic capitalism if it’s actually good for people and communities - and to continue this idea ‘Holism’ - of doing a range of activities that are productive, generate revenue and useful. Start a business because any fucking idiot can do it and you’re wasting your life in that job.

Colonisation is not Capitalism...

People are not Capitalism...

Animals are not Capitalism...

Empires are not Capitalism...

Pensions are not Capitalism...

Healthcare is not Capitalism...

Fractal Economics is not Capitalism...

Currency Markets aren’t Capitalism...

Multi-Nationals aren’t Capitalism...

Selling Guns is not Capitalism...

Farming is not Capitalism.

Mining is not Capitalism.

Music and Song is not Capitalism.

Intellectual Property isn’t Capitalism.

The Law ought not be Capitalism...

Space Black Hole
Corporate Capitalism is the black hole it is the old dragon needing slayed for our potential yet untapped draco dormiens i call it holistic productivity
Businessman Marionette Is Hanging on Ropes.

The new principles of economics post reformation do not allow for the old ways to continue. The world is demanding change. No one in economics right now is solving or anything other than hiding from an existential crisis facing capitalism and so reformation for survival is my proposal - think of this as darwinian capitalism we must adapt to survive the climate realities.

Charles Darwin Illustration
A reformation ending in a capitalism with zero externalities and abolition type principles of humanism and total liberty

Capitalism of today has created disenfranchisement from wealth creation that is more akin to slavery than capitalism in a traditional sense. And so, reformation is a moral obligation in addition to the urgent need to evolve. In particular the role of women in an economy where her assets are recognised and she is in not disenfranchised by motherhood.

The sleeping dragon for me is our true untapped potential inside each and everyone not doing what they would love to be doing
Circle dragon frame drawing

I don’t want to give it all away, we need a new bank - I am calling it Draco Dormiens one of my first campaign goals is to raise the money to found that bank... In politics - I am planning to put forward a tapestry of economic measures in order to not only solve the productivity problem but show through holism, just the sheer strength of that force in people when motivation matters are truly resolved... worker/business dynamic will never be the same...

Old Capitalism causes harm in our community Han Sole Traders is about creating a generation of eco freelancers who can become the kings of the road space cowboys with a healthy positive business plan consistent with life on earth

A union for the cargobike empire...

dragon silhouette in flight

sleeping dragon economics

dragon silhouette in flight

It is near impossible to tell if I am a socialist with capitalist traits or a capitalist with socialist inclinations and visitations. I am a pragmatist by nature and that must be the case with politics. Pragmatism is essential to reconcile the deadlock we find ourselves in. What must be clear also is my contempt for the party , parties are just cronyism I want to stamp out the parties, all of them and ensure no such organisation may return via democtatic means. Power is money and votes - votes used to be proportional to money. Trump defied that.

I am keeping the best bits of draco dormiens to myself at the moment ideas can break the market over night we will only do this when the time is best for the workers
John Lennon illustration
a working class hero is something to be

Fight for justice is a fight folks that’s for sure -class war is coming for you whether you see it or not, you won’t.

Understanding class economics is essential... so is listening to good music about rebellion and shit. Look thing is establishment politics isn’t cool nor is traditional economics - there’s no time for that right now ok! Violence is out altogether in the class war - it’s a no hands throwing war, don’t give ammunition over - just words and banter and stramashin’ about politics, know your economics and enough philosophy to get by - be comfortable with bothering old people.

lennon looking a bit harry potterish there eh or is it gal gadot meant ot be lennon yeah
Black History Muhammad Ali
Ali the greatest famously was so fast that when he switched out the lights at bedtime he was in his bed before the room was dark
Light Electrical Switch
Mr Dunn here also is often in bed before it s dark like Churchill a night owl who burns midnight oil and then needs days on end horizontal recovery
Politics is there for the taking my friends this is a market needing disrupted The feeling of all being lost and the hopelessness this really is where the fight of our lives has to begin having nothing to lose is a great motivator so please think of voting for an Open Source Candidate and lets get some good people some rebellious minds around the big debating tables

The lack of unorthodoxy in politics - is a major weakness of the establishment and the safety and security of privilege fails to prepare one for those training and preparing with the hunger of one with little or nothing to lose. And so, the need to be comprehensively unorthodox in a way that can cut through is the objectives of this candidate and will be his goal working with other members of the community.

Boxing was a way out of poverty and a tiny hope for the economically hopeless. Stallone’s masterpiece Rocky movie the poster tagline was;

his whole life was a million to one shot”

I want to foster a new generation of young boisterous politicians who are of this fighting to win mindset. Ideally folk who are coming from backgrounds of disadvantage or little hope who have the drive and the loved ones to fight for - i want for politics to be seen by working people with little apparent ‘education’ school of life students like myself this could be as a way out like boxing.

I want all the young folk inspired in this way to run for an election as a lifelong sworn-in independent in their area. Capitalist Reformation must be democtatic.

We would like to give thanks for all the many bold and brave political satirist and comedians brave enough to stick out on politics - we would love to make OS Politics the signature of liberal comedy and an icon for adding that tiny bit of chaos, but good chaos that keeps the fascists out! Comedy and bad jokes help to bring about world peace in a sort of oblique fashion, much like sex workers - the ones on the internet who are despised and reviled but will be among the most secretly adored and lusted after human beings in the history of human beings ever. Sometimes the truth of human nature is hilarious and bonkers - this campaign is about radical change and free speech! And so only radical change and a truth teller phase of politics will meet this moment in history. you can find the details on how open source politics is to disrupt politics and open up the economy for all to enjoy.

This is the truth tellers curse and comedians are what the human tribe has come up with to soften the blow, smooth the sharp edges off the climb downs of the high conflict ones who need to learn their humanity and come down off the peg of better than you, richer than you, etc

Thus candidates must be satirist and comedians and creatives ideally - even just as a side hustle. The only selection process that we shall have is the people and only the people.

Presidents' Day. Abraham Lincoln Handdrawn

I want to rid the world of various white collar crimes; Poverty, Gross Inequality, Assaults on Women’s Liberty, Colonialism, Landlordism. ‘The list’ goes on - New Abolitionism is here - the exploitation of workers here is akin to modern day slavery and shall be abolished. Our economic policies fail to protect workers from lives that are akin to slavery or destitution. My career will be measured by how many things I can abolish for this Epoch Nova.

Employment limited liabilities in the workforce can only ever devolve into conditions akin to slavery
Adam Smith vintage vector

I do not want to disclose the full plan here - might cause a run on the banks...we want to do this but only when it is most fortunate for working people. in the mean time let me summarise it like this; I will do to business what Margaret Thatcher did to community housing.

family business shall become the mainstream wealth creating asset
Forth Road Bridge Edinburgh Illustration
No idea how many chapters of my life begin and end with a journey over this water upon this priceless commodity we now preserve and love and celebrate Priceless As in infinite in value an incalculable national treasure the kind of thing the IDF are trashing in Palestine for colonial goals Those who gave their lives to build such an iconic and unique beauty like worker ants thrusting themselves into danger of engineering greatness
how are you going to pay for this eh
What would they think to hear voices among us say such achievements are just not possible for today s Scots If you believe this can I just tell you politely you are fucking wrong mate I know it is common place to get away with national put downs of this sort and it is rarely challenged well I plan to cause a stramash wherever I hear this so if you wanna troll me this is how to do it
JAPAN Home of great whisky best places in the world do this

Japanese people statistically live the longest and healthiest lives in the world. I think it is due to principles of keeping active and well and productive, with a job that doesn’t break you down, mentally, physically or sort of spiritually*calm down now... It might also be to do with making good whisky is a sign of a great nation.

japan fan clipart
Japan map illustration element
pragmatists needed

I’ll reform capitalism - we have no choice it’s programmed for self destruct at the moment and needs a software update, and a nice reboot.

We need capitalism - it is a positive force when unleashed and not man handled into conservative shapes as is the current habits of American cousins. We need proper free markets. A market is an entropic feature of Darwinism and is as close to irrefutable as the theory of evolution and natural selection. We know that without markets we get shambles , stagnation, price gauging and market failure - the same occurs within state organisations and inevitable private monopoly, cronyism forms etc.

Karl Marx
Disney Corporation is not fucking Marxism unless they re utterly shit at it

However there are a few factors evolving or coming from technology that change matters and so I would describe myself as a capitalist reformist, and a New Abolitionist of employment. I have kind a techno-utopian idealism and a revolutionary democratic mindset when it comes to the free market. I am going to make it a true reformed free market - a tax haven for sole traders - I will dish out stocks and shares in local subsidised startups or heritage businesses which are being chopped up into little bits of permanent lasting not bullshit asset like a house, but it’s a business. You can grow your business profile from a micro level with my proposals in the capitalist reformation. It is silly isn’t - PRAGMATISM!

I believe Karl Marx was a genius almost 100% accurate in his assessments of cycles of imbalance and revolutions and I believe what we are observing is within his predicted model for capitalism collapsing due to the super rich being out of control...insatiable appetites for human exploitation are rampant and celebrated.

My Holistic Philosophy and the world of technology are breakthrough economic theory I would like to argue for. I call it a reformation of capitalism towards something less top down toxic exploitative etc.

This is the flavour I wish to promote however I am fundamentally opposed to what is going on right now as extractive rape and pillage economics - this is dying out but still sadly dominant. I feel the time is right for capitalist revival and capitalist reformation - i am the ghost of adam smith and i want to take my old self’s great scottish ideas back - however I do have the hippy dippy off-grid, hyper-liberalist stuff like sex drugs and rock and roll in all social and cultural matters - one might call me an economic centrist? Mixed economy is centrism IMO.

Skull Saloon Doors Icon, Simple Style
The Han Sole Trader School is a coming soon project of mine ask me about this last chance saloon for our economy
The Cargo Bike sector is held up by liability if you are confident and bold enough you could capture it yourself
Japanese Temple Illustration

I want to start the “capitalists reformation” - i would like to move the doctrine of business back in the direction of the father of modern economics - Adam Smith. I feel like; My main issues where i can be of use is with the economy and matters of public health and social services - law and order is intrinsically overlapping.as these are matters of justice.

I want to do to corrupt corporate law and dodgy finance what Margaret Thatcher did to the Unions, the mining communities, the North in general...test out some pioneering tax policies the way Thatcher did with the Poll tax...what a golden chapter of Scottish rebellious action. I am not for violence or war or pitch forks etc - for them no a fate worse than death awaits the current political mafia - being separated from their money being made to pay taxes to improve the lives of others in their community and fail at business beating bad capitalism with good capitalism.

OUR productivity problem needs what i call; HOLISM

my humble borrow or adaptation of the Japanese concept; IKIGAI

Cho Ku Rei Reiki Symbol

I want to best summarise it like this - when you love something you will fight for it. work for it all day long and feel good rather than tired. Holism is an attempt to bring ancient wisdom to our lives today.

passive income golden child syndrome

I am a sceptical capitalist. I loved business right up until the pandemic. Watching Landlords call for the right to kill their staff and punters and people who were my friends are no longer due to pandemic related politics and economics - it changed me. What the fuck was that eh? I wasn’t banging on about reopening my studio as I was not keen on causing death of my clients - we must never forget those times when human life was so expendable to wankers like **** ***** or **** ***** these Trump folk would not even wear masks to protect workers. Many came out intent on just spitting coughing all over people. We had politicians showing their true colours. To quote Trump; Sad. Piers Morgan was the best and only opposition in the country at that time and I would vote for him as Prime Minister before the chocolate teapot hot shot prosecutor who still has failed to get his name known on a global stage other than to say “hangs out with Mandy pops etc” Starmer.

passive income is like passive smoking... only cunts do it.

Antique Cash Register Machine Hand Drawn Outline Doodle Icon.
Hand Pointing Right Illustration


Human Skeleton

this is your life, we only have one - be happy whatever you do. leave your job, start a business you love - if i can anyone can... this is the reformation of capitalism universal self employment with subsidised eco-start ups it’s gonna be ace dude...

Vintage Clock Icon

Employment is a kind of economic codependency - did you have a parent who’s whole status was their job, was it more important than you when you were a kid. pity this, do not emulate this behaviour - if you have more money than you need - retire early, i like semi-retirement as a way of thinking about holism inc... it’s life jim but not as we know it. Learn that your parents had no awareness of the value of time with their kids. If you have sent your kids to an institution try to heal the damage that has caused...

Old Mafia Boss
treat your time like it s priceless it fucking is mate

Quit Your Job!

send your boss divorce papers...stop moving the goal posts for yourself look at how we live now middle classes live like the gentry of old, unless you work like a slave - don’t take it anymore! you have won the game of capitalism

360-Degree View of City
It s not the economy it s their economy

Those who only know how to extract wealth from others shall never understand how wealth is created in reality.

My political opponents do not understand economics. That’s why they have to spend all their time claiming that they do. Economics is barely taught in school this is no accident. The economy needs us to get out in front of it...

They know how to defraud people endlessly and get away with white collar crime. Being a Landlord is not capitalism. Tax cuts are not an economic strategy taking away basic services is not saving money it creates a market of vulnerable folk. Going after tax payers money all the time is just white collar crime.

The only reason this strategy is starting to crack is due to the Tories having won so much like a dog that has caught a car and now has no plan what to do with a car. Like Trumps Covid deniers dying their last gasps about Chinese hoaxes, they will be demanding more tax cuts when there is nothing left to cut and no one left to avoid paying to support.

I really want to be the cargo-bike candidate- i have a cargo-Bike….. ok i have three to be honest…..bit obsessed...so i think im just gonna self appoint myself the cargo-Bike candidate and then the cargo bike minister!

Hand Pointing Right Illustration

link to union

And so i spent that time thinking about businesses on Cargo bikes and how awesome they are when you add all the elements. I am now full time promoting and seeking to help develop cargo-bike businesses and this has become a new obsession of mine since that dream. I never dreamed how beautiful my daughter would be but I knew the cargo bike was gonna be a big feature in my life! So let me tell you all about these logistical no brainers and how they could create awesome super healthy jobs...like jobs for holism inc that we enjoy and like! The bikes inspire a lot of my economic future planning.

A UNION for those with no employer

During the pandemic while the health and fitness sector was closed for obvious reasons - i worked briefly in the field of cargo-bike logistics in Glasgow *interesting place to learn logistics - or fail miserably at it by spending most of my time lost! Easier work in Edinburgh delivering flowers on bicycles that are large enough to carry heavy loads with great speed, efficiency and utility. A crackpot moment here perhaps but I became convinced of the potential of new vehicles to make our lives better. Just before my daughter came into existance I had a dream about the above picture of a baby seat on a cargo bike...

first pick up and go holism business bike watching

Speaking officially now as the candidate for cargobikes….. i suggest we first have a cargo bike inquiry and feasibility study done to figure out why this obvious solution isn’t catching on….. *i know why - spoiler alert its to do with rich people being bell ends. and poor people working in terrible conditions ...Meanwhile we should appoint a minister for the cargobike economy….. now just off the top of my head...who do we know might be good for that job...checkout this idea of mine to provide ‘the bike watch’ independent theft deterrence in your area.

Hand Pointing Right Illustration

link to bike watch

There is a shambolic market failure and a minister is needed or a task force to help get these vehicles fit for purpose in this country or we will be left behind. I have designed a vehicle for which I am seeking a patent and a developer - talk to me about this! scaling up human bike security shall be fairly easy as it is actually your insurance costs - being better used and taking a hazard to these businesses and turn it into a side hustly - any bike shop can provide this now.

Classic Vehicle

Business having such a terrible reputation for being murderous and psychopathic is why we cannot get Green people etc to embrace market solutions - I’d like to bridge this gap - as I am a hippy dippy type person who loves business and the market... cool huh?

Using the term ‘business’ to describe corporate power is a trick that I will personally consign to the History books - I love business but will have no association with the tories - or any tory-like behaviour.

Hand Drawn Trike

The ghost of henry ford came to me in a dream... No no really; he told me to just design my own bloody taxi bike...so i did it’s called Mr T. and Mr T could be on the market by 2025 - I shall share it open source completely free and shared out for local micro reproduction not impossible. Named somewhat in honour of ole’ Henry. That should give you a flavour of my economic mindset with these vehicles - i predict imminent market collapse, but i do have a plan!

Canister with Corn Logo. Biofuel. Biomass Ethanol. Made from Corn. Alternative Environmental Friendly Fuel
The lady s not for turning

Unless it’s turning the other way to Jimmy Savile accessing the vulnerable, Turning the other way to the Catholic Church or Apartheid in South Africa...turning exceptions only.

Dear Lady Thatcher... Your reputation in Scotland is not great - you probably knew this. I want you to know my political career is a nod to how terrible a capitalist, and just how poor a human you were. You said there is no society while at the same time selling off all its assets...

It was never your money - socialism isn’t spending other peoples money it’s taking back what white collar criminals have stolen by not paying workers their share; barely even that on a good day.

Margaret Thatcher

Short term gain is the basis of Thatcherism especially Tony Blair’s version. You set the example for how to destroy communities using economic terrorism. You are the best white collar criminal who is female. bravo. enjoy hell.

Robert Burns Vintage Illustration

Inheritance, Legacy - the greatest deficits anyone can start with in life. I want to say this to all living with the shame of poverty - you are richer than the ‘have nots’. Doesn’t feel like it- I know but this is how it is. We will talk about the have nots - many of whom had parents who were ‘havenots’ in my estimation.

Unearned wealth

Some factors of upbringing can almost guarantee the golden child syndrome will be manifest when young people have such power due to parental influence very unhealthy - think Joffrey from GOT. One so spoiled and unchallenged by life that they are bored and start being mean for entertainment and are never reined in. It is a curse despite having the perks of wealth and power - very hard to overcome it and not end up the prince doomed to never live up to the Kings legacy - this is a kind of tragic hell one ought never be forced into...

Let Kids be Kids
Manipulation of public consciousness, hand manipulates human mind by strings, brain control by mass media, thinking influenced

Peasants can’t be with their kids y’see - peasants fuck off to work for the man and miss your kids life. this is one of the most awful aspects of capitalism - the slaves do not know how poor their lives are, victims cling to their abusers sadly and so you keep going back to your boss and act like he isn’t mugging you everyday? We have thankfully stopped schools from beating kids into consumerist and working for poverty mindset in people...that’s what we are talking about. greta thunberg is 100% right - also even on a basic economic perspective the value of any taught in person education is so close to zero education is collapsing as the internet destroys competition - like ends it forever kinda thing. Teachers were telling me I’d never have a calculator everywhere i go when i was a kid, I am 40 this year and we don’t even need the teacher anymore. Fuck schools - stay at homw with your kids doing holism business and fuck all this shit - be like a posh person and be somewhere other than work while your babies are here!

State Schools - the only thing more dehumanising and degrading to the mind and soul are these posh schools or religious schools - I feel a rant coming on...about faith and class among children. This is white collar crime - brainwashing in action.

These are where the elites send their awful kids to compete like rat kings. The competition is thousand times what it was when they went to skill yet instead from learning from folly - the conservative mind says - do not just change? learn? Grow? evolve? no - fuck you Darwin, we’ll keep raising these little Joffreys - as if this has any utility now - even perfecting now in fancy ways how to guarantee a total capitalist monster - young people who aren’t listening to the clash they are worried about their investment portfolios - complex fraud taught as capitalism or some valuable service... the posh people wi classes are aught to kids who have been cast out by their parents to ‘harden’ them up. The only thing you are hardening up is their teachers dicks. these place must be a paradise for a jim’ll fix it types - parents knew this when then sent you - they don’t care they wanted to hurt you to be compliant - that is the point. a human child left alone will do better than one sent to any of these places - are a somewhere between rabbit hutches and incarceration with brainwashing.


There is great value - unlimited potential in having your own business, i want that for my kids and your kids so lets make it the law - all families will be advantaged the way a corporation is but it’s your own their own businesses, and our kids will inherit that growing asset; forever...they don’t have to do the same thing - just like a house it needs some management and input to grow and the area has to do well and you gotta care about standards... this is my capitalism - where every cafe or restaurant is family business with all the ups downs and loop da loops of being in business... liberty and holism go together really nicely by the way - feel good, be productive, be happy :

Capitalist reformation will do to UK corporations and ltd s what Margaret Thatcher did to UK Council Houses

I will just gift the business ownership to the workers who occupy them as slaves under employment contracts. That’s it; just gift it to them without any strings attached and let them now command these buildings and services and equipment - if you wanted to just sell that share off for cash you can do so but I wouldn’t recommend it. At this time we need businesses to transform into something better.


holistic business models this way
Hand Gesture Pointing Finger
This is not a free market it s a corporate monopoly

I love the free market, we don’t have one. I need a proper actual free market for my businesses - one of the reasons I ended up going for politics was how impossible it is to have a stable business of any kind in this market.

Transport, Tech, Health, Energy, you name it are all currently “monopoly’ sectors not a free market particularly in medicine. The outcomes of that monopoly in particular is what you are all suffering from and I am enjoying and dining out on being overwhelmed with clients failed by their very expensive other treatments. Thanks very much.

The peasant folk who rely on the NHS only etc never think beyond what they are told about their bodies by their GP’s and so adopt kind of old folk tales about why their back is sore or why they have been in pain since they had their babies; you just get told to accept that - MOOOO is the sound that one could make when being treated like this by the NHS - but honestly I am sure that the Tory Lord’s beasts are treated better than working class mothers in the NHS. The maternity units of the UK are half way between battery farming and slow moving death camps for the vulnerable to be experimented on and toyed with for the sick amusement of the gentry.

The ultimate medical white collar crime environment is the maternity wards of this country; female class war head office. Where women have taken over the barbarism from the Men. This Medical world in terms of women who need to sign up to ‘radical midwives’ association exist because the field is so fucked up that radical ideas are needed to bring into any sort of real tradition of protecting women, babies and fathers.

They do not generally enjoy anything like the quality of life of the affluent this is reality and accepted. I gain from this as I am a business which would not have a lovely big market of sore people with the untreated illnesses of their working lives or their parents working life with only peasant healthcare and therefor - MY BUSINESS would collapse were me and all the other Pilates Teachers really to get the method out for example, it’s a skill you learn how to make the back pain epidemic go away so once shared - back pain over... medicine as a private market has this paradox.

Rigged against the employee more than anyone - even the unemployed are better off than the waged slave as they have their own time to use on...being free and healthy.


Those with magical thinking shall pursue magical pills and surgeries and overnight changes to their health with no effort input. Those who sell such styles of medicine - of varying efficacy do very very well. Those in the field of health like myself who advocate holistic approaches do not become billionaires because we sell long term changes to your health through your own hardwork and patience etc. Now the very affluent folk throughout the world spend additional money on life extending measures such as what I offer in my business.

It is unique that maternity is a side of medicine where one cannot just ‘go private’ to evade this scenarios. No private business would ever take this matter on as the state is the only one capable of footing the bill for all the damages and the bill for white collar crime here lands again - on the tax payer and not the perpetrators. And so Medicine remains a male centric universe . If period pain had had as much attention as floppy dick syndrome it would be a thing of the past by now. And so in this environment of bogus healthcare - women’s health shall never ever get any legit focus or attention when the women’s health fields are run by the priesthood of the American Medical Association or the Drug cartel that is Big Pharma you guys and your suffering remain a jolly good market for medical fuckery so enjoy getting chopped up while we ignore the things making you sick in the first place. Let a man in there to dig around a bit and then shrug his shoulder when you are worse after.

I am just saying for global business there must be a referee that keeps the peace and so now; there may no longer be a free market in the field of politics; we shall restore human voices to higher a volume than the blank cheque on a corporate legal person which has no children, no grandparents, no lovers and no raisin d’etre other than perpetual growth and perpetual existence. frankensteins monster is the limited liabillity corporation. it’s time to terminate them out of existence and outlaw them worldwide to curtail man’s consumer devils.

Sure yeah we’ll help the poor, just give us the fucking tax break and trickle the hell outta here communist

Ronald Reagan Portrait Drawing

Do I need to dignify the trickle down economics people? Like it’s just a con ok. It is a Con. I am calling it one of the greatest white collar crime acts ever. Once we tap into holistic business, quality of life up for workers, we will experience a great rise in productivity - I call this the SLEEPING DRAGON ‘DRACO DORMIENS”

Told ye so economics

We are constantly being told we are getting choice while infact being cornered by monopolies - which is nice if ye wan the old inflation...

Asking the Tories what their plan for inflation is - hilarious inflation is their plan... how ye liking them mortgage rates huh - who’d you think makes that money...

There must be competition and a democratised free market of some sort however without safety nets we end up with destitution and exploitation - particularly via that whole border thing...

What you will see consistently is the idea that we have either Left or Right economics when in fact what we actually have is a mixed economy don’t we? what we are bickering about is who gets to move forward and who is sent moving backwards economically speaking.

Statue of the Thinker Rodin. Stylization for Design. Vector Illustration.

My economics - is pragmatism again why choose? I am taking the state into the market in lots of ways. Yes but that’s not abolishing the market it’s just bringing the state into the market - not closing it down and replacing it with ONLY state services.

Nelson Mandela
america icon racism freedom equality stickers human rights abolish slavery

Sadly; these “border fuck-wits” are not likely to understand this policy area well...

I want those who claim to be concerned about or even hate immigration, or immigrants whatever dehumanising terms of hate and contempt one is comfortable with using in polite conversation... I want them to know absolutely for certain, without any doubt at all - i am their worst nightmare. NOMAD PASSPORTS shall be introduced globally so no one can be identified as ‘illegal’ just for existing somewhere on this earth.

the wealthy have no borders. just the peasants, the refugees and asylum seekers that have to worry about borders at all. oh yeah unless you are pregnant or being married to someone building walls on boreders is to stop the poor women trying to escape the idea about rapists coming over the border is projection of this truth.

Great Wall Chinese Cultures Outline Illustration

We must unhook democracy from geographical territories in order to beat the elite - they have done this already for themselves. They live in a world without borders as in the elite have no borders to their business or pleasure travel it is only currency matters that create these human inequities. Thatcher saw the benefits of this and went for it. I don’t think then it had occurred to the eurosceptics that seperating the workers but trying to keep the revenue streams - which is Brexit... one day down in hell they can all compare notes on economic terrorism...

Money is a passport - all I’m saying is; why can’t the peasants travel when needed also? Peasants travelling freely is a bad idea, they learn about one another’s nations small wins over their slave masters and employers etc

tae a tax dodger
Gentleman in black bowler hat and cane silhouette

Right Tax dodgers, aye you - ya stingy, Skin flint-ish benefit scrounger living aff the state...there is bound to be loads in this Constituency... I wonder if anyone will own up to it on the door step. I am talking to the militant tax haters who are hateful of the idea in principle - the offshore tax haven, non-domestic corporate level full blown professional tax dodgers.

Not the ones who sold their house before retirement or whatever more day to day civilian level avoiding - any environment where a paid professional is earning way above the national average income and is going to extreme lengths to help another private entity avoid contributing to our schools, hospitals , Nuclear deterrent etc via bad faith subversion of the tax code and instead choosing instead to extract wealth from our economy and making everyone poorer. I will be looking forward to explaining to any of these types - that being most conservatives...


Poop Drawing
Business Hands Breaking Chains Handcuffs

Again in normal matters - criminal intent is crucial for assessing how ‘guilty’ a person is - those expressing the demand to never pay tax or that all tax is a crime etc - they are confessing to theft from the state out loud - if they have failed to defraud the state so be it but the attempting to or seeking to subvert normal taxation methods - criminal.

Illustration of waiter hand holding cloche.

Those who protest fundamentally the existence of society “there is no society’ thanks again for telling it like it is - there is no society - as in you peasants do not even exist - shit just happens by magic like coal climbing up out of those shafts... Society is a thing and this lot know it full well and their goals are to somehow avoid contributing and instead be looked after and pampered and coddled etc by the fruits of other folks hard work - this phenomenon exists the whole world o’er spoiled so badly to dehumanise their targets.

Top Hat Illustration
Stingy Person

If brought up in a house where money was control, power etc then that shall empower the golden child to turn others to this selfish outlook on life. Take without asking.

Almost always they will have poor taste in pretty much everything from fashion to decor. In the bedroom the tax dodger is as stingy in love making as they are in everything indulgent or frivolous or spontaneous such as being late or a bottle of champagne - an unplanned roll in the hay perhaps; to go for dessert somewhere else. These are the things you will never enjoy fully with a Tax Evasionist. The only true joy they get is what is known as ‘duping thrills’ when they have burgled someones pension fund or laundered some capital gains...this is what they love - money is more than dignity.

Human Soul Sketch

Never Learned to Share...

The ‘Golden Child Syndrome’ - those kids who feel like they are somehow exempt from the same rules as their siblings -demonstrates no solidarity with their fellow mortals. Unwilling to share or co-operate with peers.

Tax Evasionists, those who do not accept society exists or sociopaths as we sometime say - hate being held responsible as if they are an adult - who could blame them it sucks.

Skull with Top Hat and Cigar

The presentation of the tax avoider is one generally lacking in street savvy but with varying degrees of booksmarts however little can overcome the failure of their parents to prepare them for a world of human beings instead they suffer from magical thinking, detachment from reality and an inability to feel content and satisfied with what they have.

A deep rooted belief in ones own inadequacy while having great wealth makes one a great hazard to society. Great Wealth is everywhere and yet all we hear is that for some reason there is no money for the stuff we need... gee I wonder where all the money has gone? The Golden Children in charge are intuitively depriving their siblings and hiding away all the spoils for themselves.


Let us identify the have nots….. it’s not who you think - the have nots; are the ones unsatisfied with limitless abundance; the ones for whom nothing is ever good enough.


The most pathological consumerists and capitalists have a poverty of the soul that is deeper than those with little wealth so speak of - who are pleased and satisfied at least at times even briefly.

Illustration of a Zombie

I used to run events for large enterprise businesses which had a business model which is consulting to save money or taking commission on taxes dodged for bigger businesses... I remember serving beverages thinking how this is announcement of criminal intent to maliciously use holes in the tax code to increase profits and bonuses...reprehensible folk...who are also confessing to us all out loud they are crap in bed, awkward cold pedestrian lovers who cannot dance or cook well. and is taken for such bizarre granted and so very absurdly wasted on the rich as they say.

Vector Image
Graffiti wall
Grunge Graffiti Frame
Spray Paint Thin X Mark
graffiti spray brush
graffiti spray paint element
Urinal toilet, male public restroom, ceramic sanitary for men urination in lavatory room icon
Urinal toilet, male public restroom, ceramic sanitary for men urination in lavatory room icon
Here s some trickle down economics for ya pal a big steamy pish if you believe in this i cannot help you in my politics this shall be renamed golden shower economics as it is warm shimmering musky pish pishing down upon the homeless elderly folk disabled folk will vote for cuts and deregulation that trash their own lives Lets make this the first item on the Orwell act objective bullshit not to be entertained Trickle down economics is the televangelism of the middle classes They are hurting themselves by voting for cuts stop it
Aerosol Spray Cans
Join the yankees get ready know the history of abolition why lincoln is this candidates favourite president
Hand Gesture Pointing Finger

THIS idea is to do to the field of politics what the great Jimmy Wales did for the field of home encyclopaedias”

-Iain F. Dunn*me, thanks for reading! this is the platform...platform 9&3/4

Black Cat Illustration

Side Quest...

Purple ball lightning